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Tryst (Take It Off #8)(48)
Author: Cambria Hebert

We lay tangled up in the sheets together, both of us breathing hard and trying not to crash from some insane high. Now that the adrenaline was draining from my system, I could tell my body wasn’t too thrilled with all the action I just participated in, but I didn’t care. It felt soo damn good.

“Talie,” Gavin said, resting on his side and gazing down at me.


“You have no idea the kind of shit I was going through when you told me you were pregnant.”

“I tried to tell you it wasn’t Blake’s.”

“I was beyond hearing. All I could think about was how badly I wanted that baby to be mine.”

I laid a hand on his cheek. “He is yours.”


“Could be a she.”

His eyes glowed and he slid a palm over my flat abdomen, like he was holding the baby who was still barely formed.

“When Dani died, I thought that part of my life died with her.” He confided.

I placed my hand over his so that both of us were next to our child. “I could never take her place in your heart, Gavin,” I said honestly. “I want you to know that I don’t expect anything from you. And I won’t keep this baby from you.”

His brows drew down. “Why would you say that?” His hand moved a little so he could clutch my hip.

“I know you don’t want another relationship, and I understand why. I hope you will want one with this child.”

He made a choked sound. “I want this child.” His fingers tightened on my skin. “I want you, too.”

Hope unfolded in my chest like a badly wrapped gift. “I won’t be your obligation.”

He made a sound. “I wanted you before I knew about the baby. It’s why I followed you that night in the rain. It’s why I slept by your bedside in the hospital and harassed the nurses for the best care possible. I know I’ve hurt you, and I know I’ve done this all wrong, but I can’t quit you, Talie. I don’t want to.”

“You said you didn’t love me,” I whispered, my heart crumbling into a million tiny pieces.

“I was angry and afraid. It’s scary to love someone after you know what it’s like to lose that love.”

“The timing of all of this is so bad.” I gave him a watery smile. “I’m technically still married.”

“You’re mine,” he growled, pulling me right up against his body. “I don’t care what some stupid piece of paper says.”

“Jack told me he’d fast-track the divorce. I can’t be married to Blake when I have this baby.”

He kissed me on the forehead. “We’ll make it happen.”

“I don’t think we should live together, not right away. What if you decide you don’t like me?” I worried.

He laughed, a warm, rich sound that spread over me like butter on hot toast. “What if you don’t like me?”

“You do have a terrible junk food habit.”

“Woman, don’t mess with a man’s snacks.”

I smiled. “I’m going to love you, Gavin. For the rest of my life.”

He frowned. Not exactly the reaction those words should withdrawal.

“I’m not going to be an easy man to be with.” He cautioned. “I’m going to be overprotective and over-watchful. Sometimes I’m moody, and I’m always going to want sex.”

“I think I can handle it.” I smiled, my toes curling into the blankets. Never in a million years did I think my life would ever lead me here. That a no-strings-attached tryst would end up being the best thing that would ever happen to me.

But it was.



Nine months later…

I never thought I would enjoy having to be in the hospital. And I guess I still didn’t. But the reason for being here this time made it all worthwhile.

I sat impatiently waiting in the bed, this time covered with nice blankets we brought from home. I stared at the door while beneath the blanket my foot fidgeted about a mile a minute.

“She’ll be here in a second, sweetheart,” Gavin said from beside me.

“You should have gone with her.” I worried.

“Her Uncle Stitch is with her. Besides, I wanted to stay here with you.”

“I’m fine, but—”

The door opened and Stitch came in, rolling a little clear bassinet. I made an impatient sound and glared at him. “What took so long?”

“We were only gone ten minutes.” He laughed. “I wanted to take her down to the lounge for a soda, but I was afraid you might send the cops.”

“You can’t give a newborn soda!” I said, holding out my arms for my baby.

Stitch grinned mischievously and Gavin laughed. He reached down into the bassinet and picked up a little bundle wrapped in pink. At only six pounds, she looked tiny in her daddy’s arms.

“Hey there, darlin’,” Gavin said to his baby girl, cradling her against his chest. She turned her face toward the sound of his voice, already familiar with it.

“Hearing test went great. She’s perfectly healthy,” Stitch said.

For him not being a “baby doctor,” he sure had been hands-on with my entire pregnancy. So much so that we asked him to be her godfather.

It was kind of sweet to see a “lady killer” like himself finally succumb to the charms of a girl. And a tiny one at that.

Before Grace Danielle Palmer was even born, she had a line of men already wrapped around her finger. Her daddy being first, of course.

She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen (I’m not biased at all). With a little round head, pink cheeks, and wisps of blond hair, she already looked like a beach bum. Her eyes were the same beautiful color as her daddy’s.

Almost three months ago to the day, I was granted a divorce from Blake. Jack kept to his word and handled everything. Right after my accident, I stayed at Aunt Ruth’s for another month before Gavin convinced me to move into his place.

So far, we liked each other pretty good.

Oh, who am I kidding? I’ve never been happier or loved someone more.

I rested my head against the pillow, looking up at him and his daughter, marveling in how much lighter he seemed since we met. He still mourned Danielle, but his life was no longer ruled by it. Even still, I knew a piece of his heart would always belong to her.

But I was okay with that because Gavin had enough love in his body that I got more than my share. And now Grace would too.

“I want my baby,” I said, holding out my arms.
