Read Books Novel


Tryst (Take It Off #8)(6)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Change the coding.”

This woman should have been a lawyer.

“I have. Many times. There are no codes left that apply to this charge.”

“Are you saying you refuse to do your job?” she shrieked.

The headache behind my eyes intensified. “Mrs. Luster…” I began, not really sure what I would say to get through to this nutcase, but knowing I had to do something.

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” she muttered. “You’re nothing but an incompetent bimbo.”

I gasped. “Excuse me?”

She looked pointedly at my chest, which was extremely offensive. “Well, it’s clear your skills are not why you’re kept around.”

Like a brittle piece of plastic left out in the cold too long, I snapped. I rose out of my chair to my full height, which happened to be two whole inches taller than her. “That was extremely uncalled for. There is no reason to be rude. I am very good at what I do—”

“If you were, you would fix this!” she demanded, shoving the bill between us.

“Just pay it!” I burst out.

Dr. Asik pushed my door open all the way and stepped inside. He was dressed in black slacks, a dress shirt, and a white doctor’s coat. “Ladies?” He began, looking between us. “Is there a problem?”

“This woman is an incompetent excuse for a billing representative,” Mrs. Luster responded immediately.

I felt my face redden under her attack. I really didn’t have the patience for this today. “Dr. Asik, this patient is having a problem with paying her bill. She’s become upset and insulting.”

I thought the woman was going to explode. Her eyes narrowed and her chest puffed out with the huge breath she drew in. “Let me tell you something,” she spat. “I have been coming to this office with my family for many years now. It’s become quite the chore to deal with your billing manager.” She looked directly at the doctor. “I’m thinking perhaps I should take my business elsewhere.”

“Please, God,” I prayed. Yeah, I said it out loud. It wasn’t my most professional moment, but it was certainly nicer than I wanted to be.

Dr. Asik flicked a gaze at me and then turned his blue eyes and charming smile on Mrs. Luster. “I certainly hope you don’t take your family elsewhere, ma’am,” he said smoothly and in a calm voice. For a guy with such a giant ego, he had good bedside manner. Even if I knew it was fake. “You are a valued part of the practice family. How is your son, by the way?”

Oh, geez. What was this, ass kisser anonymous?

“He’s doing well, thank you. He’s a popular boy, has the cast filled with signatures.”

Dr. Asik chuckled warmly. “I just bet he does.” He glanced down at the bill being crushed in her hand. “Why don’t you let me take care of that?” he said, reaching for the bill.

The bottom dropped out of my stomach. Seriously? He was going to reward her for bad behavior? What a douchebag.

“I would appreciate that.” She sniffed and gave me a victorious look.

I thought about throwing my cup of pens. At. Her. Face.

After she surrendered the bill to the doctor, he looked at me. “We should talk.”

My mouth ran dry and my heart rate accelerated. Really? This crazy comes in here and throws a fit because I was doing my job, and I get in trouble?

Could this day get any worse?

I cleared my throat. “Of course.”

Before leaving, Mrs. Luster glanced at me and I thought I might have seen a flash of regret in her eyes before it was gone and she exited the room with her haughty stance and posture.

The door snapped with finality when the doctor closed it behind her. I sank down into my chair wearily.

“That was poorly handled,” he said.

My eyes shot up. “That woman is a complete monster. Every time she comes in here, we all cringe.”

“I see,” he said, mulling over my words.

I remained silent. The words that wanted to make their way out of my mouth were not very nice.

“You’ve worked here a long time,” he said, sticking the bill in the pocket of his coat. “You’re not a team player.”

“A team player?” I echoed.

“That’s right. All the other girls might cringe when difficult patients walk in, but unlike you, they handle those people with grace.”

“That woman—” I began, feeling the intense urge to take up for myself.

He held up his hand to stop me. “I have kept you on because you are very good at coding and with the numbers. But working with others, being part of a team, is not your strong suit.”

“I didn’t realize I was on a team. I’m the only billing rep you have here.”

He sighed and stepped closer to the edge of my desk. I swear he was getting off on towering over me. An intense urge to stand burned through me. I ignored it. I really didn’t want him to think I was challenging him.

“That’s the problem, Talie. The people in this office are a team. We go out for drinks occasionally. We stay late to get to know each other, and the other women here are always ready and willing to let me know they enjoy their job.”

And I no longer had suspicions that the girls here were sleeping with him. Now I knew they were.

“Maybe if you were more of a team player,” he said, emphasizing the word player, “I might be able to overlook the aversion to working with others and being hostile toward the patients.”

“Hostile!” I demanded. That was just dramatic. My chair slid backward up against the wall when I stood.

He looked me over. His lingering eyes made me feel slimy. “Is everything all right?” he asked. “You’re looking a little frayed.”

“I’m fine,” I replied curtly.

“Maybe you would like to have a drink after hours and tell me what caused you to be less than courteous toward this patient today?”

Silence fell between us. It was like a heavy snowfall over the room, muffling all sounds. I was a smart girl. I could read between the lines. And what he was really saying was, Sleep with me like everyone else here and I will overlook what happened today.

Why was it I couldn’t get my own husband to sleep with me, yet this clump nugget was more than willing?

He looked at me encouragingly, nodding yes like that was going to somehow hypnotize me into repeating the answer.

I smiled sweetly. “Thank you for your concern, Dr. Asik. I’m afraid I’m busy tonight. And every night after that.”
