Read Books Novel

Twisted Together

Q snarled, “How about you stop. Right now. I’m f**king done with whatever is going on here!”

I huddled, waiting for an explosion. The atmosphere in the room sparked with ignition—ready to blow up at any second.

The celebrant’s voice was the persona of calm in the horrendous storm. “Excuse me, everyone, but I have been made privy to this new arrangement, and I suggest you take the lady’s advice and let her proceed.”

Everyone froze.

Q breathed hard, his energy levels depleting. He stood panting, his face contorted with agony. “This is ridiculous.”

“I agree. You fighting is ridiculous. Stand still for one damn moment.” Frederick took his hands carefully off Q. When Q didn’t sprint out of the marquee or punch him, Frederick took the opportunity to rip the white blazer from his shoulders.

At the same time Franco tore at Q’s trousers. The material fell away, revealing shiny black slacks. In a blink, Q was disarmed of the illusion of pureness and re-dressed in darkness. His tie came undone, waistcoat, and shirt all ripped from his bruised torso.

What are they doing?

Q stood half-naked and I couldn’t control the desire spooling in my blood. The dampness between my legs multiplied staring at the man who owned my heart. The damaged man who needed to lie down and let me lavish him with love.

My eyes fell to the scarring ‘T’ above his heart, barely visible amongst fresh bruises. My heart flurried. My self-consciousness and doubt faded away, drinking in his perfection.

Frederick turned to a hidden pedestal, returning with a black blazer beautifully tailored with embroidered crimson sparrows.

“What the f**k are you doing?” Q demanded as the new blazer was shoved up his arms and positioned over his shoulders. His na**d chest and tattoo stayed visible through the gaping of the fabric.

Frederick growled, “Giving you a memory you will never forget, you bastard.”

Q’s face darkened. “I had everything I wanted before you f**ked it up.”

Franco shook his head. “You had the white wedding, but you and Tess are more than that. You come alive in the dark. And that’s what we’re giving you. Believe me, you’ll want this.”

Q gritted his teeth, shrugging the new clothing into position. He transformed from angel to monster. My monster.

Q’s eyes landed on me, striking the match, blazing gunpowder to my core. My stomach fluttered as his gaze devoured me. I wanted to run my tongue down his chest. I wanted to tear off his trousers and worship him with my mouth.

My damp knickers became soaking with how deliciously dangerous he was. How bruised and damaged and sore.

Dropping my hands, I let my corset and lingerie shine. I was no longer self-conscious. I was what Q wanted most.

I was the ultimate prize. I was his. And he…he was my master.

My flesh tingled. I know what Suzette is doing.

Suzette clapped her hands and the marquee suddenly left the day, welcoming the night instead. The transformation was seamless—choreographed to perfection. White silk fell as if slaughtered by angels. Velvet black drapery replaced it, covering the ceiling, turning sunshine to stars.

White heaven fell into a devil’s lair. Black. Everything turned to black. Even the white roses around the room somehow changed to black dahlias.

It was magical. It was surreal. Suzette completely outdid herself.

She turned to face me. “Now do you understand?”

I shook away my stupor. Taking her hand, I whispered in her ear, “I’m his ultimate possession. He’s shared his heart. Now it’s time for me to share his ultimate wish.”

Suzette’s shoulders slumped in relief. “I’m so glad it makes sense.” She moved away—very aware of Q bearing down upon me.

He yanked my elbow, demanding my attention. “Are you okay?” His eyes burned with undiluted need. He bit his bottom lip, consuming my ensemble. “Fuck, Tess, you look incroyable.” His accented voice stroked my ni**les, drawing more wetness to gather. His touch turned to a vice; power and lust and love glowed on my skin.

My eyes fell to his trousers, my heart skipping a beat as I followed the outline of his erection. He wanted me. I wanted him.

“I’m fine. Q—you’re…” Stepping into his body, I whispered, “I’m so wet for you, maître. Seeing you like this. Knowing you’re as hot for me as I am for you…it jumbles my thoughts. All I can think about is kissing you.”

His arm wrapped around my waist, slamming my h*ps against his. “I’m thinking of more than just kissing, esclave. I’m going to bruise you with how much I need you.”

I pulled away, gathering my scattered decency, trying to ignore the lava in my veins. “You’re forgetting you’re hurt. I’m not letting you touch me tonight. You need to rest.”

“Rest?” He chuckled, pressing a kiss on my cheek. “You’ll need to rest after I’m done with you. Your throat will need to rest from your screams.”

I couldn’t breathe; the corset squeezed tighter. I couldn’t take my eyes from Q’s brilliant tattoo, teasing me through the richness of his blazer. It looked incredible on him. Out of the two spectrums, Q belonged in black. He wasn’t an imposter in black.

Lust heat-waved around us, granting sensual power. I stood in front of people in lingerie. I stood blatantly showing my desire for this man and I didn’t care. I didn’t care because this was our world.

It was no longer hidden.

By making us dress this way, Suzette had brought us from the shadows and into the light.

“Goddammit, you’re a stunning creature, Tess.” Q couldn’t tear his eyes from my raised cle**age.

I’m only stunning because of the way you love me.

I dropped my gaze. “I couldn’t wait for you to see me in this—I just thought it would be for after—”

“It was never meant for after the wedding,” Frederick said, sandwiching himself between us, taking my hand and placing his other on Q’s shoulder. “It was always meant to be this way.” He guided us back to the altar and the smiling celebrant.

Q smiled curtly at the celebrant, shrugging himself free from Frederick’s hold. “I wish someone would explain what exactly all of this means. And I would’ve preferred a heads up rather than being stripped like a f**king prisoner.”

Frederick smiled. “This is to wed both sides of you—the good and the bad, the light and the dark. We’re giving you exactly what you need.”
