Read Books Novel

Ultraviolet Catastrophe

Ultraviolet Catastrophe(45)
Author: Jamie Grey

I nodded, more pleased than I wanted to admit. This was a real task, not some busy work. “I’ll see what I can come up with.”

“It might be nothing, but it’s just a hunch.” He got to his feet and paused, staring at me like he wanted to say something. “Lexie, you know my dinner with Amy isn’t a date. I’m just helping her with her calculations. She was feeling like she’d fallen behind.” He shrugged. “I wanted to be a good friend.”

I hated the relief that surged through me. It shouldn’t matter to me what he did with his time. He’d offered to help me plenty of times, but I’d been too stubborn to take him up on it. “You don’t have to explain to me. You can hang out with whoever you want. We’re just friends.”

He stared at me for a long moment before finally turning away. “I’ll see you around, Lexie.”


Dad pulled into the QT parking lot, and I opened the door into the clear, dark night. Lights blazed from the building, and I knew inside would be filled with laughing, chatting scientists. But out here, for this moment, it was calm and peaceful. The scent of dying leaves filled the air, and a cool breeze caressed my cheeks. It was amazing how different the air was here from back in Ohio. Maybe because of the altitude, or maybe it was something else. But though I’d never admit it to anyone else, I was starting to like the way it always smelled crisp and clean, with just a hint of metal behind it.

“You ready for this, Lex?” Dad asked, coming around to my side of the car and offering his arm.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” I pulled my shawl closer, teetering on my spiky heels, and clutched at him.

“You look very pretty tonight,” Dad said, leading me toward the building. His black tuxedo had a slight sheen in the lights from the building and fit his tall frame perfectly. He’d shaved and smoothed his hair for a change, but I knew in twenty minutes it’d be standing on end again after he forgot and ran a hand through it.

“Thanks! You don’t look so bad yourself.” I beamed at him, then smoothed my hands down the crisscrossed fabric of the corset of my dress. I’d never had a gown like this before. It was strapless, the dark purple of the bodice fading subtly down the dress until it gave way to a flowing skirt with a lighter purple hem where it skimmed the floor. It reminded me of moonlight and mystery, and part of me felt like I’d suddenly hit some milestone of adulthood.

A twinge of loneliness shot through me. I’d emailed Mom a picture of me before we left, but I wanted her here in person to see me. To have helped me pick the dress out instead of going to the mall myself. To help me put my hair up into a half-twist and curl the tendrils I’d left down over my shoulder. I missed her every day, and communications with her were spotty at best. I’d asked again in my last email when she was coming home, but there’d been no answer.

I sighed, and Dad squeezed my arm. “What’s up, Lex?”

“I wish Mom was here with us.”

He nodded, his sandy hair dark in the moonlight. “Me too. She has a few things to finish first. But soon.”

I snuck a glance at him. “What’s up with you guys? Does she know about Jordan?”

“Jordan?” Dad frowned. “Jordan and I are coworkers — that’s it. Lexie, I’ve never stopped loving your mother. There’s never been anyone else for me.”

I stared at him, blinked. Until I’d seen them kissing, I’d never dreamed he hadn’t gotten over her. What else didn’t I know about their relationship?

Finally, I cleared my throat, annoyed and happy at the same time. “It might have been nice to have known that. Here I thought you guys hated each other for most of my life. Oh, and you might want to be a little clearer with Jordan, too. I’m not the only one you’ve fooled.”

Dad pushed open the doors to QT, and a wave of laughter and chatter greeted us. Jordan appeared instantly, dressed in a slinky black gown, as if she’d been waiting to pounce.

“William,” her voice was husky as she drank in my dad in his tux.

“Coworkers, huh?” I muttered.

“Lexie,” Dad warned. “Good evening, Jordan. You look very nice.”

She preened, her grin wide and predatory. “I thought you might like it.” She tucked a hand in Dad’s other arm. “Hey there, Lexie. Love the dress.”

I sighed and stepped away, shaking my head. “I’m going to go find my friends. I’ll see you guys later.”

Dad stopped me. “Dr. Danvers is going to make a special announcement at eight, so make sure you’re there.”

I nodded. “I will. Have fun.”

Jordan and Dad strolled off toward a group of other scientists sipping champagne from tall crystal flutes. The whole lobby was a glittering wonderland of black and gold, from the tables covered in sparkling fabric to the lavish displays of black feathers and gold glitter. Onyx candles flickered on every surface, scenting the room with melting wax.

A group of my classmates stood nearby, and suddenly, I was self-conscious and uneasy. I’d come alone. Dateless. At my last school, that would have been grounds for social shunning. But I had a purpose tonight, and it included saving all of their sorry lives. I squared my shoulders, ignoring my imagination as it conjured up whispers and giggles from the group.

My pulse steadied as I spotted Max and Zella across the room. Walking carefully so I didn’t trip in my heels, I pushed through the crowds toward them. If I didn’t already have a crush on Asher, I would have totally fallen for Max in his tux. He looked unbelievable. His hair was carefully messy, and oh my god, he had shoulders like Thor.

Zella’s gazed at him hungrily, and I bit back a smile. Evidently, I wasn’t the only one appreciating the view.

“Hey, guys.”

“Wow.” Max’s jaw dropped open. “Lexie, you look great.”

I felt heat stain my cheeks. “Thanks, Max. You look pretty good yourself. And Zella? That dress is amazing.”

She’d worn a peacock-blue dress that showed off her great legs and made her dark skin glow. The bubble skirt hit just above her knee, and the corset bodice highlighted curves I had no idea she had.

Zella smiled at me. “Thanks, Lexie. I love that color on you.”

The three of us stood awkwardly for a moment, the sound of Mozart from the quartet across the room weaving between us.

“There’s Asher and Amy.” Max practically jumped to attention at having something to break the heavy silence. His eyes got a strange, glazed expression. Zella and I exchanged confused glances.
