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Typist #2 - Spanking the Billionaire Novelist

His c**k was stiff, fully engorged. I climbed on top his warm body and eased him back into me, angling my body forward and resting my body against his. Holding my h*ps still, his c**k hot inside me, I kissed his stubbly chin and soft lips.

“How’s this?” I murmured.

He grabbed my bu**ocks and pushed me down, burying his c**k within me, filling me up.

Everything below my waist was tingling and ringing like a thousand bells as I ground down against him, finding my own rhythm for pleasure.

I came like a dam breaking, biting and sucking on the flesh of his shoulder as my walls clutched at him and I shook with pleasure.

A moment later, he came, his pulsing member setting off a second wave of my own bliss.

He growled with pleasure, his whole body tensing underneath mine.

I fell against him, my body limp and spent.

I was soaking wet with perspiration, as was he.

We pulled apart, still breathing heavily.

I murmured, “That was so good.”

He pulled me in for a kiss, his unshaven face scratchy on mine.

I pulled away and rubbed my chin. “Yowch. I bet my face is all red and blotchy.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, his eyebrows arching up with concern. “I’ll shave right away.”

I nestled up along his side. “You can shave in the morning.”

“In the morning,” he said. “And you’ll be here in the morning. In my bed.”

“Only if you want me to.”

“Stay with me,” he said. “Stay here with me. Forever.”

I giggled and kissed his cheek. “Definitely tonight.”

He turned off the light.

As I lay there, thinking about forever, and what a funny word it was, he fell asleep. I got up and used his washroom to have a shower, then returned to the bed with him.

I pulled the light coverlet over us. I hadn’t slept next to a man since my boyfriend Todd and I broke up. I worried for a moment I wouldn’t be able to sleep, but I was out before my worries jumped onto that hamster wheel of obsessive thoughts.

I woke up with something on my cheek. Soft skin. Brushing against my face.

I opened my eyes and realized Smith was rubbing his smooth cheek against my face.

He grinned. “I shaved.”

I grabbed his face in my hands. “Why, so you did.” I smooched him, relaxing my lips to make contact with more of my face. “So kissable.”

He tried to slip his tongue into my mouth, but I held my lips tight together and pushed him away, citing Morning Breath.

“Easy solution,” he said, and he grabbed a pillow and jokingly smothered me with it as he climbed on top of me.

I pushed the pillow away, and he stared into my eyes.

His face was serious, and he used his knees to pry my legs apart. He was at my entrance, and in the next heartbeat, he was inside me. I was tight, not wet yet as I hadn’t gotten much warning, but he felt good. I moaned and ran my fingers through his tousled blond hair, and I let him kiss me as much as he wanted. His tongue met mine, and we breathed together as he pushed deeper and deeper inside me.

He gasped, his face changed expression, and he collapsed on me. His c**k pulsed inside me, releasing its efforts.

“Ugh,” he said into the space next to my neck. “I blame your sexy body. I wanted to wake you in the night, so many times, but you looked so peaceful sleeping, like an angel.”

“Oh!” I rubbed his back. “Don’t sweat it. I’m not going anywhere.”

“No, you aren’t.” He withdrew and shifted himself down my body, kissing my br**sts and stomach and moving down.

“You don’t have to,” I said.

“I want to,” he said, and he licked my cl*t with the tip of his tongue.

Well, if he wanted to …

He stayed up high with his mouth, focusing his tongue and lips on my clit, using his fingers to fill me and stroke me on the inside, his fingers slick with his fluids.

His tongue worked my nub, patient yet firm, until I was coming, my muscles wrapping tight around his fingers as I started to tremble deep inside. His fingers pulled out mid-orgasm, took the place of his tongue on my nub, and he shifted over me with his body. He slid his erection in, not as firm as the first time, but still plenty rigid.

I cried out in bliss and wrapped my legs around his hips, his fingers still massaging my clit. It was perfect to be coming with him inside me.

And then we were back at it, with him thrusting harder and faster, until he shook, ejaculating again, panting above me and looking surprised once more.

He collapsed on me and laughed at himself for the second time that morning.

Into my neck, he sighed and said, “You make me f**k like a teenager.”

I laughed. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never f**ked a teenager.”

He pulled back and gave me a questioning look, but he didn’t ask whatever seemed to be on his mind.

I said, “I have to pee.”

“Good luck with a man passed out on top of you.” He closed his eyes and went completely limp, relaxing his body weight onto me.

After a minute, I feared he might actually fall asleep on me, and I did notice some pressure on my bladder, so I wriggled my way out from underneath him.

Even as I left the room, he remained there, face-down, pretending to be passed out.

“I’m going to fry up that nice bacon,” I said.

He didn’t answer.

“And I’m going to eat all of it.”

He rolled onto his side and narrowed his eyes at me. “If you do, you’ll get another spanking.”

Both of us glanced over to the hairbrush on the floor, where he’d tossed it the night before.

He started to climb off the bed, his gaze on the brush, but I darted over and grabbed it quickly, then ran squealing out of the room.

He called down the stairs after me, “I can always spank you with my hand!”

My heart was still pounding when I got down to my room and climbed into the shower.

The feeling I had—the excitement mingled with fear and warmth—it reminded me of summer camp, and all the silly things the girls would dare each other to do, like sneaking over to the boys’ cabin and trading underwear with them.

Smith and I were at this cabin, on our own, and we were like little kids, playing games and pushing each other’s buttons, trying to see how far each could push the other.

I’d spanked him, but then I’d also let him finger me in a crowded park, have sex with me in an alley, and he’d given me quite the spanking the night before.

In the hot shower, I checked my bu**ocks for red marks, but everything looked as fine as ever. That must be why people spank each other there, I thought. It felt good, but didn’t leave a mark.
