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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(23)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He walked over and leaned beside me. “You wouldn’t have listened if I tried to call.”

He was right.

“So, you’re heading back tonight?”

“Unless you want me to stay?” He didn’t look up when he said it.

More than anything in the world, I felt like I had nowhere to turn to. I was going through all of it alone, not to mention that I had nothing to do with all of this madness. “I still can’t wrap my head around my sister’s ridiculous plan. I’m not pregnant and even if I were, I don’t think I would have told either of you.”

“Did you get your period?”

“No! It’s not … What’s today’s date?” Suddenly, I felt as if I’d been kicked in the stomach.

“The fifth.”

“Oh God! This can’t be happening. You have to leave!” I walked over to my front door and opened it, waiting for him to exit.

He stood in the kitchen, adamant to stay. “There’s a chance isn’t there?”

I shook my head and shut the door, since he obviously wasn’t leaving. This wasn’t happening to me. It couldn’t be happening. I was starting a new job. I had a future ahead of me that I’d worked my whole life for. We’d spent two nights together. Sure, we hadn’t used protection, but it was impossible for my sister to know my schedule like she was claiming, unless she’d been calculating it for months. God, I wondered how many times I had complained about being on my period. I thought about how she took everything I had ever told her and used it against me. How manipulative can one human being be? No, it had to be stress. I couldn’t be pregnant. “No! I must have gotten the dates confused. The move has got me all messed up.”

He didn’t believe me, I could see it in his eyes. “If you were, I wouldn’t tell her. You’re the only person that I want raising my children. I told you that before. I meant every word.”

I smiled. “I appreciate that, but I know I’m not pregnant, besides, even if I was, I wouldn’t want you to be a part of it’s life. Not after everything you’ve done to me. You lost your chance, buddy.”

He was silent for a few moments. Maybe he was thinking of something he could say. I just wanted to be left alone. I think he got the vibe, because he walked over to the door. “Willow, I love you. I’ve always loved you. No matter what I have to do to fix this, I’m going to do it. I won’t give up until we have the life we deserve.” He smiled.

I leaned my head on the door as he started to walk out. “Stosh, thanks for taking the time to come here. I’m glad I know what she’s up to. I know there’s more, but I have a feeling I’m going to find out soon enough.”

“So you believe me?” He got closer to me.

“I want to.”

He put his hands on my cheeks and looked into my eyes. “I’ll make this right. I promise.” He kissed me on the forehead before walking out to his car.

I should have packed up my car and left, but I ended up sitting in the empty living room bawling my eyes out again.

I couldn’t believe my sister had the nerve to try and do the things she was doing to me. It was like some crazy story you hear about on television. This wasn’t a girl who was deprived of nice things. Our parents had money, and a lot of it. They took good care of us and gave us equal gifts.

How she was so different from me, made no sense.

I didn’t know if I could trust Stoshua, but I had nothing else to go on.

Now, my only concern was to go out and buy a pregnancy test.

Either way, I had to know.

Chapter 12

When it rains it freaking pours.

I’d reached my breaking point. For my entire life I had trusted my sister. For her whole life, she’d secretly been plotting to ruin me. Aside from the hurt and devastation of it all, I was just so angry.

Stosh’s visit hadn’t helped. It gave me more reason to be upset. By the time I gotten decent enough to go out to the pharmacy, I was so worked up that I found myself dialing her number.

I was wondering when you’d call. I hated her tone already.

Shut up, Ivy! You need to shut the hell up and listen. I don’t know what I ever did to you to make you hate me so much, but I’m done being your little voodoo doll. You want to play dirty, then so am I.

You couldn’t hurt a fly. She wasn’t going to know what hit her.

It’s funny, I used to think that about you. Now I know better.

There’s nothing you can do to hurt me. I have everything that I’ve ever wanted.

Not everything! You don’t have a baby. In fact, you’re never going to be able to have one.

You bitch!

No! You’re a bitch! You took everything from me!

I did and I would do it again. Do you know how long I waited to hear our parents talk bad about you? Do you know how good it feels to be the favorite?

It was never a competition! I never saw our life the way she had.

Maybe not to you, but it was for me.

Did you ever love me, Ivy?

Love is about respect and I lost that by the time we turned ten.

I feel sorry for you. You’ll never know what it feels like to have someone love you. I feel sorry for you. You’ll die alone, you know that right?

Screw you!

She hung up before I could say anything else. I’d made the first step at getting her upset. I wasn’t going to stop until I had everything she’d taken from me. This was war and I wasn’t about to lose.

I didn’t care about her feelings, and after what she’d done, I didn’t even feel bad about it.

While still in a piss poor mood, I grabbed my keys and headed for my car. When I got out to the road it started to pour down rain. I was so distraught, that I dropped my keys twice, trying to find the right one and unlock my door. The kicker was that I had power locks, but the battery on my keypad got wet and I had yet to replace it.

While standing there flipping through keys, someone approached me with an umbrella. Figuring it was just one of my neighbors, I continued to unlock and open my car door. I turned around to say thank you and saw Stosh standing there. It was pouring all around us. “I thought I told you to leave.”

“You’re an intelligent woman, but I don’t have to listen to you.”

“I feel like you raped me. You may as well have. The end result was just the same.” I had my hands on my hips, as if it made me look more serious.

“That hurts.”

“Well, it’s the truth! Now you tell me that my sister had some scheme to get me pregnant and you were in on it the whole time? You’re sick!”
