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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(46)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Fuck you! Do you think I care what you think? Nobody has ever cared what I thought.”

“You’re wrong! I cared. I would have done anything for you.”

She pushed me, sending me falling to the floor. “I didn’t want your f**king sympathy. You will never understand, because you had everything I wanted. They were so proud of you. Their sweet Willow got the good grades. She made the right decisions. She fell for the good guy. I’M SICK OF IT! They worshipped you while ignoring me. I hate them!”

“That isn’t true, Ivy. They love you. We all did.”

She held up her hand. “Just stop, Willow. I’m done feeling like I will never be worthy. I’ve spent too much time planning this all out to back down now. I want to be happy and the only way that will happen is if they’re out of my life for good.”

“Murdering your family isn’t going to make you feel better.”

“Awe, do you think I care what you think of me or how you think I’ll feel? I don’t!”

“Where are they?” If I was going to die, I wanted them to know that I loved them. It didn’t matter if they thought I was the traitor in the family. Nothing mattered when it came to being able to say goodbye when in this extreme of a situation.

I was already crying, in fear of my fate. Stosh was never going to know I was gone until the morning. He’d never get to say goodbye to me, or share in the birth of our baby.

No, this drastic move had sealed my fate. I could feel it in my bones. I wasn’t getting out the house alive and neither were my parents.

She turned her head and let out this evil kind of laugh. “You want to say goodbye, don’t you?”

There was no love in my sister’s eyes. She lost all of her morality. It was replaced with shear hate and nothing I could say or do was going to change that. “Please.”

She pointed toward me and looked over at her boyfriend. “Take her ass upstairs with them. Make sure you watch her. She’s sneaky.”

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to stand up. “Let’s go!”

My sister was talking to someone as I was pulled up the steps. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, and I really didn’t care. I wanted to think that I was going to make it out alive and somehow save my parents, but it wasn’t going as planned. Rafe was a big, muscular guy, plus he had a gun pointed at me. Running would end my life sooner.

I saw my parents sitting on their bed. They were tied together and had duct tape over their mouths. I ran toward them, forgetting about the guy that was holding me. He didn’t try to pull me away as I freed myself from his grasp.

My parents couldn’t say anything, but I ran over and wrapped my arms around both of them. They leaned their heads on me and I knew that they had figured out what was going on. “I love you both! We’re going to be fine.” I lied.

Rafe got close. “Sit down and shut up!”

I backed myself further onto my parent’s bed. “Please, Rafe. Don’t be a part of this. You don’t have to do this. Ivy is sick. She needs help. You don’t want to kill …”

He slapped me right across the face with the back of his hand. “I said shut the f**k up!”

I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried on the bed, while my parents watched. They were just as afraid as I was and we needed to be. I saw Ivy walk into the room with the diary in her hand. She threw it right at me, hitting me on my ear. The pain was immediate. “How did you get this?”

Stosh was the last person to have the diary. Had she called him?

Oh my God, were they in this scheme together this whole time? Had this all been some master plan? Was he on her side this entire time?

I couldn’t help but fear that was the truth.

“Tell me how you got this?” She walked closer to the bed and pointed at the book.

“I found it!” She slapped me again. “Liar!”

“You know where I got it!” I sat up and looked right at her. At that point I had no idea how the diary got into her hands. If I was going to die, I was going to fight.

She seemed shocked that I would get smart with her. “Who else has seen this?”

I started laughing and crossed my hands over my chest. “Enough people to make sure you’re put away for whatever happens here tonight.”

She grabbed the book and chucked it against the wall, screaming at the top of her lungs. With no regard for her losing control, she ripped the gun away from Rafe and put it against my temple. “You ruined my life!”

I closed my eyes and prepared myself for my fate. It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t petrified. There was so much that I needed to say and no time left to be able to do it.

Chapter 25

Open your eyes.

When you feel your life flashing before your eyes, a million thoughts begin to run through your head. I found myself wondering if I was going to feel the bullet as it plummeted through my skull. I thought about how they would find my body and what excuse my sister was going to use to blame everything on me.

Mostly, I wondered about Stosh. For a second I wondered if he was involved somehow, but then I thought about our baby, the one that would never get to be born. Stosh was never going to know them and his dreams of being a father would be gone again.

The gun was pushing into my skin and without regret, I screamed, “I’m pregnant!”

When the pressure of the gun disappeared, I opened my eyes and saw my sister staring at me. She had it pointed at my face. I held my hands in the air. “You’re lying!”

I shook my head. “I’m not! I swear!”

She stared at me like she was looking into my soul. I could see how broken she was inside. This wasn’t the little girl that I played with and shared my heart with as a child. My sister was broken. She’d lost her mind as a result of jealous rage. That little girl was gone forever.

She put down the gun and looked over at her boyfriend. “Go to the store and buy a test.”

“It’s the middle of the night!” He argued.

“I don’t give a shit! If this bitch is telling the truth, I need to know.”

The truth was that I’d rather die than give her my baby. Telling her my most precious news was only to buy me enough time to save my family. I was desperate and grasping at whatever I could.

“I’m not lying. I wasn’t going to keep the baby, at first, so I didn’t tell anyone.”

She tapped the gun on the top of her head and paced around the room. “Who is the father?”
