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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(31)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I liked that our plan was working.

“You like watching his lips on me? Just wait until later. You’re going to get the show of your life!” I took Stosh by the hand and we walked out into the living room. I knew she’d be in there, trapped and sobbing.

After I showered and got myself comfortable, we made sure the house was locked up and went out for a movie. It was important for people to see us getting around together, like nothing had ever happened. We didn’t have to pretend to be in love, I don’t know which one of us was showing it more. Stosh couldn’t keep his hands off of me. I couldn’t stop looking at him.

It all still felt like a dream. I guess when you fantasize about something for as long as I did, it makes the reality of it hard to believe.

After the movie, we headed out to a coffee shop and talked about our future.

Did I feel wicked?

Maybe a little.

I mean, I wasn’t an evil person. I still didn’t think I was going to go to hell for my actions. What I was doing wasn’t right, but all is fair in love and war, right?

We’d been at the coffee shop for nearly an hour, when I got up to go to the bathroom. Some tall, attractive guy grabbed me at the waist and pulled me into a kiss. I pulled away and slapped him. “What the hell?”

“I’ve been waiting all week to hear from you again.” He had an Italian accent.

“I don’t even know you.”

He grabbed my hand and I pulled it away quickly. “Cheri, surely you do. I could never forget our nights together.”

Had my sister been having some hot affair behind Stosh’s back? I wanted to know, but revealing to someone she knew that I wasn’t Ivy, could ruin everything. I had to be Ivy, no matter what happened. “I’m just playing. Things have gotten complicated at home. We’re trying to work things out.”

He raised his eyebrow. “You promised that we’d be together soon. You said it was going brilliantly. Tell me you haven’t changed your mind. We’ve planned this for so long, my love. You said once you ruined your sister and your husband, we could run away together.”

This was a devastating blow. I knew there was another piece of the puzzle. Stosh knew it too. This was what he hadn’t told me. “Things change. People change. I realized that I needed to try to be a better person. Please understand?”

He looked so sad and I honestly felt bad for him. Like one of her many puppets, she’d strung him along. Maybe she really did want to run away. Maybe after she destroyed both me and Stosh, she could finally move on and be happy. It didn’t matter anymore. This couldn’t ruin my plan.. We were in too deep to change our game.

“Please don’t say this. I’ve been so patient. Tell me we still have a chance.”

I opened my mouth to speak and heard a familiar voice behind me. “Leave her alone, Rafe. You heard her. She said it’s over.”

He moved in between us, like he was prepared to fight for my honor. It was pretty sexy, even though the situation wasn’t ideal for me to be turned on.

Rafe looked at me. “Is this true?”

I looked down, pretending to be upset about it. “Yes. I’m very sorry.”

“Me too.” He shook his head and walked away without another word.

“That was awkward.”

“Sorry about that.”

I cocked my eyebrow. “Were you planning on telling me that Ivy was leaving you?”

“Was she?” He scratched his head and smiled. “I didn’t know that. I mean, I know she was seeing him. I was having them watched. She was so careful about where they met. I knew she was up to something, but I didn’t know what it was, I swear.”

“According to him, when she was done destroying us, they were going to run away together.”

“Wow! Well, her plan backfired.”

“I’ll say. I almost feel bad for him.”

He grabbed the back of my arms and pulled me close. “I don’t. For a long time I wanted her to find someone else.”

“Too bad she wanted to ruin our lives before she left. It would have saved us a lot of grief.”

He kissed my forehead. “If you weren’t such a perfect child, she wouldn’t have become the spawn of Satan.”

I smacked his chest. “Don’t even joke. You know it wasn’t like that. She’s loony for thinking that.

“Let’s get out of here.”

I didn’t really want to go home and be around my sister. “Can we go somewhere else?”

He grabbed my hand. “I know the perfect place.”

He drove us to the parking lot of our high school. “Did you bring me here to make out? That’s pretty cliché.”

“You love cliché.”

He was right about that. I did like a good romantic cliché. “I love you.” He leaned over in the seat and smiled. “I like hearing you say it.”

“It’s nice to be able to. I’m getting worried we aren’t going to be able to pull this off. So much can go wrong.”

He moved the hair away from my face. “No matter what, we’re going to be together. Nothing can keep us apart, Willow. I don’t care what we have to go through. Nothing can be as painful as what we’d been through already. I just feel so bad for what you had to do without me. I’d never want you to have to make that decision without me.”

He was right about that. I never wanted to feel as alone as I had when my sister had taken me down. He was wrong about the other thing though. Our baby was growing inside of me. I wanted to tell him, more than anything else, but we had to get through all of this crap before that could happen. “I hope one day we can be a family, Stosh.”

The pain in his eyes ripped out my soul. I had to keep in mind that I was protecting our baby. In the long run, he would respect my decision. I hoped.

He opened his car door, but not before turning on satellite radio to the Love station. I giggled and watched him run around to my side of the car. He opened the door and held out his hand for me.

I placed my hand in his and let him pull me out of the car. “What are we doing?”

He held me close against his chest and reached our hands out like we were about to dance. “I’m giving you the prom you never had.”

We started swaying around his car to a variety of romantic songs that were playing. I wasn’t going to argue with his cheesy attempt. I actually loved it.

After a while, we held hands and walked out onto the football field. Well, we almost made it on the field. Stosh pressed me between the concession stand, and his body, for a hot kiss that left me weak in the knees. When he pulled away I was breathless and craving more. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to my lips for another one, this time I didn’t let our lips part. Our tongues vigorously danced, just as we had done in the parking lot. His hands explored my body, like no other man on the planet could. When he reached my br**sts and guided his fingertips under my bra, I knew what was going to happen. The moment he touched my hardened ni**les, I was his for the taking.
