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Twisted Together

When Franco didn’t reply to Tess’s mismatch of questions, she shifted in the leather to face him. “How did you get here?”

“Who do you think flew the bloody plane?”

Her eyes flew to mine; I kept my face blank. I shrugged, holding back a smile as she whipped to look at Franco again. “You fly, too?” Her shoulders were tense, head cocked warily. A swell of pride filled me. She didn’t believe him.

As she shouldn’t. He was a bullshitter.

“He flew in the cockpit to give us privacy,” I said, letting the small smile twist my lips.

Tess’s eyes locked onto mine. The blue looked softer, warmer. She must’ve known I wanted privacy in the hopes of another membership into the mile-high club.

I still couldn’t get the thought of her on her knees with her cheek pressed to the helicopter carpet out of my mind. My c**k throbbed at the memory of driving into her from behind. She’d been so hot and wet. After denying her an orgasm and being pissed at her for making me come against my will, the tension between us was out of this f**king world.

I swallowed, remembering how wild she’d been when I spanked her. How her back arched and she moaned that delicious f**king moan.

It had been the last time we’d been connected completely. Master and slave. Dominator and dominated. It linked us more than anything. It also made me realise I would do absolutely anything for this beautiful woman until the day I died.

It was also the day she disappeared.

Fuck. Even that memory was tainted by the bastard traffickers.

My hands curled on my thighs, wishing to all that was mighty to reincarnate Red Wolverine so I could rip open his chest, cut out his heart, and feed it to him while he choked for life.

Franco smiled, looking less civilized and more feral these days. Rio had changed both of us. “Privacy, huh? Doubt you’ll get much of that with a wedding coming up. You’re a lucky little lady, not having any in-laws to impress. Mercer, on the other hand, better be on his best behaviour.”

Tess leaned back in her chair, fastening her seatbelt. “As far as I’m concerned, we’re both on our own in this world. Just him and me.” She flashed me a look full of shy promise and blatant loyalty.

Fuck me, I loved her. Overpowering awe grew day by day inside me. I’d sold my soul to her.


This woman who I would never take for granted.

I grabbed her hand, linking my fingers through hers. I didn’t say a word. I didn’t need to. Our souls did enough talking.

“Take us to the island, Franco. I need to take Tess somewhere completely private.”

Her fingers twitched in mine. “Wait…what island?” Amazement widened her eyes. “Oh, my God, you own an island? We’re getting married on an island that you own?”

Franco laughed. “Guess what it’s called. Go on. You’ll never guess.”

Tess shook her head. “You own an island that you named?” Her fingers went loose as she looked at me like I was a stranger. “This is too much. Q—how…” Her question faded under the weight of wonderment.

I hated that. Hated the look of awe and confusion. Just like she looked at me when I showed her Moineau Holdings for the first time. She made me so f**king self-conscious of my wealth.

Yes, I own an island.

Yes, I’m f**king rich.

Yes, I’m happy I’m loaded because without it, I would never have found you.

Be f**king grateful rather than afraid.

My heart raced and I opened my mouth to yell, but Franco jumped in before I could upset her. “It’s called Volière.”

My heart thudded at the word. At the time, it was perfect for the slice of paradise. Now, I wished I’d named it esclave. After her.

Tess whispered, “You named it Aviary?”

Everything inside me was hot, boiling, exploding. Did she have a problem with everything related to wealth, or was it shock making her look at me so intensely?

I scowled. “Yes, I own an island. Yes, I called it Volière. No, I don’t feel guilty for owning it, and no, no-one else has been.”

Franco chuckled. “Shit, boss. She was only asking.” Grinning at Tess, he whispered, “You’ll love it. Looks exactly like the owner.” Spinning around, he slid the partition back into place, and the car rolled into motion.

What the f**k was that supposed to mean? Just like me? The entire island was overgrown and wild.

“I didn’t mean to upset you, Q,” Tess said, her eyes dancing worriedly over my face.

Shit, I couldn’t do anything right. Not while I had so much bubbling inside. How could she know my anger was at her but not at her? It didn’t even make sense. My frustration was at her nightmares not because she had them but because she didn’t share them. My brain hurt.

“I know, esclave. I didn’t mean to snap.” Giving her a soft smile, I added, “I’ve owned it for a while. It was one of the first things I bought when I took over the family empire.”

“Tell me?” Her hand shot to hold onto the door handle as Franco took a corner too fast. Her slim body slid on the shiny leather reminding me yet again she was so f**king tiny. She still had a few kilos to gain before getting back the stunning sexy curves she’d had before.

I frowned, letting my mind rewind to ten years ago. “I bought it off a floundering investor.” I shrugged as if it was the most natural thing in the world to own a tiny haven. “He accepted a lowball offer, then I had to fork out three hundred thousand euros to have a water purifier installed.”

I glanced at her, making sure she remained in the car and hadn’t flown away from sheer fear. Fear of what? Money? I’d never met anyone so averse to wealth. Or not averse. Just overwhelmed.

A small burst of happiness soothed my annoyance. At least you know she’d marry you if you were dirt poor. She wasn’t marrying me for my bank account or what I could give her.

She’s marrying me because she loves me.

The knowledge sucker-punched me every f**king time.

“It’s untamed. Uninhabited. Completely impracticable, but none of my associates knows I own it and no one will find us there.” I’d protected Tess from a lot of things—things like the consequences of killing Red Wolverine and slaughtering his operation.

That sort of stuff had large ripple effects. Payback was coming. I was sure of it.

I didn’t need to tell her why I had the sudden urge to hide her. If I didn’t keep tabs on the need to shut the world out, I could easily become a recluse with sentries on my front door and drones flying overhead, ready to sniper anyone who came within fifty metres.
