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Twisted Together

“Esclave—what are you thinking?” I hated when she got that faraway look. I wanted to chase—to enter her mind and not be left as an unpaying spectator.

“I know what she’s thinking,” Franco said, a huge grin spreading his face.

What the f**k? I glowered but Tess laughed. “I’m guessing you would.”

I looked between the two of them getting angrier by the second. “Anyone care to tell me, or are you enjoying your inside joke?”

Franco shook his head, taking Tess’s hand to help her into the car. My back bristled but I held my tongue, waiting for someone to talk.

“It was about here that I first met Tess.” He squeezed her hand before letting go. “Sorry about that—throwing you to the tarmac and all. I felt bad that I rolled your ankle.”

“What? You hurt her?” I stomped forward.

Tess smiled. “Good thing you didn’t give me an opportunity to go for your gun. I would’ve shot you and never known what a nice guy you are—beneath the whole collecting slaves for a sadistic master of course.”

Franco laughed; not giving away a thing that only twenty-four hours ago he’d caught her running from said sadistic master. Bet Tess wouldn’t be so f**king happy if she knew he held her fully na**d and totally compromised.

My teeth hurt I clenched so hard. I hated not knowing everything about her. “Tell—” I snapped my mouth closed. No, you don’t need to ask.

I could guess. Franco completed all the slave handovers. Tess probably ran—as was her trademark by now—and they all had a very uncomfortable flight home.

I always sent Franco and two other guards to collect the bribes as they arrived. Not to make sure of the girl’s protection but on the off chance the trafficker was a new player on the scene. Franco’s unofficial order was to remove them from society before they got a foothold and became a threat. It wasn’t possible to take out the henchmen of bigger organizations like Red Wolverine, but smaller outfits—they were killable.

Cursing under my breath, I stalked around the car and let myself in. Franco ducked, throwing me a look through the car window. I knew what he tried to convey: I’ve had your back right from the start, so wind your f**king neck in.

He was right.

So I did.

Tess smiled as Franco shut the door. Settling back into the seat, her fingers entwined with mine. We stayed silent while the car started and pulled away from the airport.

“Don’t be mad at him. Despite me wanting to kill him that night, he didn’t go out of his way to hurt me.”

I patted her hand, brushing away my temper. “I know. Je suis juste un idiot.” I’m just being an idiot.

Tess shook her head. “You’re a lot of things—but never that.”

My heart seized; I had to look out the window. I thought I loved her before. But that was before I had any f**king idea what love really was. It was nothing, nothing, compared to what I felt now. I was possessed by her. Totally consumed.

She was my home. Plain and simple—the biggest investment of my life.

“Are you going to tell me why we’re back in Paris?” Tess asked, looking out the window at passing cars.

My mood lifted and a trickle of excitement filled me. Today was the day Tess really stepped into my world. Not just sexually or emotionally but materially.

Today was the day I gave Tess everything.

Bringing her hand to my mouth, I kissed her knuckles. “It’s a surprise, esclave.”

And if you so much as argue, I’ll put you over my knee and spank you—regardless of witnesses.

Tess thought I was rich. She didn’t know quite how rich.

But in thirty minutes, she would.

Moineau Holdings glittered with glass and sun-refracting metal as Franco pulled to the curb outside.

I opened the car door, pulling Tess out with me, leaving Franco to pull back into traffic and head to the parking garage next door. My eyes scanned the footpath, glowering at pretty women and well-dressed men—suspecting everyone.

I didn’t like being in the open without back-up, especially with Tess as such a vulnerable target. And I definitely didn’t like being back at work where people knew me—where buildings offered perfect coverage for anyone wanting to take out a man threatening their downfall.

My body balanced between being soft with Tess and ready to rip someone’s chest open if they so much as looked at me wrong.

Get inside before you murder someone.

Wrapping an arm around Tess’s waist, I propelled her through the sliding doors and into the lobby.

Tess froze, jerking my body to a stop with hers. “You’ve brought me back to your office? Why?” Tension tightened her voice. Just like her fear of a bath, she had to overcome her terror of this place. I thought she would’ve been safe here—but it only taught me never to trust anyone.

A headache appeared from the rapidly building stress in my body. I f**king hated headaches. Especially the one I’d had that day when she’d been taken. I’d been a useless invalid. If it hadn’t have been for Frederick, I would probably have had a stroke trying to do everything myself.

The memory of losing her made my gut churn.

Stop thinking about it for f**k’s sake.

I forced my thoughts to turn to why we were here. I wanted to surprise Roux—he was going to be the accessory to this next part of the crescent moon—he just didn’t know it yet.

“We’ll only be here for a bit—then I’m kidnapping you away again.” Where—I hadn’t quite figured out yet. Suzette still had three days before the wedding. Shit, I better call her. No telling what sort of craziness she’d planned by now. That woman was a f**king menace.

Keeping my arm firmly around Tess, we made our way to the elevators. The mosaic sparrow on the floor never failed to lift my heart. People thought this was just a property conglomerate. Goes to show how much they knew.

Then again.

I’d looked at the news on my phone this morning. Things were getting out of hand. Whatever Frederick was doing, I was about to tell him to f**king stop it.

Pressing the up button, Tess’s breathing turned shallow. Her eyes darted around the huge, light-filled lobby. No one was around which was good—I didn’t have to worry about spilling blood in my own building. The way my body tensed, I’d most likely strike first then ask questions.

Not exactly a good look for the CEO to tear off an employee’s head just for saying hello.

Ducking to Tess’s level, I murmured, “I’m not going to leave you alone for a second. You have nothing to fear.” I would personally guarantee it.
