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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(27)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He’s with you isn’t he? – I

Answer me, bitch! – I

He’s mine! Just remember that! He always comes running to me. – I

Each message made me more angry. I think Stosh knew it, because he continued reassuring me that she was just blowing smoke. I wanted nothing more than to believe him, but this was still a test. I had to be sure, before I could tell him about my pregnancy.

The threats continued late into the night. The more my phone rang, the more we ignored it. However, she did manage to kill the mood for me. Poor Stosh begged me to go out for a movie, but all I wanted to do was sulk and stay held up in my apartment. I felt like if we stepped out of the building, we weren’t going to be safe.

We ordered from a local Chinese delivery and watched movies in the living room while we ate out of the little white boxes. Stosh tried to make me laugh, by attempting to eat using chopsticks. He’d dropped most of his food back into the boxes, by the time it made it to his mouth.

After dinner, his phone started ringing again. Like the first time, he ignored the calls, but after a while, it just got annoying. He took the battery out and tossed the two pieces on the table. “Where were we?”

Our lips met and soon our one kiss became many.

Just like every time something was going good, we were distracted once more. This time, it was my cell phone that was ringing. After three times, I ran into my room, where I’d had it charging, to see what could possibly be so urgent. The number was one that I recognized. I remembered the day that I’d given Stosh that number when we first planned to study together.

It was my parent’s house number.


Willow, this is your father. I need you to tell me the truth, right now. Do you know where Stoshua is?

I looked toward the doorway and didn’t see him anywhere near my bedroom.


Please don’t lie to me about this. There’s been an accident and he needs to get home. Do you know any other way of getting in touch with him?

Dad, I know you don’t believe me, but I didn’t have an affair with him.

I saw the pictures. I think I know my own daughter when I see her. This isn’t even about that right now. You’re sister has just been taken by ambulance. She tried to kill herself, Willow. Do you see what you’ve done? Do you see what you’ve caused?

I didn’t do anything! This was all her!

Nonsense. If you care about this family at all, you’ll find that man and have him come to the hospital.

He hung up on me before I could plead my case.

Maybe, for a split second, I felt concerned about Ivy. She was my blood, and unlike her, I had a conscience and a heart.

Still, whether this was her plan, or her really being that depressed, it was all her own fault. She’d done it to herself. Ivy had made the life she was living.

I sat my phone down and considered not telling him, but when he came into the doorway, I knew I couldn’t hide it from him. “That was my father.”


“Ivy’s in the hospital.” I looked down, afraid of what his face would look like when he heard the news. “She tried to kill herself.”

The room was quiet and it forced me to look up at him. He had his arms crossed over his chest. “I take it she’s still alive?”


He sat down and put his arm around me. “Do you think she’s faking it?”

I shrugged. “Who knows. I’m the last one to ask about her actions. She was someone else around me our whole lives.”

“Well, you’re parents are doctors. I would assume they would be able to tell, don’t you?”

“One would think!” I pulled away from him. “Do you have to leave?”

I pushed the hair away from my face. “I won’t go anywhere without you by my side. If we go back to town, you’re coming with me.”

My heart could have beat out of my chest like you see on cartoons. “Seriously? You would show everyone that we’re together?”

“You’re damn right I would.” He froze and then got the biggest smile across his face. “Wait! Did you just say we were together?”

“I guess I did.” I felt a little shy about saying it out loud again.

“Hold on a minute. Did you tell them I was here?”

I shook my head.

“They just assumed?”

“Dad asked if you were. I told him that I didn’t know where you were.”

He kissed me slowly, letting his lips linger over mine, before he pulled away. “The next time they call, I will answer. It’s time that everyone knows that I’m here with you and I’m not going anywhere. I have money saved up that Ivy doesn’t know about, but I have to be careful. She’s smart and she knows her way around a computer. I caught her snooping one night a few years ago. I think it hit her hard when she figured out my password.”

I was a little confused. “Why?”

“It was WILLOW.”

I was taken back, at first, realizing that even when they were supposed to be at their happiest, I was the one who held his heart. He smiled, knowing that his confession had earned him more of those brownie points.

I literally pounced on him. While pinning him to my bed, I looked down at my willing prisoner. “I want you to f**k me then take me in the shower and wash me.”

His eyes opened wide at my request. I felt his strong arms pulling me down against his body. “Yes, ma’am!”

He flipped us over, wasting no time removing my t-‐shirt and shorts. I didn’t feel modest being around him. He was my choice , and for that reason, it was easy to be completely naked with him. After finagling his own shorts and shirt off, he pulled me back into his arms. I climbed on top of him, straddling him like I was in position. I reached down and began stroking him, making him even harder than he already was. He ran his hands up to my br**sts and pushed them together, licking them at the same time, while watching the expression on my face. Each time his tongue crossed over the ni**les, I bit down on my lip and had to close my eyes to keep them from rolling in the back of my head. He circled his own saliva around each tip and blew cold air on them. My body tingled and my hand stroked him harder. I began to tease my own pu**y with his shaft, rocking my body over it. I watched the tip of his c**k rubbing against my bud. He moaned and looked down as well. I stroked it faster, getting a groove going with my hand and my body movements. He grabbed my hair and pulled my face close enough to lick my lips with his tongue. I tried to bite him, but he controlled my actions by holding my hair. I liked it when he pulled. It turned me on more. Soon, I was rocking even faster, overwhelmed with pleasure.
