Read Books Novel


Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(13)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“It doesn’t explain how she ended up pregnant. Obviously you liked her enough to sleep with her on Prom night.” Saying it out loud was like a nail being slammed into my beating heart.

He scratched his head. “Willow, I don’t remember that night. I remember being at the dance and us being invited to the party. I hated being there with her, so I started drinking heavily. The next thing I know, it was morning and she was asleep next to me with no clothes on. I felt horrible for what I’d done. I swear to God that I never wanted to be with her.” He started to laugh a little, which was weird, considering we were talking about something so serious. “It turns out, that I never did. She staged the whole thing as another notch in her ultimate betrayal.”

Even I started to laugh. “Is this some comic? Ultimate betrayal? I can believe that she did the first things, but this is going a little too far. Are you trying to get me to forgive you or something?”

He got up off the bed and paced. “I knew it would be too hard for you to understand. I didn’t want to have to show you this. It’s going to hurt and I don’t want you to feel that way.”

He pulled out a little brown book. I recognized it immediately, because I’d gotten the same one as her one Christmas. “She didn’t?”

He slid it over toward me on the bed and sat down on the edge. “Willow, I have never lied to you. I meant what I said earlier. I’ve never stopped loving you. I can’t change the past four years. I am responsible for those years. Had I have known what was really going on, I never would have let it happen. I never would have married her and promised to take care of a child. I would have spent every single second doing whatever I had to do to make you fall in love with me. It was all I wanted. It’s all I still want.” He kissed me on the top of my head and stood up. “You’re going to be reading for a while, so I’ll be outside when you’re ready to talk. Please keep in mind that I was also a victim in all of this. I hope you don’t hate me too much. I’d at least want to be your friend, if that’s all I can be. I’ve missed you like a fat guy misses a hamburger.”

I started to laugh. “I missed you, too.”

He walked away, leaving me staring at the book.

I traced Ivy’s name on the front and the words ‘keep out’. Obviously, Stosh wanted me to read it. It felt wrong, but I had to know the truth, no matter what it was.

I took a deep breath and opened it to the first page.

Chapter 7

Back Stabbing Bitch.

We got the little books when we were fourteen, so the first couple pages were her complaining about her hair and talking about crushes she had. It wasn’t until I got halfway in when things became apparent.

Jan 26th

Once again my parents praised Willow for her perfect report card. Do they even pay attention to me at all? I kept my room clean for the whole month and they never even walked inside. Of course, little Mrs. Perfect got to go out to a fancy dinner at the country club with dad for getting straight A’s. Can’t they see that I need help with my school work? I guess they only need one child to make them proud.

Feb 10th

My sister is so oblivious to life. She hides behind those books, like she’s too good for everyone else. Now she’s all up in that new guy’s ass. They make me sick, smiling at each other the way they do. It’s so damn obvious they want each other. If that dude thinks the Virgin Mary is going to give it up, he’s going to have a shriveled up dick while waiting. PATHETIC. That’s what they are!!!

I was already crying after reading just those two. I couldn’t believe she was saying those things about me and then acting like we were best friends.

April 15th

Shoot me now! I hooked up with someone at a party and I can’t remember which guy it was. Randy is hotter, but Ben is built better. I wouldn’t want to date either of them exclusively. Shoot me now!!

Why does this always happen to me? I didn’t even drink a lot. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken the ecstasy. My period is due in two weeks. Hopefully I get it and this nightmare will be over with. My parents will kill me if I get pregnant. They offered to get my sister an apartment at college, but haven’t offered me shit. I can’t wait to get out of this Hell hole. I will find a way.

April 27th

I have got to figure out how to get away from this cesspool of ass**les. It’s exhausting trying to pretend that I give a damn. Now I know why kids scheme to kill their parents. I’d do it myself if I wasn’t scared that they’ve left everything to Willow. It’s apparent who their favorite is, so clearly they’d leave me on the street. The sad part is that Willow would feel sorry for me and share. Why does she have to be so pathetically sweet? Ugh! I hate her so much!

May 20th

I am so sick of hearing about my sister getting into her dream college. Gag me please. The worst part is that she doesn’t know if she wants to go. She says she doesn’t want to leave me. I just want her gone! I am so sick of living in her shadow. I want my own life.

May 22nd

Something amazing happened today. Willow won’t know what hit her. I’m going to get that little bitch for everything she’s ever taken from me. When I’m done with her she’ll leave and never come back. The best part was that I didn’t even have to look for it. It came looking for me.

May 23rd

Can this guy be anymore lame? I mean, who wants a guy that acts like an old man. He actually opened the door for me. We aren’t even really dating. He thinks I am letting him date me to make my sister jealous and like him. What an idiot.

I will never forget the look on her face when we told her we were going to Prom. She looked like she was going to throw up.

I hope she did. She deserves it.

I wish she didn’t exist.

She gave me some excuse for not wanting to go to Prom, like she was too good to be acting like a teenager. Gag me! I hate her so much.


Hearing my sister cry herself to sleep, never gets old. That’s what she gets for making me cry myself to sleep for years. She doesn’t know what it’s like to hear her own parents saying that she’d never amount to anything.

She’s so upset over this guy. Soon, she will pack her shit and leave. My plan couldn’t have worked out better. Only a few more little details and I’ll be waving goodbye to that bitch once and for all.

I slammed the book shut and began to bawl. Everything I ever knew about my sister had been a lie. She’d set me up and watched me fall. I’d never felt so much hatred in my entire life.
