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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(36)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“I feel it. I’ve been feeling it all night,” she answers breathlessly. Her tongue darts out and wets her lips, and my eyes watch the innocent movement as if it’s the most intriguing thing I’ve ever seen in my life. In all honesty, it’s hot as hell. I just want to reach out and run my thumb against her lips, feeling them part under my touch. My dick twitches at the mere thought of it. Damn, what is this woman doing to me?

Leaning closer so that my entire body is now flush with hers, I bend down, making sure my hard c**k is firmly nestled against her pelvis. She groans as I lean my full weight against her.

“You okay?” I ask, moving my mouth to the crook of her neck, softly nipping the skin and soothing it with my circling tongue. When I hear a breathy whimper escape her lips, I lose the short tether of control I had left. I lift my head and crash my mouth onto hers. My right hand shifts back and tangles in her soft red hair as my left hand curls around and grips her ass, pulling our bodies as close as they can get without melding together.

But it’s all about the kiss. It’s not about my hard body pushing into her deliciously soft one. It’s about our tongues entwined together, exploring each other as if we’re starving. And I am. I’m starving for her.

She wraps her arms around my neck and deepens the kiss even further, and when she starts making soft moans into my mouth, I lose it completely. As our lips continue to mesh in a passionate frenzy, her breathing starts picking up, her moans get louder, and it dawns on me that my little responsive pocket rocket might actually be getting more than we both bargained for. In that moment, there is nothing I want to give her more. Here, in the middle of Lincoln Park, I want to give her everything I have.

My grip on her ass tightens, my fingers twist in her hair, and my tongue takes on a mind of its own as I caress hers, gently sucking it back into my mouth. As her breathing gets sporadic, and I feel her whole body tense up like a spring ready to explode, I gently scrape my teeth against her bottom lip, and with one long continuous thrust, grind my c**k hard against her clit, causing her to cry out into my mouth as she comes apart in my arms.

I pull away and look at her, her flushed cheeks, her panting breaths, and her eyes wide as she stares back me.

“Did you just…”

She nods, so slightly that I may have missed it had I not been studying her gorgeous face. Her head drops as she moves her hands from my back and twists them in her lap.

“Has that ever happened to you before? Because god damn, babe, that is the first time I’ve ever almost come from making out.”

She shakes her head and giggles.

I turn my hand up, placing my thumb under her chin and lifting her gaze to mine again. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. If that happens just from us kissing, from us just touching and kissing, imagine how hot it’s going be between us when we get to the good stuff.”

A sly smile grows on her face, her red swollen lips curling upwards as she cups my face in her hands, leaning in and lightly kissing me before tracing her tongue along my bottom lip. “Wanna see if you can do it again?” she whispers against me.

Fuck! Don’t have to ask me twice.

My little firebird is a pocket rocket of sexual energy. I’m still reeling after making her come from just kissing and some fully clothed frottage. That was f**king mind-blowing, and the sounds she makes when coming are almost enough to make me mess my pants.

After finding the strength to kiss her goodnight and go to bed alone, my brain and, of course, my dick will not switch off.

While not sleeping, I conjure up hot scenarios in my head where I get to kiss her all over, or I make her come while taking her hard against the wall of an elevator. The best one is my lap covered by a sea of fire engine red hair as she gives me head at the top of the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier Park.

I fall asleep with a smile on my face, wondering how my little firebird is holding up.

One more date.

Chapter 19: “Vision of Love”


My second date with Zander was epic. I mean, EPIC. He gave me two orgasms through my clothes by kissing me with a few carefully timed thrusts against a tree in a Chicago city park. I was shocked the first time it happened, as well as a little embarrassed. Who comes from just kissing and heavy petting? Me obviously, since we proved it wasn’t just a one hit wonder. But despite my mind and body having other ideas when we got home, Zander was again a perfect gentleman, kissing me against my bedroom door before pushing me behind it and bidding me goodnight.

Stupid f**king three date rule. Who was the dumbass who wanted to enforce that one?

It’s Friday, and Zander is out working a full night of gigs, so I went out for a quick bite to eat with Nathan, and now I’m snuggled on the couch watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and trying to learn some tips. You know, just in case I decide to try and ruin whatever is growing between the two of us. It may have only been two dates, but we’ve been living together for nearly three weeks and we have known each other, albeit at a distance most of the time, for over a year.

We haven’t had “the talk”…is “the talk” even something adults do anymore? Who knows, but I log on to Chicago Singles and send one last message to Nightdancer23 before I cancel my profile.

After reading the message three times, and editing it twice, I push send. I know it sounds distant and formal, but as much as the intellectual connection was there between us, without meeting in person and seeing whether that physical connection was there, it was never going to be anything more than an online friendship.

Fireinthesky24: Hi. Sorry for not coming on here sooner, but I’ve been a bit distracted, of the good variety. That friend I told you about who was staying with me and was taking me out for a date? Well, things are going really well with him, and I’m hoping that things continue to go well with him. Part of that means canceling my membership to this site. I feel that it’s disrespectful to stay on here when I should be focusing on building the relationship with him. I hope you understand, and I just want to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed talking to you. It’s been great to make a friend on here, if not anything else. Who would’ve thought I’d meet a guy offline after trying to find one online? I wish you all the best in the future, and I just know that a great, funny, easygoing guy like yourself will get snapped up super quick.

Now I’m waiting for Zander to get home. I don’t want to seem like the eager beaver by waiting up for him…get it? Eager beaver? Well, actually, that’s not far from the truth to be honest. I’m so pent up. I’ve been trying to rip the label off my wine bottle all night-yes, I’m one bottle in and on a roll-and my nether regions are so ready to party that they’re threatening to pack up and leave town.
