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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(22)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I shook my head. “Of course I enjoyed it. I felt like I finally had a chance at being happy. I felt like I had my best friend back.”

Try as I may, I couldn’t stop the tears this time. He may as well have been ripping my heart out of my chest with his bare hands.

He ran his hands through his hair and then covered his face. “You don’t know how much I want that.”

I could tell that he was genuinely upset. It was so hard for me, because I could never stop loving him. Sure, I hated what he’d done to me, but my heart and my mind were not on the same page. “Does she know you’re here?”

He shook his head. “Hell no! Ever since that night, she’s been staying at your parents. I know she’s up to something, but I have no idea what it is.”

“I wish I could believe that.” I started to turn away, but he grabbed my arm and held it tight. “What the…”

“Listen to me.” He finally let go of my arm. “If there was a way to make things right, would you give me another chance?”

His face was dead serious. I didn’t know whether to follow my mind or my heart. At the end of the day, I couldn’t see it happening. “It’s not possible.”

Stosh started pacing around the kitchen. “Dammit, it is possible. I’m going to do whatever it takes, because those two days with you were the best days of my life. I wasn’t lying about that.”

“I think you are going to say whatever you can think of to get in my good graces. Do you have any idea how I feel? Do you have a clue about what you’ve both done to me?”

He looked down at the ground. “Yes. I know exactly what you’re going through. I wish I could take it back.”

“Why are you here, Stosh? What could you possibly have on my sister that would make everything you’ve done better?”

He approached me, getting close enough to touch me, except he didn’t. “I can’t tell you.”

“Just leave! Drive back home and forget about ever knowing me. I’m so sick of all of this. I just want to live my life. I’m tired of the drama that comes with being a part of your and my sister’s lives.”

I walked over and grabbed the pizza box.

He saw what I was doing and grabbed it out of my hands. “You don’t mean that!”

I grabbed the box again, ripping it away from his hands. “Yes I do!”

He wouldn’t give up. He grabbed the box and tossed it on the floor. “I don’t believe you. If you love me half as much as I love you, then I know you’re lying.”

He was staring right at me, challenging what I’d said to him. I didn’t know how to respond. Even as furious as I was, he was right. I was still in love with him. In fact, I couldn’t see myself loving anyone else. “Why does it even matter to you, Stosh? We can’t be together and you know it.”

He reached over and brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. “Ivy thinks she’s won. I’ve been on to her since this all began. That’s why I couldn’t tell you. I thought I could handle it all without you getting hurt. I have a plan to destroy your sister, but I have to let this all play out for it to work. I need more time. Things have to happen before I can step in. I just need you to trust me.”

I shook my head. “I don’t think I can.”

He grabbed both of my hands and I didn’t pull away. “You have to.” He brought my hands up to his lips and kissed them. “There’s something else you need to know, Will. It has to do with why your sister wanted you to be with me.”

“What? What now?”

“Your sister came home one night drunk. She was a crying mess. After she threw up all over herself, she got so belligerent, that she admitted to not being able to have children again. She cried all night about not being able to give me a child of my own.”

“And this has what to do with me?”

“You’re a smart girl, Willow. Think about it.”

“She wanted me to be a surrogate or something?”

“That would have been too easy for your sister. She doesn’t want you to carry her baby, she wants to take away yours.”

My mouth dropped when it instantly hit me like a ton of bricks. “It’s not possible. You can’t get pregnant any time of the month. The average woman is only fertile for forty eight hours.”

“Two days, right? Yeah, all it took was for you to complain to her about having your period. I guess you talked to her about it ruining some plans you had a while back. Even I could get a calendar and look up when you should be ovulating.”

I was already crying. That was taking revenge to a whole different level. “Why would she want me to have your child? Isn’t that against everything she’s ever wanted?”

He sat down on the carpet flooring and put his hands over his face. “Willow, you’re twins. The baby would share the same DNA as if it were her own. She wanted you to get pregnant and then she was going to try to get custody. With your parents being so against you, she knew she had a chance of winning. They see you as a threat. Right now, your parents are all about comforting Ivy. They’re going to do whatever it takes to make her happy, since we allegedly stabbed her in the back.”

“That is the stupidest plan I ever heard of. How could she have known that I’d sleep with you? Who in the hell would even think they could pull off something like this? Did you think you would just knock me up and steal my kid?” I picked up a piece of packing tape and threw it towards him. “How could you use me, Stosh? How could you rip out my heart like you did?”

I was so angry and hurt. If I had a gun, I could have shot them both.

“She said she knew it would work. I didn’t ask her any questions, but somehow she was sure. I wish you knew how much I can’t stand her. When she woke up after her drunken confession, I told her only half of what she’d admitted. I knew that when the time came, I’d be able to use the knowledge I had against her. Look, I get that you hate me right now. I know I f**ked up, but I’m going to make it right. I’ll wait for you; as long as it takes. I have a plan.”

He pulled me into a hug, that I didn’t respond to. I just stood there frozen in place. “Is that all you came to say, because I still feel like I’m missing a big part of the puzzle? Granted, learning that my sister thought she could knock me up and then steal my baby was a hell of thing to hear.”

I took a couple steps back and leaned against the counter.
