Read Books Novel


Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(21)
Author: Jennifer Foor

My new job had been postponed. I was still weeks away from starting and I wasn’t in any condition to do it. I cried all of the time, especially when the animal shelter commercials came on the television.

Even my friends couldn’t get me to talk. The less I said the less it hurt. I just wanted to move forward. Talking about it, would only hold me back.

By the forth week, I was a force to be reckoned with. I focused on packing up my things and prepared to move into my new place. It was a big step for me and I needed to do it right.

It wasn’t until the night before my big day that someone got in contact with me. It wasn’t by phone or email. No, he’d driven all the way to my doorstep for a chance that I would hear him out.

Chapter 11

Nobody puts Princess in the corner.

“If you were smart, you’d turn your ass around and leave.” I could smell him from the doorway and as much as I tried not to pay attention, he looked more handsome than ever.

“Well, I guess I’m not smart, because I’m staying until you hear me out!” He put his hands in his pockets and waited for me to reply. I looked him up and down, smiled, then slammed the door in his face.

He didn’t knock again, so I went about what I was doing. All of my roommates had already moved out, so I was the one who had to go through and make sure everything was cleaned out and they didn’t forget anything hidden in the corner of a closet somewhere. I was so hurt and angry that I couldn’t fathom having a conversation with either of them. Why he thought it was okay to just show up on my doorstep was beyond me.

I focused on the task at hand and ignored the fact that he’d come all that way to talk to me. I guess he thought he had some kind of valuable information that would change my mind.

I cleaned and packed my ass off for the rest of the morning.

At about noon, I was hungry and dying of thirst. I grabbed my keys and headed out to grab a bite at the corner deli. When I opened the door, a pizza delivery guy was standing there, about to knock. Since we rented a whole house, I was puzzled how he’d gotten confused about the address. Our number was in large block on the front of the house. “I think you have the wrong address.”

He looked down at his paper. “No, it’s the right place. Someone called and paid for a ham and pineapple pizza and a two liter of soda. Since it’s paid for, do you still want it?”

I grabbed the pizza box and the two liter, while shaking my head. “Yeah, sorry I forgot that I ordered it. My mind is just crazy lately.”

Feeling like an idiot, I waved to the delivery guy as he walked away. As soon as his car pulled away, I saw Stosh leaning against his.

Did he really think he could earn his way into my house through my favorite pizza?

Okay, I have to be honest. For a split second I did consider slamming my door and eating the pizza, then throwing the empty box out on the street at his feet. It was just for a second though. Instead, I walked into my house and left the door open.

I’d sat the pizza down on the kitchen counter by the time I heard him approaching. “You have until this pizza is gone to explain yourself. When the box goes out into the trash, you’re going with it!” I was as serious as a heart attack. He had about three minutes to explain and then he could leave the same way he came in. We were not friends, and just being in the same room with him was making me uneasy.

He sat down on a stool next to me and we ate at the breakfast bar, since I had no other furniture except in my bedroom.

We were halfway through our first piece before he started to talk. Just hearing his voice was enough to remind me how hot it was to have sex with him. “On a scale of one to ten, how much do you hate me?”

I sat my slice of pizza down and took a deep breath before I looked at him. “Twenty!”

His eyes got big and he shook his head. “I should have told you the truth from the beginning. I just wanted to spend time with you before you found out. I know I kept things from you, but I swear that I meant what I said. I love you. I always have and I always will.”

“You don’t know what love is. I’d never lie to you, Stosh. I’d never deceive you. I’d do anything to keep you safe. That’s what love is. You didn’t do any of that for me.”

His expression changed. “Are you admitting that you do still love me?”

“How I feel is irrelevant. I’ll never forgive you!” I could feel the slow burn in my throat. Tears were coming and I had to hold them back. He couldn’t see me in pain over him.

“What if I said that everything I did was for a reason? What if I told you that I have a plan to take down your sister?”

I poked him in the chest when I spoke. “You could have given my parents her diary. Instead, you let her destroy my relationship with them. I don’t deserve any of this! I’ve been a good person. I worked hard for my education, while she f**ked her life away. You could have ended this before any of this occurred.”

I was so pissed that he was trying to mend things with me. “You’re right. I thought about sitting them down and reading it, but your sister would somehow come out of it smelling like roses. She’s not as stupid as everyone thinks. She’s been one step ahead of the game this whole time. She still doesn’t know I even have the diary.”

“What the hell are you waiting for?”

“There’s something that I wanted out of her plan, or else I never would have gone through with it. She didn’t exactly tell me when you were coming into town. I’d prepared myself to be hurt, by your rejection. After I found the diary, I realized that you had feelings for me the whole time. Then I got selfish.”

I slapped his pizza out of his hand. He put his head down. “What do you mean, you got selfish?”

He folded his hands and acted like I hadn’t violated his space. “It’s been four years. You could have moved on. When I realized you were there, in my house, I couldn’t help myself. Maybe Ivy knew I’d be that way about you. I don’t really care. From the moment that I knew you were there with me, all I wanted to do was be with you. I even warned you that there were things you didn’t know. I wanted to tell you. I would have, if you hadn’t have run out. I never wanted things to happen the way they did.”

“Great, now I feel more used than before. Thanks for clearing that up!” I tossed my pizza back into the box and shut it.

Stosh put his hand over mine, catching me off guard. I pulled away. “Will, I know it seems that way, but I waited for so long to hear you say you loved me. Do you blame me for wanting to have a couple days of heaven? Didn’t you feel happy too?”
