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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(40)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Sure, kidnapping my sister and pretending to be her could be construed as illegal, but my intentions weren’t. Ivy was the bad person in all of this. Surely, there had to be some kind of justice in it all.

But there wasn’t.

Wherever Ivy was, she wasn’t handcuffed or looked at like she was a criminal. No, she was probably pretending to be broken up about her husband sleeping with her sister. I’m sure she had everyone eating out of the palm of her hands.

As much as I wanted to focus all of my anger on my sister, I was brought back to reality when I was shoved into a cop car and separated from Stosh. I watched them putting him in a different vehicle. There was no way out of this mess now.

Stosh had been right all along. We should have just left. There wasn’t anything left for us in this town except jail time.

Once I was booked, they took me to a temporary holding cell. The particular area I was in was just for women. A couple girls, who looked my age, were in the same cell with me. I could tell from what they were wearing that they were prostitutes. They looked me up and down and started to talk to each other like I hadn’t even been there. I sat down on a bench and began to sob.

My life was messed up. I was pregnant and sitting in jail.

My life couldn’t get any more complicated.

At least, that was what I thought.

A couple hours after being there, a guard came over and led me to another room. I had hoped that I was being bailed out, until I saw my mother sitting at the table. I sat down across from her. “Hello, Mother.”

She looked so furious with me. “What do you have to say for yourself? Do you realize that you’ve made a mockery of this family?”

“It isn’t what you think.” How could she think that I could do something so wreckless? I’d always been the responsible one.

“It doesn’t even matter what I think. You kidnapped your sister and pretended to be her so that you could steal her husband. What kind of person would do such a terrible thing? What do you have to say for yourself?”

I shrugged and looked down at the table. People had carved all sorts of things in the wooden top. “I have nothing to say.”

She tapped her fingernails on the table. “I’m not leaving here until you explain to me why you felt it necessary to do the wreckless things that you’ve been up to?”

“I didn’t do anything that she didn’t deserve. He was mine first, Mom. She took him to spite me. She is a liar! Ivy started all of this.”

I was so angry at her for not listening to a word I was saying. I needed her support. “Your father and I have discussed your future with our family. We think it would be best if we gave you some money and sent you on your way. I think it’s best that you go back to where you were living and have a life there. “

I reached out for her hand, but she pulled away. “Mom, please. Don’t abandon me. I never did anything wrong. I’m the one who is being taken advantage of, not Ivy!”

She shook her head and began to rub her temples like she did when she was frustrated. “I just don’t know where we went wrong with you. We gave you everything you could possibly ask for. You went to a good college. What could your sister possibly have done to make you this bitter toward her? Do you have any idea how much her marriage means to her?”

“Mom, you’re not listening to me. Ivy isn’t the person you think she is. She’s manipulative and out to destroy me. She doesn’t love Stosh. Did you see what she did to his head? She could have killed him.”

My mother stood up. “Enough!” She leaned in, but didn’t sit back down. “Willow, I came here today to try to reason with you, but you’ve left me with no other options. I am not posting your bail, because I feel that the best place for you is in here. If and when you do get out, I’d appreciate it if you left town quietly and you stayed away from Stoshua. He doesn’t need to be involved with you. Am I making myself clear?”

I was sobbing. My own mother was giving up on me. I couldn’t believe it. I looked right up at her and gritted my teeth together as I talked. “I will not give up Stosh! We are in love and nothing you could possibly do would change that.”

“We’ll just see about that.” She waved for the guard and left me sitting there. I felt abandoned. It was disastrous to think that I was sitting in jail while the real psycho was out planning her next path of destruction. I knew what she was going to do next and there was nothing I could do about it.

I spent the night sleeping in a ball on a small cot. The mattress was probably just as hard as the cement floor below it. I tossed and turned and cried most of the night.

For someone that had never been in trouble for anything, having a criminal record just didn’t sit well with me.

Still, with both of us behind bars, I highly doubted that some guardian angel was going to swoop in and save the day. I was shit out of luck.

My arraignment was horrible. Not only did my parents attend, but my sister was right there with them. I pleaded not guilty.

Sure, I’d held her against her will, but she’d done just as bad of things to me and was still walking around.

I saw her smiling when they walked me back to jail. I thought my mother was going to bail me out, but I had no such luck. She hadn’t had a change of heart and with my psychopath twin standing next to her, I knew I didn’t have a chance in Hell at ever being free.

I spent my second night in a cell without sleep. I couldn’t understand how I had let myself get so consumed in this plan of mine. Stosh had been right to worry. I was exactly where he’d said I’d be.

I missed my old, carefree, life. I missed my friends and the job that I had to give up.

When people are at their record low, they must consider a lot of things, because that is exactly what I started to do. I considered telling my mom that I would give up Stosh. I could leave town and somehow move on.

Anything was better than a term in a place like I was currently in. I wanted to be free. My baby couldn’t be born behind bars. He or she deserved a chance at a good life. I deserved that chance too.

Leaving Stosh would be the hardest thing that I would ever have to do. He’d never stop looking for me. I knew that now. There was no way he was going to give up on me. The more I tried to reason with myself, the more upset I became. The only way out of this jail cell was to leave my heart behind.

I didn’t know if it was even possible, or if I really wanted to try. So many people had been hurt. So many hearts were broken. Even though I wasn’t directly the main cause, I still played a part in it. I hated myself for it.
