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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(37)
Author: Jennifer Foor

It seemed like forever that I had to wait to hear from someone. When the nurse came out to look for me, she had this look on her face like she didn’t have good news. My stomach dropped and I felt like I was going to hurl. I covered my mouth and ran toward the ladies room.

She’d followed me in there. “Ma’am are you okay?”

“Just give me a second.”

I was beginning to cry and I couldn’t get myself calm enough to face her. Finally, after a few minutes, I made my way out of the stall and saw her standing there. I looked her right in the eyes and waited for her bad news.

“You can come back and see him now.”

My face lit up. “He’s okay?”

“The doctor will explain everything. He has a concussion and we had to give him stitches. He’s lucky you were there when he fell. A head injury like that could be fatal.”

When he fell?

Stosh told them he fell?

I followed behind her until we got to his room. His head was bandaged up, but he looked alright. His face lit up when he saw me walking in. “There’s my girl.”

I was so happy to see him. I rushed over and wrapped my arms across his chest.

He struggled to breathe for a second. “Easy now. I’m a little beat up.”

“I’m so sorry I left. You don’t know how worried I was when I got home and found you like that. I was so scared.”

“It could have been worse. I got one blow in as I was going down. I know the hitting a girl rule was broken, but she deserved it.”

I laughed and kept holding him. Letting go was not an option. “I wanted to kill her. Seeing you just laying there, looking all lifeless was horrible. I felt like picking up that bat and ending her existence.”

He reached his arm up and put it around my back. “That would have messed up the plan.”

“Yeah, but at least we have another option to fall back on. Running away with you seems better by the second.” It was true. We would be giving up our family, our friends and Stosh’s job, but we’d be together. Somehow, that was all I cared about.

“You know, I tried to call you. I wanted you to grab creamer on the way back. When you didn’t answer your phone, I called your parent’s house. It was disturbing when they said they hadn’t seen you.”

I felt sick. He’d caught me and I was going to have to tell him that I went against his request and met Rafe. “Stosh, I’m sorry. I was trying to take care of the problem. I thought if I could just talk to him alone, he would back off.”

“So, where were you?”

I sat up, seeing that he wanted details. I could understand how he wanted us to be honest with each other. After everything, it was the only way our relationship could work. “Please don’t get mad at me, but I went to his house.”

“You what?” He tried to sit up, forcing me off the bed and him to fall back down on the bed. “Willow, you’re smarter than that. He could have attacked you, or raped you. For Christ sakes, you have got to be more careful.”

“I know. I know. I wasn’t thinking.”

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “I’m glad you’re okay, Will. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.”

“It wasn’t even worth it anyway. Rafe couldn’t take no for an answer. He said he won’t give up on our love.” I was sarcastic when I said it.


“I told him to leave us alone. He said he’d already bought a house in Malta. They were going to move there and raise our baby, after Ivy stole it from me and took it from you. With her living out of the country, we’d never freaking find her.”

He kept holding my hand. “At least there isn’t a baby for her to steal. I would really kill her if she tried that shit.” He shook his head. “Don’t get me wrong. I know why you did what you did, but I do want children. Someday, I guess.”

“Yeah, someday.” I felt like more of an ass.

He pulled my hand up to his lips. “Just promise me no more lies, Will. I can’t keep worrying about you like I did today. It killed me. I think it’s why I let my guard up. I couldn’t think straight.”

I stood up and froze. I had to tell him about the baby. If I waited, he was never going to forgive me. I tried to open my mouth to speak and I started to get dizzy. Before I could even grab the edge of the bed, I went down.

I woke up in a hospital bed. Stosh was sitting beside me and he didn’t look happy. The bandage was still on his head and he was also dressed in the same hospital gown as before, which meant it was probably the same day. “What happened?”

He gave me a funny look. “Apparently, when you’re pregnant, it is important that you eat breakfast and take vitamins.”

I didn’t know what to say. I just started to cry.

“Cat got your tongue?”

“I was going to tell you. I just…”

“You let me think you had an abortion. Do you have any idea how much that hurt me?”

“Stosh, it wasn’t like that. I went to the clinic, but after talking to the counselor and thinking about what I was doing, I couldn’t go through with it. When you came back, I needed to be sure your intentions were good. The timing just never seemed right.”

I could talk to him until I was blue in the face. He was hurt and pissed. The more I pleaded the more frustrated he became. “I’m angry at you for lying to me. I’ve been messed up since you told me what you’d done. The decent thing would have been to tell me the truth. I hope you get that.”

“I do.” I reached for his hand, but he pulled it away. “Stosh, please. I just wanted our baby to be safe. You have to understand that I had to know you weren’t plotting anything with Ivy. She wanted our baby and I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t let her find out.”

“The nurse said the baby is fine.” He sat the sonogram picture down on my stomach.

“Please, don’t be mad.”

He stood there for a second, just looking at me. Then, without saying anything, he walked out of the room.

I was still hooked up to the monitors, so it wasn’t like I could just get up and follow him. Obviously, he needed time to be upset with me. If my sister hadn’t tried to smash his head in earlier, I would have still wondered if he would run and tell her. Now that she’d done that and I’d talked to Rafe, I knew he really was telling me the truth when he said he hated her.
