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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(24)
Author: B.J. Harvey

I feel my phone vibrate against my leg, and after fixing my coffee, I see a text from Mac.

Mac: How’s it going?

Zander: Great. You have the world’s best bed. Why didn’t I know about this earlier?

Mac: Because you’re more into casual?

Zander: Says the queen of non-commitment?

Mac: Shut up! How are the apartment repairs coming along? Not that you have to move out, or anything, but just thought I’d check in.

Zander: Zach called me yesterday, damage is worse than first thought. It’s going to be a few more weeks at least.

Mac: Bummer. Oh well, you’ve got my room as long as you need it. I’m loving this living with my man business, should’ve done it months ago! Anyway, did you see Kate this morning before work?

Zander: No, just got up. I assume she’s left already.

Mac: Yeah she had to be at the salon at nine this morning to open up since the boss is away. She’ll be home around five this evening. How are things going with her? When is your first date?

Zander: What first date?

Mac: God! You men are all the same.

Zander: I need to get her to talk to me first without avoiding me.

Mac: What do you mean?

Zander: She’s been rather scarce since I moved in.

Mac: A week and a half and you’ve barely seen her?

Zander: Long story.

Mac: ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? How can I help you if I don’t know everything?

Zander: Her story to tell, babe.

Mac: Well, I’ll send you her number. You just need to spend time with her. There’s no way she’ll be able to resist your charms ?

Zander: Maybe, or even see if she just wants to hang out.

Mac: That’ll work too. Has she contacted nightdancer?

Zander: One quick brush off message saying she’s busy and will talk soon.

Mac: Report back to me how things are going, including the internet thing.

Zander: Yes, Mom!

Mac: Quit it.

I grin as I run through what I need to do before Kate gets home tonight. Basically, it consists of a quick trip to the grocery store for supplies, and maybe a quick tidy up of the house to show that I’m house trained – my mom had one boy and three girls, so she made sure I could cook and clean before I left home.

Before I do any of that, I grab my protein powder from my room and make a shake for breakfast. I try to think about how to approach Kate tonight. If I come on too strong, she’ll think it’s all about sex, but too soft, and she’ll think I only want to be friends, and there is no way that I’m going to be friend-zoned with her.

Grabbing my phone, I ring the one person who I know can help me with this.


“Hey, big bro, long time no hear. How’s the big city?”

“It’s good. How’s the tattoo artist?” I ask with a smile.

“God, Mom has a big mouth. He’s great. So I know you’re not ringing me just to ask about my boyfriend.”

“You caught me.” I sigh dramatically. “No, I need a woman’s opinion.”

“Holy shit. Is this about the woman you told Mom about? You’d never ask me for dating advice.” I can hear the shock in her voice, although it’s laced with humor. She’s loving this.

Out of all my sisters, Zoe is the only one I could trust with this kind of advice. Probably something to do with the fact we’re only two years apart. When Dad died, we both stepped up and helped Mom get through it. We’d always been close, but living through something like that just brought us even closer.

“Yeah, something like that, Zo.”

“So what do you want to know?”

“What do women like to do, to relax? Say, like, after a long day at work?”

“Um, ooookay. Totally not what I thought you were going to ask,” she says with a giggle.


“Alright, alright! Um, food, wine, trash television, foot massage, romantic comedies. Is that enough arsenal for you?”

It’s moments like these that I’m glad to have three sisters.

“Thanks Zo, knew I could count on you. I better get going, but keep in touch. A random text here and there wouldn’t go amiss.”

“Yes, Zan, I will. And we’re planning on coming up for your graduation-“

“What? Are you serious? That is awesome!”

“Shit, that was supposed to be a surprise. You can’t tell Mom you know!” she pleads down the phone.

“Your secret is safe with me, little sis.”

“Okay, Zan, love you.”

“Love you too, Zo.”

Hanging up the phone, I realize just how much I miss my family. They moved to Indiana for a new start, but it’s not easy having your family so far away, especially when you’re supposed to be protecting them, watching over them.

My mind shifts back to Kate. From what Mac has told me about her, she’s a dreamer. She believes in finding her happily ever after, and all the men, the internet dating, is her search for perfection. It’s a lot to live up to, but I’ll be damned if I won’t try and be everything she wants and needs. I just need her to give me an in; a shred of hope that she might want me too.


After a hell day at work, Nathan talks me into going out for a wine or two. Actually, it doesn’t take much persuasion. I know it’s the coward’s way out, but I’ve been limiting my time at home since Zander moved in. I think of it as self-preservation. I’m protecting my eyes from his gorgeous body… his presence…hell, just the fact that I heard him in the shower has me blushing and that’s not me. I’m definitely no prude. I’m not sure why it’s so different with him.

Two glasses of wine with no food has me feeling happy, carefree, and a little bit tipsy. Nathan has me laughing so hard that my stomach muscles are sore. He’s been busy telling me about his adventures with his Puerto Rican ‘love machine’.

“Daaarling! This man’s butt was so har-”

“TMI, I don’t want to know!” I squeal as he just laughs at me.

“Kate, even you would be all over this man. He was fine from the hair on his head to the tips of his toes, and I made sure to pay attention to all of it, more than once.”

“I’m happy for you, Nathan,” I say with a resigned sigh. “I just wish lady love would shine her light my way.”

“Kate, you’re a hot mama. Hell, you’ve got a hot stud living with you and you’re sitting here with your g*y boyfriend? What does that tell you?”

“That I’m avoiding him.”

“And that if you’re avoiding him, there is a reason. Maybe that reason is that you like him.”

“Nathan, I-“

“No, honey, don’t try to get out of this. Why are you avoiding him?”

“Because he doesn’t want me.”

“And you know this how?”

“Please don’t make me say it.” I look over the table at him, my eyes pleading for him to drop this.
