Read Books Novel


Tryst (Take It Off #8)(44)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Thank you.”

He pushed the chair closer to Claire and motioned for her to sit as he pulled a giant blueberry muffin out of the bag and handed it to me.

“Mmmm. That looks so good,” I said, ready to devour it.

“Well, it isn’t a snack cake.”

I rolled my eyes. “No, this actually has fruit in it.”


I giggled as he picked up his own cup and took a drink. He made no effort to move away from the bed. Claire was looking between us with surprise on her face.

“What the hell is up with you two?” she said. “Are you dating?”

“No!” I said swiftly, feeling my cheeks burn. I gave Claire a what the hell look and hoped she took the hint.

“We’re just friends. Gavin is Aunt Ruth’s neighbor.”

She looked like she wanted to argue, but I gave her the death stare and she shut up.

Thank God.

Gavin just stood there, drinking his coffee, but I was too chicken to brave a glance in his direction.

“Are those clothes for me?” I asked, motioning to the bag on the floor beside her.

“Of course.”

“I want a shower so bad,” I said longingly.

“Stitch said he could spring you today,” Claire said.

The door to my room opened and Joanna breezed in looking like her usual perfect self. She was dressed in a pair of navy linen sailor pants and a white fitted top with ruffles at the neck. Her hair wasn’t down, but swept up into a neat twist on her head. On her feet was a pair of cork wedges that accentuated her willowy height.

“Talie…” She began, breathless. “We’ve been so worried.”

“Joanna,” I said, “I’m surprised to see you.” I glanced at Claire.

“I didn’t know how badly you were hurt when I got here.” She shrugged.

“I don’t know why you would be surprised. We got up and drove first thing this morning.”

“We?” I looked behind her.

“Momma, Daddy, and Jack are here, of course. They’re parking the car.”

They were all here? Oh boy.

“You didn’t have to drive this whole way,” I said, wishing they hadn’t. I loved my family, I loved them a lot, but I really didn’t want them here. Not now.

“It’s only two hours,” she said. “We would have been here sooner, but Jack had some important meeting yesterday he just couldn’t get out of.”

Beside me, Gavin shifted, and Joanna’s eyes snapped to him like he was some criminal in a police lineup. “Who’s this?”

“Joanna, this is Gavin. He pulled me out of the car after the accident.”

“But that was days ago. Why is he still here?”

I sighed loudly. “He has ears, you know.”

“Please forgive me,” she said, contrite. “I’m so upset at seeing my sister this way.”

“Not a problem,” Gavin drawled.

“Blake should be here later today,” Joanna told me.

“Why would you call him?” I asked, anxiety spiking in my chest. The last thing I wanted was another fight with him.

“He’s your husband.”

Beside me, Gavin stiffened.

“Soon-to-be ex,” I said tightly.

Joanna looked between me and Gavin, her eyes calculating. I spoke, drawing away her attention. “Call Blake and tell him not to come. He isn’t welcome.”

“Talie,” Joanna said.

I knew that tone of voice. I wasn’t going to be swayed this time.

“Now, Joanna,” I snapped. “I don’t want him here and we are not getting back together.”

She was taken aback by my bitchiness. She looked at Gavin like it was his fault.

Claire knew things were about to get ugly, so she wrapped an arm around Joanna and said, “Why don’t we step outside and you can make that call?”

Joanna went with her, glancing back at us only once.

When the door closed behind them, I let out a sigh.

“She’s a piece of work,” Gavin drawled.

“She’s my sister,” I said simply.

“Your room’s about to get real crowded, so I’ll just leave you to your company.”

As much as I hated it, he was right. “Thanks for staying… and for breakfast.”

He leaned down, placing his hands on either side of my hips. I lifted my chin to look up into his blue eyes.

“I’m not leaving,” he whispered.


He shook his head. “I’m going to go find Stitch. Maybe bug the nurses.”

I opened my mouth to ask him why he was staying, but he didn’t allow me to speak. His kiss cut off any reply I would have made.

Slow burn.

That’s how I would describe that kiss. It was slow and gentle, but it started this burn in my lower belly, a burn that I knew had potential to ignite into a full-on fire. When he pulled back, he pressed another kiss to my forehead and then walked away.

When he reached the door, I noticed our kiss had an audience. My parents, sister, and Jack were all standing there with mouths slack with shock. Gavin inclined his chin to my father on his way out, leaving me alone.

The rat.

My family came forward, firing a million questions at me.

It was going to be a long morning.



Four hours of hovering. I never knew four hours could feel like an entire lifetime. I avoided many of their questions by holding a hand to my head and pretending I didn’t feel well. It wasn’t that much of a lie. I did have a headache and my body was sore.

After I finished my breakfast, the nurse bustled in and removed the IV. I was so glad to get that thing out of my hand. I further delayed conversation about what they walked in on between Gavin and me by rushing off to the bathroom with the bag of clothes Claire brought.

I didn’t get away alone, though. My mother followed me into the bathroom with a concerned look across her features. I didn’t have the heart to kick her out of the room. Plus, she was my mom and I kinda needed my mom right now.

The clothes Claire brought me were totally cute. Working in a trendy department store obviously taught her a lot about style. She brought me navy ankle-length leggings and a kelly-green button-down top that was loose fitting and comfy over my bruises. Beneath it went a thick white tank top, and she added a long, navy-colored necklace with a ship anchor-shaped pendant. She even brought me a pair of kelly-green sandals to match.

By the time I was dressed, I felt exhausted. Talk about pathetic. My mother must have seen it written on my face because she ordered me to sit on the toilet so she could brush my hair.
