Read Books Novel

Typist #2 - Spanking the Billionaire Novelist

We stayed right where we were, since we were already in a prime position. The movie would be playing on a screen over the band stage.

The movie was Ghostbusters, which I’d never seen before.

Smith stared at me, his mouth dropped open in exaggerated shock.

“I know of the movie,” I said. “It’s just … kinda old.”

Callum grinned at me and said, “His generation thinks eighties movies are the best.”

Cassie asked Smith, “Did you have a Ghostbusters lunch box?”

“Ha ha,” Smith said. “Everybody gang up on the old guy. Don’t get me started, or I’ll regale you all with my tales of ‘When I was a kid.’”

I squeezed his knee. “I’m sure it wasn’t that different from today, although the transition to horseless carriages must have been exciting.”

“Ha ha,” he said again. “When I was a kid …” He paused, as though waiting for someone to stop him, but we didn’t. I couldn’t speak for the others, but I was genuinely interested. He continued, “When I was a kid, if you wanted to rent a movie, you also rented a VCR to watch it on. They were so expensive, people didn’t buy their own, not for the first few years.”

Callum said, “That doesn’t seem very convenient.”

“It wasn’t, but it made movie night kind of a big deal. You had to plan for it, like an event.” He looked around the dwindling crowd of people in the park. “Not like this, but you get the idea. Now people watch movies on their phones.”

“And read books on their phones,” Cassie said.

“That’s right.” He smiled. “The only downside to ebooks is I can’t see the cover, so I can’t tell if someone in a public place is reading one of mine.”

“Aww,” Cassie said.

“I know.” He pretended to pout.

After a moment, I smacked him on the arm. “Smith Wittingham! You made me feel sorry for you, you scammer! You’re a mega bestseller, and I’m sure everybody here in this town owns one or more of your books. Don’t make that pouty face. You don’t deserve to.”

He laughed and rubbed his hands together like an evil supervillain.

Cassie said to me, “I’m glad you call him on his nonsense.” To Smith, she said, “This one’s a keeper. Don’t you dare frighten her away.”

Callum said, “And don’t mess with her head.”

I held up my hand to stop things before they got embarrassing. “I’m a big girl. I assure you.”

The speakers crackled and squealed with feedback. Some people on the stage ran around, and then one of the balloon-making clowns introduced the movie.

Smith kept looking over at me with his devilish eyes undressing me. I rubbed my legs together in anticipation, then I got an idea.

I excused myself to the washroom and wove my way through the crowd of people on blankets. The portable toilets were a harrowing experience—as those awful things always are—but I emerged with my panties tucked in my purse and a smile on my face.

When I got back to our picnic space, I found that Smith had paid to rent some funny little chairs that were like backrests. Cassie and Callum were seated in their own row, in front of us, and I took a seat next to Smith. He’d also procured some additional blankets, and he draped a shared one across both of our laps.

He took longer than I expected to snake his hand over between my legs—more than five minutes.

His fingers paused on the red triangle of hair between my legs, as though they couldn’t believe their good fortune to find I had actually removed my panties.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Smith turn to stare at me, but I kept facing forward. The sky around us was dark, and people were focused on the opening sequence of the movie, but enough light reflected from the screen that we weren’t in complete darkness, and I didn’t want to broadcast to the people around us that a sexy older man had his index finger on my bare-naked clit.

He mashed against the nub, hot and aching. The sensation felt better than I’d remembered. How could one tiny body part give off so much pleasure?

His digit moved down, pushing between my labia, finding that wetness springing up. He fingered me, then dragged the moisture up, over and over, lingering just long enough on my nub to set the area on fire, then he’d pull away. He shifted closer to me on his chair. I leaned back against my backrest and parted my legs slightly. His finger plunged inside me, which only made me want more.

I glanced around. Was there somewhere private we could run off to, so I could feel his manhood inside me, reaching where his finger couldn’t? The portable potties were out of the question, but what about the other side of the building the movie was being—


I stopped thinking about going anywhere else. His wet fingers were now attending to my clit, rubbing and circling it like The Clit Squad. I closed my eyes, my breathing quick and shallow, and succumbed to the pleasure. Wave after wave of warmth and urgency radiated through me.

I opened my eyes to see Callum turned around, staring right at me. I sat up and crossed my legs, pinching Smith’s hand to hold it still.

Smith turned to me and said casually, “Popcorn. We need popcorn.”

“Yes,” I said, my voice sounding tight and thin. “Or chips? Callum, is the concession still open?”

Callum seemed suspicious, his eyes darting down to my legs under the blanket. “I’ll go get popcorn. You two … carry on. Don’t let anything stop you.”

After Callum left, I extracted Smith’s hand from between my legs. As close as I’d been to cl**ax, I was now miles away and feeling ashamed.

Smith leaned in and said, “He’s just missing his girlfriend. Ignore him.” He chuckled.

“Callum has a girlfriend?”

“A nice girl from town. She’s at summer school, law degree.” He brought his hand to his face and smelled his fingers. “Mm, I can’t wait until later.”

I reached under the blanket to his side and squeezed his hardness through his jeans. “Me neither.”

“Could you do that again?” His eyes crinkled up at the sides.

I squeezed the shaft and stroked my hand up and down, over the fabric. “Like that?”

“Perfect. Now just do it about a hundred more times.”

I pulled my hand away and leaned in to nibble on his earlobe. “You have great ears,” I said. “They’re plump and I want to bite them.”

“Are you saying my ears are fat?”


He crossed his arms and scowled, the pointy tip of his nose looking longer in that expression.

I sucked the bottom of his earlobe into my mouth and pulsed it with my tongue.
