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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(35)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He started washing my hair. “If something happens that puts us in danger, we’re out of here. I’m not going to stick around and get arrested.”

“You’re overreacting. I’m not going to jail. So what if I tied up my sister and held her prisoner? She ruined my life.”

He put both hands on my cheeks and looked into my eyes. “I’m going to have a back-‐up plan.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever! You won’t need it.”

We finished washing but stayed in the shower, realizing that Ivy couldn’t hear us talking. “What are we going to do about Rafe? We can’t have him bringing attention to us. It has to look like we are working hard at our marriage.”

I ran my hands up his wet chest. “I am working hard on my marriage.”

We both laughed, even though the conversation was supposed to be serious.

The conversation was dropped when the water began to get cold. We both climbed out of the shower and made it to the bedroom before anything else was said. After putting on a bra and underwear, I climbed in bed next to him. He was sitting up, flipping through channels, looking for something to watch on the television. I leaned over and plugged both phones in to charge. When I did it, I noticed several more messages. Stosh was too busy with the television to pay attention to what I was doing. I leaned over the bed and looked at them.

I need you to call me. – R

Meet me tomorrow at my place. – R

Please? –R

I don’t know what came over me, but I replied.

Okay. – I

I rolled back over to see if Stosh had noticed and he hadn’t. After realizing that he didn’t have a clue, I laid there staring at the ceiling and wondering if I should tell him or not. He was already freaking out about my plan not being a good idea.

I had to do what was best. There was a baby that I had to worry about. Rafe could complicate things and I wasn’t about to let that happen.

I rolled over and cuddled with Stosh. “I think you should go into work tomorrow.”

He sat down the remote and cuddled up with me. “I told my dad that I had to stay home and take care of you. I can make all my calls and do my invoices from here.”

“I was thinking of going over to my parent’s house in the morning. The longer I ignore their calls, the more likely they are to come over and check on us. We can’t have that happening.”

“I’ll just go with you. I’m sure they’d rather see us together.”

I hated lying to Stosh, but I was protecting him and our future. “Yeah, I guess so.” I hoped this next part was believable. “Oh Wait! You need to stay here. What will you do if Rafe shows up and has a key to this place? Ivy could have given him one, you don’t know. If he comes in and finds her we’re screwed.”

I could tell that he felt defeated. “Will you at least hurry home. I mean, I know you’re healthy, but I like the idea of taking care of you. Being without you, right now, makes me nervous.”

“I will be fine. How about I pick up lunch on the way home?”

He kissed my nose. “Fine. You win.”

I was all about cuddling with Stosh, but like all cuddle partners, it gets too hot to sleep like that. Shortly after rolling out of his arms, I laid awake upset with myself for lying to him. So many lies had already been told. I couldn’t believe that I was telling so many of my own. It made me uneasy.

The next morning came too fast and I knew that I had to go through with what I had set out to do, so I got dressed and headed out before Stosh could argue about it. I wasn’t used to driving my sister’s vehicle, but it was necessary. After doing a search on the internet, I had Rafe’s address and had plugged it into the GPS.

When I pulled up and saw the size of his house, I was in shock. My sister had picked him for a reason. I wasn’t sure what he did for a living, but he definitely had money. His house wasn’t a mansion, but it was damn near one.

I knocked on the door several times, before he answered it wearing only a robe and pair of boxers. The smile on his face let me know that I still had him faked out. It amazed me that all these people had no clue the kind of person that my sister really was. She’d told so many lies to so many people.

“Hello, my love. Come in, come in.” I hated feeling him put his arm around me and lead me inside. “I’m making your favorite breakfast.”

“I can’t stay long. I have a doctor’s appointment.” Maybe I should just be a professional liar. I was getting pretty good at it.

“We must discuss what is happening.”

I sat down on the other side of the kitchen table and tried not to look around the house. Ivy would have known where everything was, so I had to make it seem like I was comfortable. “Rafe, I appreciate that you stuck by me when things were at the their worse. I just can’t continue this with you. It isn’t fair to you or to me.”

“But, you were the one who said we had to leave. You told me we were going to be a family. I’ve already paid for the house in Malta.”

Did he say Malta?

Holy shit! “My feelings have changed. I want to work things out with my husband. I owe it to him.”

He shook his head and approached me, crouching down on his knees. He grabbed my hands. “Please don’t say these things. I love you and you love me.”

I pulled my hands away from him, stood up and walked past him. He was still on his knees, waiting for me to say something. I saw the pain in his eyes and I knew he was heartbroken, grasping at straws for something to hold onto. “I’m so sorry, Rafe.”

He shook his head and looked down. He really was a gorgeous man. I could see how Ivy would want to be with him. “I won’t give up. You’ll come back, you always do.” He poured himself a drink, even though it was still early in the morning. I could see his hands shaking as he tipped it back and sipped from it. I’d forced a man to be an alcoholic. This was yet another reason that my life was off track.

I wondered how many times my sister had told him it was over. Maybe she didn’t know who she wanted to be with. “Look, I came to tell you in person. I’d appreciate it if you let me move on. What we had was great, but it’s over.”

This guy couldn’t take a hint. He ran up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me from going anywhere. I tried to pull way, but he was too strong. “Please. I don’t want you to go back to him. He beat you and cheated on you. How could I be okay with that? You deserve to be happy. I can make you happy, Ivy.”
