Read Books Novel

Twisted Together

No memory came to fill me with horror; all I remembered was Leather Jacket releasing me and running. If his intention had been to kill me and finish the job—he should’ve stayed away, because now—now I remembered the good as well as the bad. I’d been reminded of everything that I’d lost.

Crushing, joyous tears travelled up my spine, blurring everything. I’d never felt so emptily happy. Thoughts echoed with no rebound, my mind could focus on one thing and not be swallowed by the past.

The silence was ten times, no a hundred times better than my tower. This silence had no walls or cages. This silence came with no stigmata or consequences.

I’m free.


My heartbeats danced. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to test my conclusion that I was strong enough for him. Would pain still make me run? Somehow, I didn’t think it would.

Where was Q? It seemed an age since I’d seen him—the longest we’d been apart since he rescued me.

Maybe this time it’s your turn.

My eyes flared. Did Q need rescuing? Had I been so wrapped up in my sad little world that I’d put too much on him. The answer was too loud to ignore.


It was my turn to give him what he wanted. My turn to give him the relief he needed through pain. But…not yet. I wanted to exist in this precious, perfect moment a little longer. I wanted to solidify the truth and realign every piece of me that’d been scattered by Leather Jacket. Puzzle pieces slotted together, building the complete picture. I was back. My self-worth and belief was miraculously returned.

Sweeping a leg over the tub, I sighed as every muscle unlocked and melted, sliding into the hot water.

The heat cushioned me, hissing against the minor burns on my br**sts from the wax Q used and flaring the remaining spanks from before, but I didn’t care. I let go of everything, drifting in happiness. I’d won. I’d done it. I’d survived.

Then something cloud-like crept over my mind.

Something warm.

Something soft.

Something sweet.


That voice. All depth and gravel and sinfully French.

I stretched as the one syllable of my name echoed in my limbs. I’d never felt a word before, but I did now, and I wanted more. I wanted sonnets whispered in my ears. I wanted lullabies murmured in my mouth.

I opened my eyes.

The bathroom was still dark, but something seemed to be wrong with my brain. I no longer saw darkness; I saw fractures of light, sparkles, glitter in the grey.

“Wow,” I whispered.

Something touched my cheek; I shivered instantaneously. It was too much. Too damn delicious. It was as if the sun trickled through my skin, sending rays directly into my heart.

My eyes travelled up and I blinked.

He was stunning.

He was dazzling.

He was poetically spectacular.

Q’s gorgeous lips spread into a gentle smile; his eyes were pale perfection in the gloom. “Tu vas bien?” You okay?

My entire body rippled. I gasped as a rush of lust intoxicated me. All I could focus on was his mouth—his stupefying, scrumptious mouth.

I blinked again. What’s happening to me?

All I wanted was his lips on mine—his tongue licking and desiring.

His jaw held tiny droplets, his na**d chest spangling with grey and silver rainbows. I became hypnotised by a teardrop running down his abs.

Those abs!

His tattoo came to life as inked sparrows ruffled their feathers, darting free from the swirling clouds and barbwire.

I couldn’t look away, completely enthralled by the magic Q performed. How did he do that?

Something firm and controlling pinched my chin, guiding my eyes up, up. I locked onto Q’s gaze, sighing heavily. How could one person carry so much?

“Pain and need and love and confusion,” I whispered. His soul reached through his jade eyes, drenching me with everything he lived with.

I bit my lip, jolting at the shock of how smooth my mouth was, how tasty the bathwater was on my tongue.

Desire unfurled faster and faster in my belly.

Q frowned, impossibly making him more roguish and handsome. “Tess…? How do you feel?”

How did I feel? Amazing. Lusty. Powerful. Consumed.

I stretched again, arching my back as water lapped around my body. I wanted to moan with how good I felt. I’d never been so warm or contended or horny.

My eyes snapped to Q’s. Him. I had to have him.

“You’re so beautiful,” I murmured.

Q froze, his eyes searching mine. Slowly, his lips turned up into half a smile.

I pressed my thighs together. I couldn’t stop my body from overheating and needing. I’d been cursed or charmed—some sort of potion lived inside. I had no other explanation for how much I needed him.

I laughed, throwing myself headfirst into whatever spell I was trapped in. My voice fell from my mouth, tinkling and chiming like a bell. Was that truly me? I sounded magical. I sounded like a princess straight from a storybook.

Who was I? Sleeping Beauty who’d been woken by her prince?

My eyes locked onto Q’s. No. I was the one who’d fallen head over heels for a beast who spoke in foreign tongues.


A flush of heat and wetness built between my legs. I would give anything to have his tongue on me. I wanted his head between my thighs. I wanted his fingers clawing at my hips. I wanted to be used, bruised, adored.

Q cocked his head, chuckling under his breath. “I think Franco miscalculated the dose.”

I shook my head. I didn’t understand. All I understood was his voice had the power to make me come. The deep tenor vibrated through my heart, sending tiny orgasms exploding in my veins.

I needed to be touched. I needed to be kissed.

Kiss him. Let him know.

Launching upright, I splashed a wave over the tub. Q jerked back, but wasn’t fast enough. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I dragged him down toward me. His hand slipped on the rim, plunging his arms into the water, landing on either side of my body.

His mouth opened to curse, but I swallowed whatever he said. My lips stole his, and the moment I tasted him, I went a little mad.

My core squeezed with delirium, demanding to be filled. My eyes rolled back at the sheer bliss of kissing.

He tasted like freedom and violence and pain.


A slight hiccup in my magical world before the cloud in my brain smothered it with need. Yes, I wanted pain. I wanted his roughness. I wanted his whips and chains and feral love. I wanted him inside me.

“Esclave…wait…” Q tried to speak, but he only gave me the opportunity to slink my tongue into his mouth. Joy bounced and fizzed in my heart, demanding more.
