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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(39)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Yeah, it had to be him. He knew where we lived. Maybe Ivy freed herself again. Who the hell knows. Either way, I’m sure they are together. She’s going to need someone on her side for when she makes her next attack, if she even gets the chance to do it. Hopefully they will hop on a plane and never look back.”

“As long as they don’t steal our baby, I could care less.”

He let go of my hand and reached over to place his hand on my belly. It was the first time he’d done something like that and I was taken back by his actions. “Nobody is ever going to take our baby. We made that baby out of love. Fuck your sister and her head games. She’s just pissed because she’ll never have what we have.”

“I just want to not have to watch our backs every five seconds. It would be great if she ran off with Rafe and never came back.”

“I hope so.” He pulled my hand up and kissed it. “I am really happy, Will. I know I lost my temper in the hospital. It just caught me off guard. I knew you couldn’t have just gotten pregnant, which could only mean you lied about having the abortion. I don’t blame you, though. I was a f**king douche for what I did to you. I should have been honest the whole time. I hate that you even considered that to be your only option.”

“At the time, I just wanted to be free from it all. You and Ivy hurt me so much. Everything I ever believed about my sister had been this lie. I couldn’t handle it. My parents disowned me and I thought you were just playing with my head. Nothing made sense.” That was the lowest time in my life.

“I know. I feel like shit every day. I think I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make things up to you. I know I won’t give up until I have your complete trust. It means everything to me. You mean everything to me.”

“I feel the same way about you. I just wish there was an easier way for us to be together. I mean, you have to admit that this really sucks. I want to believe that everything is going to be okay, but it’s hard when it all just keeps going so wrong. Now my crazy sister is out there somewhere, planning her next move on destroying us. I won’t be able to sleep until I know she’s put away somewhere. She needs to be put into a mental institution.”

“Right now, my main concern is your safety. I want to get you home. We’re going to stay in the main house and turn the alarm on tonight. Nobody is going to hurt you.”

I liked that he was being so bossy. When it came to me being safe, I needed all the help I could get. “Does she know the code?”

“Hell no! I kept it a secret so I could go somewhere and she couldn’t bother me. Besides, the owners change it every time they leave.”

I couldn’t help but smile. It felt good to know we could go somewhere and be safe from her wrath. “What if she sets the house on fire?”

He shook his head. “The alarm company reports fires. Stop worrying. You’ll be fine. If it bothers you this much, tomorrow we can pack a bag and go somewhere. We’ll just drive until we get tired. Hell, we can drive until you see a place that you’d love to raise a baby in. We can start over there and never look back.”

Selling me on running away wasn’t getting old. The more he mentioned it, the more it seemed like a great idea. “Okay.”

He pulled over the car. “Seriously?”

I nodded. “Yes, seriously. This has all gotten so out of hand. I wanted my family back, but now I just think we’d be better off if we got out of this place. I hate everything about it.”

He leaned over and kissed me. “So, it’s settled? Tomorrow morning we’re getting the hell out of here and starting our new life together?” He ran his hands through my hair. “I need to stop by the bank and close my accounts. We can live off the cash until I get situated with a new job. If it’s okay with you, I want to tell my parents the truth. I know you want to leave everything behind, but I think they’d be on our side. I can show them the diary if I need to. Since I’ve only worked for my dad, it’s important that we are on speaking terms. I need to be able to support us and I can’t do that if I don’t have a good job. There’s a chance that my dad may even let me work remotely and stay with his company. I may still have to travel, but you can always come with me.”

I couldn’t believe he was just willing to give everything up for me. It was like he had no regrets when it came to our future. I felt the same way, so it made my decision so much easier to make. “I’ve wanted to be with you since the day you walked into my classroom. I’ve loved you for almost that long. All I want to do is be with you. I want to raise our baby and spend every single moment knowing we finally got to have the happy ending that we always should have. I know it took us a long time, but we’re together and nothing is going to tear us apart. As long as I have your love, I don’t need anyone else’s approval. You’re all I’ve ever needed, Stoshua Wheeler.”

We kissed each other slowly, not paying any mind to the fact that we were pulled over on the side of the road in a little development. People probably thought we were teenagers, making out in the car so our parents wouldn’t see.

“When we get home, I’m throwing all my shit in trash bags. We should just leave tonight.”

My heart was beating so rapidly. I didn’t have to think twice. “Let’s do it!”

He pulled away from the curb before I finished the sentence. “The sooner we get out of here, the better!”

Stosh turned the corner to drive down his long driveway and stopped the car. In front of us, surrounding the little pool house, were police officers. He turned off the car and we sat there as they approached.

One officer held up a megaphone. “Stoshua Wheeler and Willow Green, step out of the vehicle with your hands in the air!”

Stosh looked over at me and reached for my hand. I could see the fear in his eyes. “Do what they say. Don’t tell them anything.”

“I’m scared!” I was already crying.

“It’s going to be fine. My parent’s will have us out by the end of the night.”

We were being surrounded and running out of time. We didn’t have a plan for this. In fact, this was the end of the road. My plan had backfired and now I couldn’t see that light at the end of the tunnel. All I saw was pain.

Chapter 21


The police waited for me and Stosh to climb out of the car before they slammed us against it and handcuffed our hands behind our backs. Stosh kept his eyes on me the whole time they were reading us our rights. I was trying not to cry, but being arrested for the first time wasn’t exactly exciting or something that I ever wanted to happen in my life. I was petrified. Neither of us belonged in jail.
