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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(38)
Author: Jennifer Foor

This wasn’t how I wanted to tell Stosh about our baby. I’d pictured being in bed and celebrating after everything had calmed down. I thought about showing him a sonogram picture and being happy together.

Now, he’d found out while I wasn’t even conscious. How long had I been out of it?

The nurse came in to check my vitals. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine, I guess.”

“We are going to give you some fluids and some vitamins. After we monitor you for a couple hours, you’ll be free to go. It’s best that you make an appointment with your OBGYN. Health care during a pregnancy is very beneficial to both the mother and baby.”

“Okay, I will. Thank you.”

“Your husband is in the room next to you. He’s very happy about the pregnancy. I take it that it was unexpected?”

“You could say that.”

“Well, I wouldn’t be too worried. He seems over the moon about it.”

That was the reassurance I needed. He was mad and I didn’t blame him. I deserved that. It was still good to know that while mad, he was just as happy about it as I was.

There was one thing that I knew for sure. That was the last secret I was ever going to keep from him.

Chapter 20

Heart Attack v/s Hurricane.

We were released from the hospital later that night. Neither of us was worried about Ivy, since she was tied to a chair in the middle of a room. I’d locked the doors before we left and not worried if she’d died of starvation. She deserved to suffer.

Stosh didn’t say much, during the ride, except that he wanted to stop and get something to eat. I didn’t want to mention that I was starving, being that it would go back to me being pregnant and keeping it from him.

I’d had hours to think about what I wanted to say, but I couldn’t come up with anything that would make him forgive me. He was hurt and it was directly because of my actions. I almost couldn’t forgive myself.

We arrived at the restaurant and got seated. Of course, we got dirty looks with Stosh having stitches in his head. It hadn’t bruised that bad around the injury, but it was enough to make it very noticeable. An egg shape could be noticed from the side and it seemed shinier than his other skin.

As for me, well, I looked normal. To everyone else, I was just a regular woman, having a meal with my husband. Only Stosh and I knew that I was impersonating my sister and carrying his child. We belonged on a talk show with big ridiculous reveals.

We’d already ordered our food when Stosh finally began to speak to me again. “Now that I know you’re pregnant, we need to talk about changing our plan. What you’re doing is too dangerous. Having you in jail is bad enough. I can’t sit around knowing my child could be born in a prison.”

“If we don’t go through with this, Ivy wins.”

“Do you know how immature that sounds? We are going to be parents. I think it’s time we start making smart decisions. Tell your parents the truth Willow. They deserve to know what’s been going on.”

Our food came and we started to eat. I considered my options while chewing my first couple bites. “Ivy needs to pay for what she’s done. Our baby is in danger if she’s set free and you know it.”

“I didn’t say she should be set free. I said you should tell your parents. I’ll be with you the whole time. We’ll do it together.”

That did make me feel better, however, it wasn’t enough to set my mind totally at ease. My sister was smart and manipulative. She would figure out a way to ruin us all over again, if she had the chance.


“Good. Tonight we’ll go over and talk. If they kick us out, we’re leaving this town together. I have contacts in every city and I can sell anything. It will be easy for me to get a job.”

We finished eating and headed back to his place. I brought a box of leftovers to feed Ivy. She didn’t deserve to have a meal ordered for just her.

When we pulled up at the house, everything seemed fine. It wasn’t until we walked up to the door that things were suddenly wrong. The door was busted open. Stosh ran in first. I followed behind him, running right for the room my sister was in. Of course, she was gone. Stosh ran up and looked right at me. “ Don’t panic!”

“She’s gone! What are we going to do? She’ll tell everyone!”

“Hang on.” Stosh ran into the bedroom and came out with the diary and a large manila folder in his hand. “Go put this in the car while I call the police. We’re going to treat this like it was a normal break in. “

While waiting for the cops, we hid all of the evidence that my sister had been held hostage. The cops came in and dusted for prints. Whether they would find Rafe’s was the million dollar question. I played the part of Ivy, so nothing seemed suspicious.

It was all out of hand. I was shaking so badly, wondering if I was ever going to be safe. We’d just left the restaurant with a different game plan. Now, I was going to have to tell my parents everything. I had to get to them before Ivy could. If she talked to them before me, my life could be destroyed.

The police took forever. They had to fill out a report and then insisted on checking out the main house to see if that too had been burglarized. I was trying to be patient, but every second that went by gave my sister ample time to make her next move. When the police left, we headed over to my parents.

There wasn’t anyone home. I tried to call their phones, but neither answered. We knew they weren’t working, since Stosh had talked to them earlier. On occasion they would catch a movie, and honestly, I had no idea what else they liked to do since I hadn’t been around them in such a long time. They could have belonged to a nudist colony for all I knew.

On the way back to the house, Stosh was quiet. He was still upset with me. I got why he was, but he’d also lied to me and put me through Hell. The only reason I had forgiven him was because he’d done it all out of love for me.

I reached over and grabbed his hand. “I love you.”

He looked over and finally smiled. “I love you, too.”

“I know you’re going to be a good father.”

He smiled and looked over at me. “I appreciate you saying that. I hope you know that I would do anything in my power to keep you and our baby safe. Ivy isn’t going to hurt us, as long as we stick together.”

“You think Rafe helped her, don’t you?” I think I had the same feeling. My visit with him must have sent him off the deep end. I don’t know how he knew Ivy was inside, but together they were going to be a difficult force to be reckoned with. “I know I do.”
