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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(36)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I kept my body as still as possible. Fear was overwhelming me. “Please get your hands off of me.”

Finally, he let go. I ran out of the door and didn’t look back. I have no idea if he’d followed me outside, but I didn’t want to take the chance and have him catch me. That man was creepy and obsessed.

I drove out of his private development and finally parked at a nearby grocery store. I needed to relax before I walked back into Stosh’s place all worked up. Besides, being stressed couldn’t have been good for the baby.

While I was there, I went into a pharmacy. While browsing around, I finally spotted what I’d came there to look for. I grabbed a bottle of prenatal vitamins and a bottle of Tylenol. Once I paid and got back into my car, I emptied the Tylenol into another half empty bottle and filled that bottle with the prenatal vitamins. Then I discarded the prenatal vitamin container so that nobody would ever know that I’d purchased them.

I didn’t want to keep the secret much longer, but the timing had to be right for me to finally be able to tell people the news. I kept picturing Stosh’s face when I told him that he was going to be a daddy.

It was going to make him more happy than he’d ever been before. I rubbed my stomach and thought about our little bean growing inside of me. I hoped that all of the stress that I was under wasn’t harming it. The last thing I wanted was complications. I just wanted he or she to be healthy and have a loving family to belong to. Stosh was a part of that now and I couldn’t wait to be able to be free of all of this bullshit that was going on around us.

When I got home, it was nearly twelve. I’d stopped by and grabbed two salads from a local deli. I could have just bought one, considering they were enough to feed a small summer camp full of kids.

I went inside and sat the bag down on the countertop. Stosh wasn’t in the living room. I knew he was home because his car was in the driveway. I checked the bedroom and the bathroom, but he wasn’t there either.

I walked out to the main house and checked the door. It was locked, so I knew he couldn’t be inside. He wasn’t out by the pool or anywhere in the yard.

I started to panic, thinking back when I felt like he’d betrayed me in the worst way. There was one more room to check and I was too afraid to open the door. What if they were in on some kind of master plan. What if he’d been lying to me the whole time?

The more I stood on the other side of the door wondering, the more upset I made myself. With my hand on the doorknob, I took a few breaths and opened the door. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw when it opened. The pain I felt was unbelievable and I didn’t know what I was going to do.

Chapter 19

What the…

I just stared for a few moments, trying to picture that what I was seeing wasn’t actually happening. Stosh was laying down on his back. His eyes were closed and so were Ivy’s. She was laying on top of him, but that wasn’t what alarmed me.

Ivy’s hands were undone and next to her lay a baseball bat.

I ran over toward them and pushed my sister off of Stosh. She didn’t wake up.

“Stosh, can you hear me?” I put my head against his chest and heard his heart beating. That was my first concern. I just needed to know that he was still alive.

Upon further inspecting him, I noticed that he had a gash on the other side of his forehead. It was bleeding down onto the carpet and there was a puddle already there.

I looked around the room and saw that it was in a disarray, like she untied herself and waited for him to come in. What she must not have figured was that he would have fought back.

He started to stir and I leaned in close to his face. “Can you hear me?”

“Yeah,” he whispered.

“I was so worried. What happened?”

Before he could respond, I watched his eyes get really big. Just as I turned around, I felt my sister’s fist punching me right in the face. I went down hard, landing next to Stosh and right in his pile of blood.

I could see him trying to focus enough to stand up and help me, but it was obvious he had a concussion. He needed to get to a hospital.

I put my hand over my face to block any more blows that were coming my way. “Ivy stop!”

She shoved me out of the way and made a dash for the door. Unfortunately, I was just as fast. I grabbed the leg of her pants and sent her falling face first. She landed hard on the floor and it must have taken her breath away. While I stood up and rushed for the door, she remained still, trying to catch her breath. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back in the bedroom. “Get the f**k off of me!”

“Shut up!” I shoved her down in the corner. “What did you do to him?” I was so mad that I threw myself on top of her and started smacking her in the face. She put her hands up to protect herself.

I felt someone pulling me away from her. Stosh had blood running down his face, but he was alert enough to know what was happening. When Ivy saw that he was conscious, her eyes got big and she began to plead. “Stosh, please. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

He grabbed her by the hair and shoved her against the wall. “Grab her hands.”

I looked down on the floor and grabbed the zip ties, before rushing over and wrapping it around my sister’s wrists. Once her hands were bound, it was easy to get her sitting down and attach each of her feet to the chair. It was barbaric, but necessary.

When I knew she couldn’t move, I rushed over to Stosh’s side and helped him get into the living room. “I feel like I’m going to pass out. That bitch hit me with a bat.”

“I saw it.” I ran over with a wet towel and started cleaning him up, so that I could assess the injury. “You’re going to need stitches, babe. The gash is pretty deep and you’ve lost a ton of blood. I’m positive you have a concussion.”

Even while he was in pain. He managed to smile. “Listen to the doctor’s daughter go.”

I shook my head. “Stop joking. Are you able to walk to the car?”

I helped him stand up, grabbed a clean shirt for him, and led him to the car. The hospital wasn’t that far from the house and we were there in just a few minutes. Stosh kept closing his eyes, dozing off.

“You have to stay awake.”

“I can’t. My eyes feel heavy.”

I was so worried about him. Head injuries were serious. Someone could be talking to you one minute and dead the next. Losing him would crush my soul. I couldn’t even let myself imagine it.

I ran into the hospital and got some attendants to come out and get Stosh in a wheelchair. From there, they put him on a gurney and took him right into the emergency room.
