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Twinsequences (Twisted Twin #1)(9)
Author: Jennifer Foor

After several minutes of tasting every inch of his tongue, I pulled away. We kept looking at each other. It was so intense. “I love kissing you. I love everything about you. I know you want to walk away from this. You think I don’t want you, but you’re wrong. I want you, babe. You’re all I want.”

It was too much to hear. I’d switched back to Ivy and realized that he was talking to her. He was so in love with her that this was an attempt to get them to reconnect. I was giving him false hope at reconnecting with his wife. It was wrong on so many levels and it made me feel like shit inside.

I got up, out of his arms. “I need to use the bathroom. Be right back!”

I hurried into the small bathroom and buried my face into my hands. The tears were falling and I didn’t know what to do. Ivy was my only sister. I couldn’t do this to her. Even if she didn’t want to work things out with him. I could never be with him. It would never work.

Knocking caught me off guard. “Babe, are you alright?”

I wiped the remaining tears off of my cheeks. “I’m fine. Just needed to freshen up.”

“I’m going to start cooking the chicken. You sure you’re alright?”

“Yeah. I’ll be out in a second.” I leaned over and washed my face, before looking at myself in the mirror. I had to decide whether to be Ivy or my self. Without questioning my sanity, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed my sister. It went right to voicemail. I called back again and this time she answered.


Hey, it’s me. Listen, things are getting intense and I don’t know what to do. He brought me on his parent’s boat to try and work things out with you. What am I supposed to do now?

Great. I can’t believe it has taken him this long to admit what he wants.

Ivy, can you please just help me here?

Oh yeah, sorry. I guess you’re going to have to keep him happy.

What are you implying?

For Christ sakes Willow, I told you to do whatever you have to. Look, Stosh and I aren’t exactly on the same page.

What are you saying?

You’re a grown woman. Figure it out! Please don’t call me unless it’s an emergency. Gotta run!

I found Stosh standing over the stove. He was preparing a nice salad in a large wooden bowl. He heard me walking up behind him and he leaned back to kiss me on the cheek. “There you are. I thought you got lost.”

I tried to smile. “I knew where I was.”

We both laughed.

“Would you mind setting two places and pouring us a glass of wine?”

I opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of red wine. It was weird how my sister liked the same brands as me. We’d always been that way. I’d once saw a picture of her on Facebook and she was wearing a jacket that I had just bought. Since we didn’t even live in the same state, I knew she’d gotten in online.

Once the table was set, I handed Stosh his glass and he tapped it against mine. “To us.”

I smiled and thought about what that meant. “To us!”

The night was still young and the elephant in the room was getting restless.

I kept seeing that saying in my mind ‘The truth will set you free’. It wasn’t setting me free. It was making me go crazy.

Chapter 5

Sexual Chocolate and Rainbows and Sunshine.

After eating dinner, and finishing off two bottles of wine, we were both feeling the effects. I wasn’t belligerent. In fact, I knew exactly what I was doing. Things were just way more relaxed.

It was a good thing that I’d never ran out of things to talk about with Stoshua. To keep up with the charade, I sat across from him, discussing the economy and what it would be like to live in another country. I felt comfortable, like nothing was going to happen to jeopardize anyone’s relationship. That was until he brought out a bag of chocolate covered strawberries.

“Look what I found in the refrigerator.” He smiled, so big that creases on either sides of his cheeks looked like dimples.

“I think you put them there.” I grabbed the bag and read that they had been soaked in liquor, before being dipped in chocolate. My eyes got big as I looked up at him.

He put his arms up surrendering. “Maybe I did.”

He grabbed the bag and pulled one out, taking a bite, before putting it up to my lips and waiting for me to respond. The way he watched me was so intense. I never took my eyes off of him as he fed me.

He licked his lips, so I licked mine.

His face got closer, but our eyes never closed.

I felt his mouth touching mine.

My eyes closed and he swept me away with his erotic kisses. I felt his hand grabbing the back of my head, so I grabbed his. Our tongues stroked and mingled together. Our warm, wet kisses were just the beginning. His hands went right for my tank top and I didn’t stop him. I needed to feel them on my skin. I felt him sliding them up to my ribs and right under my bra. He pulled his lips away from mine, but only to start kissing over my neck. I put my head to the side so I could feel his lips working their way over every part of it.

I grabbed his shirt and balled the fabric into my fist. The more I tugged, the higher his shirt lifted. With little effort, he pulled on it from behind, in between kisses, and removed it over his head.

I paused for a moment and looked at his chest. A little patch of hair sat at the top. I ran two fingers over it, learning how he’d turned from a teenager to a grown man. He wasn’t just sexy, he was tantalizing.

I was on fire for this man.

He looked into my eyes as he grabbed the edge of my shirt. Moving as slow as possible, he lifted the tank over my head. I didn’t feel shy or embarrassed. All I felt were the butterflies fluttering inside of me. I’d waited and wanted. This was my chance.

I stood up and unhooked my bra, twirling it around in between my fingers. He leaned back, but went right for the button to my shorts. I took a step closer, so he didn’t have to reach so far. He pulled both my shorts and my underwear down to my hips and pulled me close enough so that he could kiss me there. I watched his lips trail from one hip, across my abdomen, then to the next hip. I could feel the tingles all the way up to my ni**les. In fact, they hardened immediately.

I bit down on my lips and watched him tug them down another couple of inches. Thank God I’d shaved everything when I grabbed a quick shower before we left. That would have been so embarrassing.

It wasn’t like I’d had anyone to impress. It didn’t look like I was an Amazon woman, but it was still in need of attention.

My bottoms were just at the base of my pu**y. His tongue licked the skin right above it. I ran my hands through his dark hair and threw my head back. I hadn’t been touched like this in a long time.
