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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(41)
Author: Jennifer Foor

At least I didn’t have much longer to talk myself out of loving Stosh.

I made bail that evening. Without knowing who had come to my rescue, I grabbed my personal belongings and headed out to meet whoever it was. Stoshua was standing there waiting for me. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hand and looked like he hadn’t slept in a week.

I ran up and threw my arms around him. “Thank you!”

He pushed me away and gave me a once over, before pulling me back into his strong arms. “I’m so glad you’re okay. You can’t imagine how worried I was.”

“It wasn’t like I was in the penitentiary. I didn’t get gang raped or anything.” Maybe sarcasm wasn’t appropriate, but I was just trying to add a little light to my messed up situation. “When did you get out?”

“Last night. Your parents came and talked to mine. They tried to sit me down and tell me that I wasn’t to have any kind of contact with you. They told me that if I bailed you out, I wouldn’t have a job.”

We’d started walking toward the car. It was dark out, but the smell of fresh air filled my nostrils. “Stosh, I’m so sorry. I never meant to cause this much harm to your life.”

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to kiss the side of my head. “Don’t even say that. This is where you belong. They might have blinders on right now, but I have a plan to make this all go away.”

I stopped walking. “What kind of plan?”

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me along. “Trust me, Will.”

I did trust him. In fact, he was the only person in the world that I could trust. “Okay.”

He opened the car door for me and drove me to a drive thru, so I could fill my empty stomach. “I need to get you filled up. When we get home you can take your vitamins and start feeling better. You look pale, babe.”

“I’m fine. I didn’t like the food they served and my stomach was too knotted to think about being hungry.”

“I’m so sorry this happened to you.” He looked sad as we waited for our food.

“It happened to both of us.”

Stosh reached over and massaged my leg. “I won’t stop until we nail that bitch to the wall. I promise you that, Willow. She’s going to pay for this.”

I smiled. “Thanks for loving me.”

“Thanks for loving me back.”

We ate our food like two heathens. I don’t even know if we spoke while we stuffed our faces with greasy goodness. After we were done, Stosh started driving us back to his place. I was a little worried about being there, until he pulled into the main house and parked the car in the garage. “They won’t know we’re here.” He clicked a button and the garage door closed. Then he reached out for my hand. “A large bubble bath awaits you.”

The idea of soaking my troubles away sounded like heaven. “Lead the way!”

At that moment, I didn’t care what the next day would bring. I didn’t care about what my sister was doing or who she was planning on screwing over next. All I cared about was getting into a nice bubbly tub and feeling the touch of the man I loved. He’d come to my rescue and claimed he had a way to make everything better. As much as I wanted to know the details, I also wanted him to know that I trusted him completely. Whatever his idea was, I just hoped it worked, because spending another second without him was never going to be an option for me.

I was too in love to let him go.

Chapter 22

Wet and hot.

I was so exhausted, but Stosh insisted on pampering me in the tub. Far be it from me to deny the man something that made him happy. Since I’d never been in the main house, I took a tour before we retired to the bathroom. The house was beautiful and it was a shame that it wasn’t occupied year round. It had six bedrooms and five bathrooms. It also had a full finished basement with a home theater room in it. The owner collected old arcade games and had a wall in the basement designated for them.

Of course, I had to stop and play Pac Man. I used to love playing that game with my parents when I was little. Stosh was no match for me. I got four levels past his high score on my first attempt.

Feeling defeated, I could tell he was ready to get upstairs. He kissed me on the cheek and told me to follow the music. I finished out one more game before I turned everything off and started making my way up two flights of stairs.

Soft music was playing from the far end of the hallway. I had to laugh just thinking of Stosh trying to be romantic. Even though we were both grown ups, my mind always reverted back to being in high school, where we shared a love of pizza and horror movies.

I walked into a candle lit room. Stosh was already in the tub, laying back with his eyes closed. I leaned against the doorframe and admired how handsome he was. His face had stubble from not having time to shave, but I liked it. It made him look more distinguished.

Since he was in the tub and I was just standing there, I knew that every second I wasted was another second that we could be enjoying those bubbles together. Without further ado, I started removing my clothes. Stosh heard me and opened his eyes. I liked having him watch me. I smiled as I removed my bra and panties and walked over to the edge of the tub. The water was nice. In fact, it was the perfect temperature. I took my time climbing in, on account of not wanting to slip and bust my ass.

He smiled when I sat down in front of him and leaned my back up against his chest. Nothing could have been more comfortable than being in that position after sleeping in a jail the night before. “I missed you.” My finger wet his arms that were wrapped around me.

“I missed you, too.”

“It will be nice when we have our own place to be able to enjoy things like this whenever we want.” It would be nice to not have to hide from my lunatic sister and her obsessive boyfriend. God only knew what they were planning on doing to me next. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was carjacked and left for dead on the side of the road with a bullet in my gut.

“If everything goes the way I plan, we could stay here and raise the baby.”

I turned around and looked right at him. “How the hell would that ever be possible?”

He kissed me quickly and pulled away smiling. “You’ll find out soon enough. I don’t want to get your hopes up, but it is possible. I promise.”

“And I’m supposed to trust you?” I teased.

“Yeah, you are!”

I leaned back against his chest and closed my eyes. “I do trust you, Stosh.”
