Read Books Novel


Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(45)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Chapter 24

Say What?

I didn’t want to face my parents, especially since they’d just written me off without hearing my side of the story. I get how things looked, but I still deserved the chance to plead my case, whether I was having an affair or not.

His parents stayed up pretty late, asking a million more questions. I got that they were confused. Hell, I still didn’t fully understand the complexity of everything that had been happening. One thing we all knew was that my sister was sick. She needed help.

As much as she’d done to me, there was still this small part of me that felt like I was the only one that could get through to her. Contrary to her accusations of hating me, I felt like she must love me enough to want to be me so badly. Against my better judgment, I walked out onto Stosh’s parent’s terrace with my cell phone.

Before I changed my mind, I quickly dialed my sister’s number.

You have a lot of nerve calling me.

You have a lot of nerve saying that.

What do you want, Willow? Are you calling to brag about how you got the guy, because I don’t care anymore. In fact, I’m totally bored with it all.

I’m calling because I want you to tell Mom and Dad the truth.

Fat chance, sis.

You owe me, Ivy. After trying to ruin my life, it’s the least you can do.

I owe you nothing!

Ivy, please. We’ll leave town and never bother you again.

I’m not giving you the satisfaction of being the favorite again. Mom and Dad are eating out of the palm of my hand. They just gave me a hundred grand to start a new life. You really think I’d f**k that up?

You’re using them!

Of course I am. Just because things didn’t work out with you, didn’t mean that I hadn’t come up with a backup plan. Things couldn’t be working out better. Mom and Dad are feeling so sorry for me that they are bending over backwards to make me happy. They think you’re the worst person on the planet. I love it! I know for a fact that they changed their will. I get everything.

They’re going to find out the truth someday, Ivy.

They won’t find out. I’m making sure of that.

What are you going to do?

Goodbye, Willow.

The call had been ended.

I was immediately petrified of what was going to happen next. Without regard for what time it was, I dialed my parent’s house number.


Dad, it’s Willow. Listen to me, please. Ivy is up to something and you might be in danger. I need you and Mom to leave town for a couple of days.

Willow, how did you get out of jail? Tell us where you are. You need help, honey.

Dad, no! Please!

Willow, you need to stop this. You need to get help. Your sister has been through enough trauma.

I hung up the phone, realizing that I wasn’t going to get anywhere with him. I’d have to prove it to them, somehow.

Looking back, I should have woke up Stosh and asked him to go with me, but I was too worried about what my sister was planning to do. For some reason, I felt like my parents were in serious danger.

There was no time to rationalize with my quick decision. An hour after my phone call, I was already halfway down the road, in a pair of pajama pants. Stosh’s car was a stick shift and it was hard for me to get used to it. The gears grinded as I switched from one to another.

The house was dark and it was quiet outside. The lights were all turned out, as well as all the other houses on the block. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but I wasn’t going to be able to rest until I knew they were both safe. That eerie feeling was overwhelming me more and more by the second.

Unfortunately, the house was locked and the key that had been hidden, had been moved. I checked under every rock, in the mailbox and even the electrical box on the side of the house with no result.

Maybe it was the worst thing I could have done, but I started beating on the back door. My parents may have wanted nothing to do with me, but I couldn’t abandon them.

I heard footsteps and someone unlocking the door, albeit the person that answered was not one of my parents.

Rafe stood at the door with a gun pointed at me. “Don’t make a scene, Willow.”

I immediately threw my hands in the air. “Rafe, please?”

He pointed behind him with the gun. “Get inside!” He closed the door and locked it behind him. I looked around quickly, but didn’t see or hear my parents. He turned around. “Where’s the boyfriend?”

“He’s not here!” I wished he was, but I’d left him sleeping.

“If you’re lying, it will be the last thing you ever do.” His threat wasn’t taken lightly. I said nothing as I backed away from him.

“I swear. I’m all alone. Now tell me where my sister is! Where’s Ivy and where are my parents?”

I heard someone walking down the stairs. “Well, I couldn’t have planned this any better. Did you come here to say goodbye, Willow?”

“What are you talking about? Are you leaving town? Did you come here for the money?”

She started laughing. “The hundred grand? I can’t survive on that.”

I was scared with the way she’d said that. “Ivy, what are you planning on doing?”

“Don’t be stupid, Will. I think you already know the answer to that.”

I shook my head and backed up against the wall as she got to the bottom of the steps. Her boyfriend kept his gun pointed right at me. “Please, Ivy. Please don’t do this. They’ll give you anything you want. Please don’t hurt them.”

She reached over and ran her hand through my hair. I pulled away, but didn’t make any sudden moves to alert Rafe. “Dear sister, if you only knew how happy I am that you’re here. I’d been trying to figure out how I was going to make this go off without a hitch. With you here, everything just got so much easier.”

“What are you talking about?”

She laughed at me. “You’ve already been arrested. The state thinks you’re a loose cannon. When they see your lifeless body holding the gun that killed our parents, there won’t be anyone to argue it. I’ve already practiced my part of it all. After a few weeks of grieving, I’ll meet with the attorney and collect their entire estate. The life insurance will take about a month to receive. The hundred grand check will hold me over until that comes.” She clapped her hands together and reached for Rafe. He walked over to her and kissed her like I wasn’t in the room. “Then we can run off and do anything we want, right, baby?”

“You’re sick!”
