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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(34)
Author: Jennifer Foor

As soon as his pants came down, so did my shorts. In fact, all of our clothes came off and we were left naked, pretzeled together on his bed. He stood up at the end and pulled me down so that half of my ass was hanging off. My legs were placed over each of his shoulders and he rubbed the underneath of my ass as he positioned himself. I felt him sliding in and watched as he watched himself doing it.

He bit down on his lip and began pumping himself in and out.

Stosh took one of my legs and leaned in, bringing it almost flat against my chest. “I’m close.”

With both of my legs now almost touching my chest and Stosh’s strong arms holding them there, I felt his body tightening. I opened my eyes and saw his closing as he was overwhelmed with satisfaction.

After a few moments, he finally fell beside me on the bed, allowing my legs to finally relax. My muscles were tired and aching, but I liked knowing why they felt that way.

He leaned over and kissed my lips softly. “We never made it to the shower.”

“I forgive you.”

“For the shower? I didn’t know I was in trouble.” He smiled and traced the skin on one of my br**sts.

I shook my head. “Not for the shower, Stosh.”

He sat up and got real serious.

I reached up and stroked the side of his face with the back of my hand. “I just want to move forward. If something bad happens to me, I want you to know that I forgive you for your part in Ivy’s plan. I can see how she used you, but I also feel flattered that you felt like it was the only way you could ever be with me. I felt our connection. As much as I try to rationalize that forgiving you is a mistake, I can’t not do it. What I want is right in front of me and nothing is going to stop me from having it.”

He smiled, showing his almost perfect teeth, before letting his head fall down on my chest. He brought my hand up to his lips. “So, I have my best friend back?”

I ran a hand through his dark hair. “Yeah, I guess you do.”

He leaned up on his chin and looked at me. “There’s just one thing that bothers me.”


“I hate that I have to call you, Ivy. I want the world to know that I’m with Willow. It’s just not very fair, after everything she’s put us through.”

Shouting started coming from the other room. “I CAN HEAR YOU!”

“WE DON’T CARE!” I yelled back.

“We should probably go put her back in her room. If she can hear us talking, I’m sure she heard us f**king. I HOPE SHE DID!”

We were being rude. Each time I started to feel sorry for being the way we were, I thought about all of the lies upon lies that she made us believe.

We dressed, in order to be able to go out and handle Ivy. We found her on the floor. She’d been trying to get into my purse with her teeth. I rushed over and started putting everything back in. When I picked up her cell phone, I saw it blinking. When I pulled up the messages, I was shocked how many were on there. We left Ivy on the floor, while Stosh and I sat down and looked through them.

What does he have on you, my love? – R

Please answer me. – R

I won’t let you do this. We are meant to be together. You, me and the baby. –R

I felt sick reading it. All along Stosh had thought that her plan was to take my baby and raise it with him. This guy was claiming that she had planned to raise the baby with him. Stosh grabbed the phone out of my hand and shoved it in her face. “Is this true?”

She spit in his face. “Screw you! Screw you both!”

He cocked his arm back and I threw myself in between them. “Don’t do it. Don’t stoop to her level.”

He pointed at her. “If it were up to me, you’d be at the bottom of a f**king river, tied to a cinder block, you evil whore!”

She rolled over and tucked her body as she cried.

I looked over at Stosh who shook his head and walked into the bedroom. I think he’d had enough of my sister for the night. He came back out and went into the bathroom. The sound of the water turning on let me know that he was getting a shower.

I grabbed her by the arms and started dragging her into the room. “Get off of me!”

“Shut up! You keep digging yourself into a deeper hole.”

Once in the room, I let her slam back down on the floor. Her hands were bound tight, as well as her feet. She couldn’t do anything to me. “You’re going to pay for this, Willow. Rafe will come for me. We have plans.”

“I saw Rafe earlier, as well as Mom and Dad. They all think I’m you. Right now, they think you and Stosh are working on our relationship. Well, I guess me and Stosh are working on our relationship. The new and improved version of you knows how to keep her man happy, since he’s loved me the entire time.”

“You won’t get away with this. They’ll figure it out.”

“No they won’t. You did such a good job making me look like I was crazy that they won’t believe anything out of your mouth.”

She finally realized what was going on. I don’t think she got how I was going to pull it off, but it was happening and there was nothing she could do about it.

“I’ll never pretend to be you, Willow. This isn’t happening!”

It was, no matter how much she cried. I shoved the gag back in her mouth and smiled as I walked out the door and shut it behind me.

Chapter 18

Tears for Fears.

I went straight toward the bathroom, finding the door to be unlocked. Without hesitation, I found Stosh standing in the shower, letting the water run over his body. He had both arms against the wall and his head against it.

I took off my clothes and he didn’t even realize that I’d come into the bathroom. When I slid open the glass door, he saw me and moved over to give me room. I didn’t say anything. It was better to just wrap my arms around him.

“Sorry, I just lost it! I’ve never hit a female in my life. She’s just…She’s not even human. She’s possessed by the devil or something equivalent. She has no soul.”

I kissed his wet skin as I pressed my lips on his back. “She knows what to say to get you worked up, that’s for sure.”

He finally turned around. “I just keep thinking we should run away instead of doing this. I have a bad feeling about it. So much can go wrong.”

I looked right into his eyes. “I don’t want us to have to give up everything, including both of our family’s. Let’s just give this plan a chance. She will break. I may not know anything else about her, but I know she can’t take what we’re doing to her.”
