Read Books Novel


Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Chapter 1

Just walk away.

“Can I have an iced mocha latte with skim milk and whipped cream?” Yeah,

the whipped cream cancelled out the skim milk, but at least I attempted to be good.

Besides, it had been my breakfast for the past four years of college. “That’ll be three dollars and thirteen cents. Please pull around.” I loved routines, my life, and the future that I was going to have.

I couldn’t believe that I’d finally graduated and was now able to start my life.

After I’d found a job, it was my plan to go back to school and get my bachelors degree. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t ambitious. It was in my blood, with my parents both being doctors.

They’d wanted me to follow in their footsteps, but I still wasn’t sure that was the right career path for me. The hardest part was the fact that I hadn’t been home in years. It wasn’t because of my parents and it wasn’t even because of my sister, well, not directly because of her. She couldn’t have known what was going on inside of my head.

No, there was someone else that I couldn’t face; someone that I’d be forced to be around if I went home to visit.

Stoshua Wheeler.

I guess to better understand my reasoning, I’ll have to go back to my senior year of high school, the year when everything happened. It was then that I decided that I needed to be as far away from my twin sister, and this town, as I could get.

Growing up, and being just minutes apart, was awesome having a twin. We talked alike, dressed alike, and shared everything. Every memory I ever had as a little girl, my sister was with me. We were inseparable and the best of friends. Imagine having someone that is the mirror image of you. We shared the same friends and even interests.

Then high school happened.

It was the first day of our senior year. My sister, being captain of the cheerleading squad, changed her outfit at least six times. She couldn’t decide on putting her hair up or leaving it down.

While she had a nervous breakdown, I straightened my hair and put on the outfit that I’d picked out the night before. I’d already looked up my syllabus and known my schedule, since I volunteered at the school during the summer.

The one thing I hated about high school, was having to share a car with my sister. Sure, it was a BMW, and all of our friends envied us, but my sister had the crazy social life. I was usually stuck bumming a ride with one of my friends.

As usual, I ended up being the first student to arrive in class. Most people wouldn’t enjoy AP Chemistry first thing in the morning. I felt it to be invigorating.

The class filled with familiar faces. When you were enrolled in the classes that I was in, you were always stuck with the same people. It was good to have the same friends, even though my studies were more important than any kind of socializing.

I’d been on a mission ever since middle school. My focus was to have the best grade point average that was possible.

I was prepared for the new school year. Nothing could distract me.

Well, that’s what I thought.

Five minutes after the bell rang, the most handsome specimen of a man walked into my classroom. His hair was wavy and he was so tan. Even before I saw his blue eyes, I think I knew they were going to make me melt.

The teacher took his schedule and looked out at us. The only empty seat was next to me. I usually preferred sitting alone, so that I could focus.

“What kind of name is Stoshua?”

“Joshua was already taken,” he replied sarcastically.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

A couple students turned around and gave me a dirty look.

When I looked up at the front of the classroom again, the new guy was looking right at me. I didn’t know what to do, so I looked down at my hands and refused to look at him again. My cheeks were rapidly growing hot and my heart was pounding out of my chest.

I wasn’t used to feeling so embarrassed, but this guy was so gorgeous. To make matters worse, the teacher had him sit right next to me and assigned him as my lab partner. It was the first day that I didn’t want to be in chemistry and also the first time I’d had a panic attack.

As the months went by, my obsession with the new guy, turned into an infatuation. The more I tried to stay focused on school, the more I fantasized about Stoshua. We got to know each other and became close friends. I was too shy to admit that I was interested in him. I’d never dated and I didn’t know how to be in a relationship.

He became my second best friend. On the weekends, we’d watch eighties movies and hang out, studying or going places together. We talked about everything and had each other on speed dial. With my sister being so involved in herself, Stosh was my only confidant. Sure, I could never admit how I felt about him, but it didn’t matter. All I wanted to do was be with him, every second of every day. I fantasized about changing my last name to Wheeler. I designed my wedding gown in my head and named our first born son.

Don’t act like you’ve never done it before. We all fantasize about being swept away by our own version of prince charming. For me, he was my kryptonite. I lived and breathed to be near him, all in hopes of one day to become Mrs. Stoshua Wheeler.

At the end of the school year, a few weeks before prom, I had this feeling like he was going to ask me. Since we had even more classes together that semester, we were together all of the time. He’d come over to study and stay for dinner, or I’d do the same at his house.

Even though I didn’t know for sure, I believed that he liked me as much as I liked him.

I’ll never forget practicing over and over what my conversation with Stosh was going to be. At first, I wrote him notes. After going through almost an entire notebook of paper, I decided that it was better if I just came out and said what I was feeling.

Gaining the courage to put myself out there was nerve racking. Once any other logical option was exhausted, I knew I had to go for it. My sister knew I was up to something immediately. This particular year had been harder for me. As focused as I was on school, I felt like she was leaving me out of things. She hung out with her friends more than she spent time with me. Most nights, she snuck in the house after curfew and smelled of booze. Her defiance was associated with her popularity and the type of people that she hung out with. In some ways I was jealous. Ivy was always having fun, where I was always focused on being the best person I could be. Responsibility was important to me, but not my sister.

With prom being so close, it also meant that finals were even closer. I’d studied for weeks and was sure to ace all of my exams. Ivy came to me one day in tears.
