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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(12)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I walked over and stuck a plate in the sink. “What are you talking about?”

He turned around and wiped his hands off on a dish cloth. “Your sister is a liar, Willow. If you knew the web she’s spun, you’d never be taking up for her.”

I put my hands on my hips. “You’re just saying that.”

“No, I’m not. Sit down and I’ll give you a hundred reasons.” He was scaring me. Surely he couldn’t have a hundred reasons for me to hate my sister. He had to be the liar.

“No! She wouldn’t. Ivy’s a lot of things, but she’s not a liar!”

“Wake up, Willow! She’s the f**king Devil!” He picked up a plate and slammed it down so hard it shattered inside of the sink. Then he held on to the edge of the countertop like he was trying to control his anger.

I tried to touch his shoulder, but he pulled away. “Obviously, she’s done something to anger you.”

“That’s not even the half of it.” He turned around and looked at me, but didn’t touch me. “I could tell you what I know. I’m sure there’s more. Hell, I just found out about some of it this past week.” He grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator and handed me one. “I don’t know if you like beer. I should, but that was taken away from me too.”

He walked back up top-‐side. I followed close behind him. As much as I was confused and angry, I was also curious. If my sister was lying, I deserved to know. I had to be there to take up for her when he tried to drag her in the mud behind her back.

We sat down across from each other. He drank half of his beer while never taking his eyes off of me. I played with my bottle, peeling the wrapper off. “I’m listening.”

He started laughing. “Have you ever felt sorry for someone, so much that you want to be the one to help them?”

I shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. I mean, I do save my sister whenever she calls.”

He made a sound and shook his head. “Not after tonight.” He took another drink. “Everything changes tonight!”

I cocked my eyebrow. “Are you going to explain why you think that?”

“Do you remember when you saw me with your sister before Prom?”

When he shattered my heart? Yeah, I remembered it in detail. “I think so.”

“She told you we were going together. I never asked her to go with me, Willow. I gave her a letter that I wrote for you. I wanted to ask you to Prom, but I couldn’t find the words. You were so determined to stay focused on school. You never talked about Prom or any other dance. So, when your sister laughed in my face and read the note in front of me, I felt like a fool. She said you told her that I’d never be anything more than a friend. She said you weren’t attracted to me and that I didn’t have a chance with someone like you. She said you didn’t like jocks and that dating was the last thing on your mind.”

I started shaking my head. A new set of tears filled my eyes. “She wouldn’t! I mean, I didn’t tell her I liked you, but I didn’t want her to know.”


“Why what?”

“Tell me why you didn’t want her to know. Better yet, let me tell you why I think you didn’t tell her. I think you were afraid to tell her because she always had to have what you had. I think you were afraid she’d try to take me for herself.”

What a douche. “Do you hear yourself? You’re making it sound like you are royalty.”

“Would you just listen?” He sat his beer down and grabbed my hands again. I started to pull away, but he held them tighter. “You know I’m right. Trust me, I’ve lived with her for four years. All she does is take what she wants.”

I gritted my teeth. “Fine. Say that was the reason. It still doesn’t explain why she would do that. She didn’t even know.”

“I thought about her motives, too. I guess she could have had two reasons. She could have just wanted to sabotage your chance of happiness before you could have it, or, maybe she knew how you felt without telling her. I think she did it to spite you.”

I stood up, pulling my hands away from him. “You’re an ass**le!”

He chased me to the front of the boat. When I was cornered, I had to turn around. “Take me home or I swear I will jump and start swimming.”

He just stood there. “You wouldn’t!”

I climbed up and steadied myself to take the leap. I was so angry at him for accusing her. I couldn’t see his sincerity. All I saw was him trying to swoon me into believing she could be so evil.

I felt him grab me and throw me over his shoulder. I kicked and screamed, but he refused to let me down. Once we were in the bedroom, he tossed me down onto the bed and climbed on top of me. He was intent and I was afraid. I’d never seen him look the way he was. He grabbed my arms and put them above my head. He straddled me with his heavy body. I couldn’t move.

“Let go of me, Stosh. You’re scaring me!”

“I don’t have a choice. You won’t listen. Why can’t you just hear me out, Will?”

I realized he wasn’t going to get up unless I agreed to listen to him. I didn’t think he was going to physically hurt me, but I was a little concerned about his motives. “I’ll listen.”

He leaned down and kissed me, holding his lips over mine. I turned to the side to break away. I hated that he was in total control. It was like he brought me here to take advantage of me. I was alone and nobody could help me.

Was this the same man that I had always been in love with? Was he capable of being someone else? Maybe my sister was running from him.

“I never agreed to go to Prom with your sister until she started crying, saying that she didn’t have a date. She said we should go as friends. She told me it would make you jealous and make you want me. My stupid ass believed her. I was willing to pretend to be with her, if I had a chance to be with you.”

He finally sat up and stopped holding me. I didn’t try to move away from him, though. “That kiss outside of Biology?”

“I knew it was you the whole time.”

The butterflies were back. Unless he was really a twisted person, his story was making complete sense. I’d always wondered why he’d kissed me. It wasn’t to put on a show for the teachers. He wanted a chance to kiss me, not Ivy. “That’s why she wasn’t mad when I told her?”

“Now you’re catching on.” He smiled, like he had finally made some ground.
