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Twisted Together

She froze. “You wouldn’t.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Keep your hands in one place and I might be able to hold on until we have privacy.”

Tess gave me a look that shot my heart to pieces, then placed her hands in her lap demurely and rested her head against me.

The rest of the boat ride was f**king torture. The warm wind whipped Tess’s curls into a mess of mayhem, filling my mouth and tickling my neck and face. All I wanted to do was grab a fist of it and use it to hold her delicious lips over my cock.

Even now. Even after everything she’d been through, I still wanted to use her like a whore—like a slave. I was still f**ked up. Still my father’s son.

I tried to focus on the expanse of ocean around us. Not one whitecap or wave in sight. The turquoise looked like glass reflecting the perfect sky I longed to be in. Islands popped up in the distance only to be passed in a whirl of salt spray.

Tess looked peaceful, resting against me. But the bags under her eyes and hollow cheeks spoke the truth. The moment she was on Volière I would make her happy again. I would spend my days feeding her delicious food to replace the curves she lost, and dedicate the nights reminding her how unbreakable she was. The ghosts in her mind wouldn’t survive out here. Nothing dark could exist in this vivid sunshine.

Finally the boat slowed. We bumped gently against a decrepit jetty jutting out from a wild and rugged island.

Everything about it looked vicious and untamed. There was no helipad, no landing strip, nothing of great luxury. When I’d bought it, I toyed with the idea of chopping it down and destroying the thick jungle to make way for a hotel or other commercial development. But then I fell in love with it. With its exoticness, unruliness. It was perfect in its untouchedness.

“This is your island?” Tess asked, her eyelashes fluttering in the sunlight.

Franco jumped onto the jetty, helping Bill moor to the post. Old tyres were the only things stopping the sleek sides from being punctured by rusty nails and splintered wood.

“Yes. In all its natural glory.” Standing, I bent down, wrapped my arms around Tess’s back and legs, and picked her up.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

“Te porter pour passer le seuil.”Carrying you over the threshold. Cradling her in my arms, I made my way across the bobbing vessel and placed her ever so gently on the wooden platform beside it.

Climbing up beside her, I took a large lungful of air. The nausea I’d been battling since we took off miraculously stopped the moment my feet touched firm ground. The jetty wasn’t on buoys but anchored onto the sandy bottom of the atoll.

A large flock of local birds suddenly took flight from the thicket of trees, squawking and shrieking at us interrupting their wilderness. I instantly felt better. I didn’t want to change a thing, but one thing was a must—an airstrip—so I never had to step foot in a boat again.

“I’ll go make sure the house is still standing.” Franco gave me a look as he strode off. He knew where the path was, hidden by foliage leading toward the large six bedroom dwelling the previous investor had built for his family. Franco had been here with me while I worked, and the original home was well built if not a little rustic. It would be spotlessly clean thanks to a regular maintenance crew who came once a month.

Tess spun around in awe. “This place…it’s…”

I smiled; tension siphoned from my muscles. Blue ocean surrounded us, hemming us in like a wall-less cage. Intruders would have a hard time touching shore without the security cameras noticing them first. Tess would be perfectly safe. I would be untouchable for any bastard who wanted revenge.

“Q, I had no idea it would be like this. I visualized a tiny sandy island with one palm tree.”

I chuckled. “It has a fair bit more than one.” Moving closer, I ignored Bill and his hellish boat. “You don’t find it underwhelming…more suited for a boy’s fishing weekend rather than a wedding?” After all, from here it looked as if we’d need a machete and dy***ite to make our way through the undergrowth. She didn’t know the house in the centre had manicured gardens and metres of idyllic paradise.

She laughed. “No. It’s perfect. More than perfect. Untamed. Animalistic. Completely untouched and unruined.” Her eyes dropped; she whispered, “Just like you. It fits you perfectly.”

I looked again at the thick palm trees, trying to see it through her eyes.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s the home of a beast.”

I glared. “You think I’m a beast?” Fuck, what else did she think of me? What did she suspect I’d done while trying to get her back?

She came forward, taking my hand. “No. But you’re unpredictable and dangerous and protect those you love fiercely. You should be proud. To me you’re more than a knight in some stupid shiny armour. You’re the monster who no one can tame but the woman he loves.” She moved to leave, but I went with her, stomping a few metres away from the captain.

I grabbed her shoulders, turning her to face me. “You’re right.” Wanting to share a part of myself she didn’t know, I murmured, “Do you know the moment I fell for you? The exact moment you tamed me?”

Her eyes grew heavy, glazing with overpowering love. “No.”

I let my mind skip back to the night I knew I’d found the one. The woman I hated to want. “When you offered to massage my migraine away in the conservatory. You didn’t have to do that—you should’ve hated me for what I’d done to you. But you offered to soothe me. You let me find peace under your fingers even while I was a f**king bastard.”

She sighed, raising her hand to rest over my heart. Her fingers irritated my brand, making me wince. “That was the first moment I let myself give into the overwhelming confusion inside. I wanted you so much, Q. I wanted you even then. I’d hoped by showing I cared, you’d be kinder, gentler.” Her eyes shadowed, remembering how the rest of the night played out. The police arriving. My drinking. The mind-blowing sex in my room.

“You’ve taught me so much. I’ve grown so much. I can’t even recall the girl I was before I was sold to you.”

I bristled. “Don’t use that word. You weren’t sold. Fate just brought us together a little unconventionally.”

Linking my fingers with hers, I said, “Come on. Let me show you the island.”

Tess stood on tiptoes and kissed my cheek. “I’d love that.”
