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Tricks (Take It Off #6)(51)
Author: Cambria Hebert

In a few great strides, we were in the apartment, with Tucker kicking the door shut behind us. Setting me on my feet, his eyes took on a heated stare and my insides trembled because I knew what was coming.

He backed me up so I was pinned between him and the door. The buttons on my dress shirt gave way with one strong tug and they went flying in all directions. Once the shirt was fully off my body, he bent his head and sucked my nipple into his mouth, wetting the lacey fabric and using the rough texture to further spur my arousal. As he licked and sucked, his hands wound around my back and unhooked the clasp, releasing the cups completely.

“I want you naked,” he growled. “I want absolutely nothing between us.”

The bra was tossed aside and he reached for the zipper on my skirt, peeling it off my body, taking my panties away at the same time. When I was utterly bare, he took a step back and torched me with his heavy-lidded stare.

In seconds he pounced on me, pinning me once more to the door, and pressed his palm against the slick heat of my crotch, cupping the private space and sliding a finger right into my already aching insides.

But then he pulled away.

Breathing heavy and squirming with need, I watched as Tucker slowly undressed. He started with his jacket, sliding the leather off his body. His shirt was next, and I couldn’t help but stare at the toned, cut muscles that made up his torso.

Staring at him was one thing, but touching that was something else.

He reached for the belt on his jeans and I dropped to my knees before him. As he undid the leather, I wrapped my mouth around his enlarged cock, letting my hot breath fan over his jeans.

He groaned and a shiver worked its way up his spine. I lapped at him through his jeans, enjoying the sounds of pleasure that erupted from his throat.

Soon he had the belt and button of his jeans undone, and I slid my fingers in the waistband and yanked down.

He wasn’t wearing underwear.

Not able to wait until the jeans were all the way off, I dove forward, sliding my mouth all the way down the length of his penis. The skin was like taut satin stretched over an unrelenting rod. The juices inside me loosened and gushed forward, coating the insides of my thighs.

Tucker grabbed me by the hair and pulled me back, away from him, and kicked away the rest of his clothes. And now there was nothing between us.

No regret. No guilt. No clothes.

“Tucker,” I moaned, wrapping my hands around the back of his neck and pulling his face down for a hungry kiss.

His strong hands wrapped around my hips and lifted. Before my legs were even locked around his waist, he surged inside me, so deep that I cried out.

Holding me close, he walked a few steps to the area rug where he kicked the coffee table out of the way and dropped to his knees. My body was shuddering around him. He felt so delicious that my body was ready to release on contact.

“Not yet, sweetheart,” he purred, laying me out across the carpet but keeping us joined together. Supporting himself on his elbows, he looked down, pulling his fingers through my hair.

“Are you ready?”

“Please,” I begged, lifting my hips, begging him to move. His cock jerked inside me, scraping against my inner walls and making me moan. My back arched off the floor and his lips closed around my nipple, sucking deep, sending sparks of pleasure shooting from my chest all the way down into the center of my body.

He surged forward, crashing our pelvises together, and created pressure on the already swollen button in between my folds.

“Cum for me, sweetheart,” he said, lifting his mouth from my breast.

I splintered apart from the inside. Fragments of myself bounced around within the shell of my body, exploding into a surge of pleasure so great that my mouth fell open, yet no sound came out.

I couldn’t speak. I could scarcely breathe.

He began to pump within me, surging in and out, sliding the incredible length of his rock-hard cock into my body again and again.

I couldn’t do anything but lie there and let onslaught after onslaught of intense pleasure roll over my body.

And then he pulled out. It was so abrupt and so sudden I cried out. I reached for him, trying to drag him back. I wanted him inside me. I wanted to feel his desire.

“Charlotte, look at me,” he commanded.

I opened my eyes and found his.

“Are you ready?”

“Yesss,” I hissed, impatient. I already answered this question before.

He shook his head and leveled his body so it was brushing over mine and his penis was probing against my entrance, promising more pleasure.

“Are. You. Ready?”

“For what?” I cried, trying to push him into me. He pulled back, giving me a sly grin.

“For forever. Are you ready for forever?”

My eyes flew open. He was asking me to be his. Always. I didn’t even have to think the answer. I knew it. I felt it.

“Yes,” I whispered. “Yes.”

He growled and pounded into me, wrapping his arm around my waist and anchoring our bodies together as he shouted his release. The joy of feeling his seed spill inside me was like nothing I’d ever known.

When our bodies stopped shaking, he rolled, bringing me with him, draping my satiated body across his chest.

“Tucker?” I whispered.


“Thank you for not leaving.”

“I knew you’d come to your senses.”

I propped my chin on his chest. “How did you know?”

His grin was lopsided. “Because I’m irresistible.”

Well, I certainly couldn’t argue with that.



Later that year…

Ocean waves lapped against the shoreline of Topsail Beach, North Carolina. I tipped the longneck back to my lips, expecting the cool rush of beer to tantalize my mouth.

The bottle was empty.

I looked up at the house towering over the sand and wondered where the hell Nathan was with our beer.

It was a beautiful summer day, breezy and not too hot. People roamed the shoreline looking for shells and tossing Frisbees for their dogs. Usually at this time of day, Nathan and I were behind our desks, working on cases.

The PI business was a success. Our contacts with the Marines and our professionalism to get the job done made us the go-to guys for just about every kind of investigative service that was needed.

Just yesterday we signed a big contract with the Corps for a deal that was going to keep us busy for years to come. All the money Charlotte negotiated was a nice bonus too.

It was why we decided to take the day off, to enjoy the spoils of our riches. Well, that and the fact that Honor and Nathan had a sweet beach house right on the sand.
