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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(57)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“You better not be punking me, mister,” she says, a huge smile covering her face.

The closer we get, the faster my heart starts racing. Am I doing the right thing? Too late now, Roberts.

We stop across the street from the historic Chicago Theatre. I look up to the marquee in front of the building and smile. It’s perfect. I had to call in a lot of favors, but it was worth it.

I take a deep breath and turn Kate to face the sign. Standing behind her, I lean down so that my mouth is by her ear.

“I want you to take off the blindfold now and look straight ahead. And remember to breathe.”

I move back and watch her hands come up to her head, dragging the blindfold down and away from her eyes. She stands there motionless for what seems like an eternity, her hand lifting to her mouth in shock. She spins on her heels and stops dead in her tracks when she sees me kneeling on the sidewalk with my arm outstretched, a diamond solitaire engagement ring held out to her.

Her eyes are filled with tears as she nods her head up and down profusely, and my heart stops as I realize my firebird has just agreed to become my wife. She’ll be mine forever.

I stand up and slide the ring onto her left hand finger before she jumps into my arms, wrapping her legs around my hips, our mouths crash together. Clapping and cheers surround us as we continue kissing, neither of us wanting to stop.

Eventually we have to stop, or else things will get graphic and we’ll be up on public indecency charges. Without putting her down, I turn to look at the marquee again. Smiling at the sign that just made my life complete.

“Katelyn Marie McGuiness, Be my princess. My life. My wife. Marry me?”

Epilogue – “Top Of The World”


I’m turning the tables on him today. We’ve both got the same day off for the first time in what feels like months, so I’m hoping to make the most of it.

Now that we’re at our destination, Zan looks at me with a confused look on his face. “You wanted to come to Navy Pier Park? Why didn’t you just tell me?”

“And spoil the fun?” I wink at him which earns me a growl as he sticks his hands in my sides and starts tickling me. “Zan, stop it. Not. In. Public. You’ll make me embarrass myself again.” I can’t stop giggling.

He pulls me in close and grins down at me. “Maybe I want that. It was fun. Okay, maybe not explaining to that woman that I was not attacking you in a park in broad daylight and that you were, in fact, laughing, not crying.”

I whack him with the back of my hand. “Stop it. It was mortifying.”

“Oh well, let’s see what other trouble we can get into today then.”

Oh, Zander, you have no freaking idea what I have planned for you.

I’m so excited, I’m almost giddy. All the way around Pier Park, walking hand in hand, he keeps looking down at me with a puzzled frown. I swear, the number of times he’s shaken his head at me today would be a new record. What can I say? Small things amuse small minds, but this surprise is going to blow his mind.

We stop in line for the landmark 150-foot-high Ferris wheel. I decide to start phase one of my plan.

“Babe, I love that we finally get to spend the day together. No work, no friends with babies, no sisters. I love them all to death, but I miss our alone time.”

His eyes soften as he leans down and brushes his lips gently against mine. “I love our alone time too.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me suggestively, making me blush.

Dammit, how does he always manage to switch the tables on me? Oh, that’s right. Because he’s Zander Freaking Roberts, the man who can charm the panties off me with one sideways glance. My future husband. Still can’t get my head around that. It’s been weeks, and I still find myself staring at my gorgeous ring, moving my hand to make it sparkle in the sun, and purposefully putting my hand forward to get people’s attention.

As I said, small things.

“I haven’t ridden this in a few years,” he comments, looking up at the giant structure as I pay for our tickets while Zander’s not looking. He never lets me pay for anything, I secretly love it, but I also love beating him to the punch. It always results in punishment of the most delicious kind.

“Zan, you ready to go?”

“Babe, we need tick….ets,” he glares at me, and I see the gleam in his eye telling me that I’m going to pay for it later in other ways. Little does he know that, in a few minutes, he won’t be thinking about who paid for what.

We take a seat in one of the gondolas. I shut the door to make sure nobody else comes in. For what I have planned, we won’t be wanting an audience.

A few more minutes and we start moving. Knowing that a full rotation only takes seven minutes and that I’ll have my work cut out for me, I drop to my knees immediately, positioning myself between Zander’s now outstretched legs.

“Babe…” he says in his low, deep voice that reaches me deep down in my girly parts. “Don’t start something unless you plan on finishing it.”

I start loosening his belt before undoing his button and zipper and inching his pants slightly down on his hips so that I can free his hard, straining cock.

I lean forward and lick the tip, my hand cupping his balls and gently kneading them in the way he likes as I suck the head of his c**k into my mouth. I feel his hand in my hair as he fans it out around his legs.

As I continue to take him deep into my mouth, I start humming which causes his whole body to shudder with pleasure.

“We’re halfway, babe,” he mutters, and I know he’s not talking about the o**l s*x treatment I’m giving him. He’s letting me know that I’ve got only a few more minutes until we’re back at ground level.

I treat him to what I call my ‘ p**n  star’ style. I go at him hard and fast, licking and sucking and using my hand to tightly grip his shaft as I jerk him off into my mouth.

“Fuck, babe. Oh hell yes. God, this is better than any f**king fantasy I could ever have. Suck me, baby. I’m coming. Yes, babe, take it all,” he stutters as he climaxes in my mouth and I swallow it down.

I sit back on my heels and proceed to tuck his softening c**k back into his pants before doing his zipper and button back up again and taking my seat beside him acting like nothing happened. I feel his gaze on me as I slowly turn my head and look at him.

I see love. Pure, unadulterated love shining straight back at me.

I finally found it. That one true love that I’d been searching for. The one I’ve strived to find my entire adult life. I successfully waded through all the frogs, toads, dwarfs, and dragons. I no longer have to be insanely jealous of my deliriously happy best friend and her perfect dream guy because I have one of my own. He may not be a superhero, but he’s my protector, my lover, my friend, and best yet, my future husband.
