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Ultraviolet Catastrophe

Ultraviolet Catastrophe(62)
Author: Jamie Grey

And that’s when I knew for sure. Anger spiked through me, white-hot and blazing.

She was working for Branston.

Amy shook her head. “Amazing. I can’t believe they didn’t catch this. That’s got to be why the machine exploded when Dr. Kepler activated it. We need to tell Dr. Danvers before anyone else gets hurt.”

I clutched my hands together in my lap to stop them from trembling. Every word she uttered put another nail in her coffin. She wanted to run straight to Danvers with this new information. What more proof did we need?

Zella shook her head. “She’s not going to believe us, even with this simulation. I’m sure one of the other scientists will figure it out soon.”

“But they haven’t so far. What if someone dies? It would be our fault. She needs to know. Right, Ash?” Amy’s eyes were pleading.

“I’m not sure what to do. Maybe they have a plan. Maybe they know something we don’t. Maybe there’s a missing piece.” Asher got to his feet and paced the room. “I’m the student liaison. It’s my responsibility to make sure the other students working on this are safe. I just don’t know.”

Zella shrugged. “I don’t think another few days will hurt. They won’t be testing until after the conference next week. We need to be careful here. This could destroy our careers if we’re wrong.”

Amy pouted for a minute and then shrugged. “I guess we can talk about it later. Maybe we’ll come up with a better idea. Though I still think we’ve gotten too deep into this. We need to involve Danvers now. She’s the only one who’ll know what to do.” She moved over to a bookshelf filled with DVDs. “You guys want to watch a movie? I’ve missed us just hanging out.”

Blood roared in my ears. How could she look so innocent and friendly when she was the one responsible for my dad being in the hospital, for Branston trying to destroy QT? And she was using her false concern to betray us all.

I jumped off my stool. “Actually, I need to get going.” My whole body trembled, and I was going to explode if I had to be in the same room with her for one more minute.

She shrugged. “But the rest of you guys are staying, right?”

Asher shook his head. “Lexie and I are going to do some studying. I’ve got to go, too.”

Amy wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder. “But, Asher, we haven’t spent any time together in days.” Her voice had that pouty cadence guys seemed to love but that sounded like nails on a chalkboard to me. I gritted my teeth and stomped toward the stairs.

Asher pulled away. “Enough, Amy. I’ve already told you we’re over.”

She blinked her long eyelashes at him. “And I told you I could convince you otherwise.”

Everything inside me finally snapped. I was tired of her games. Tired of her hanging all over Asher. Tired of playing nice with someone who wanted nothing more than to destroy my family and friends. In three steps, I was across the room and in her face.

“You know what, Amy? Asher isn’t interested. I’m not sure why it’s taking so long to get that through your fat skull. You don’t look stupid.”

She dropped her arm, eyes narrowed. “Asher and I…”

“Don’t exist.” I grabbed the front of Asher’s shirt and jerked him toward me, pressing my lips against his. The touch of his skin to mine set my blood pounding in my ears. Crushed against Asher’s chest, the heat from his body soaked through my shirt and set me on fire. His lips feathered over mine, and he deepened the kiss until I was floating. My palms pressed against his skin, feeling our hearts beat in unison, his muscles hard beneath my fingers. An ache built deep inside me, and I never wanted this kiss to be over.

When we finally pulled apart, I wasn’t the only one breathing hard. A hungry smile played across his lips, and he raised an eyebrow at me.

I had to look away, or I would have combusted.

I caught Zella’s amused expression before she tried to hide it behind her hand. Max’s eyes were wide and stunned.

Amy glared at us with narrowed eyes, her hands on her hips. “Are you two done with your little performance?”

Asher draped an arm around me and pulled me tight into his side. For once, he’d earned that arrogant smile. “For now. But we can give you a replay if you need one.”

Amy blinked and her voice went back to that cajoling tone. “Asher, we were together. I thought we had something.”

“I’ve been telling you since September we were just friends, Amy. That’s it.” Asher shook his head. “Come on, you guys, I have to get Lexie home.”

Amy put her hand on Asher’s arm. “Wait…please…” Her eyes darted around the room, resting on each of us. She looked panicked. “I need to tell you…”

But Asher pushed her aside. “We have to go, Amy.”

“But the project. Do you have any idea what’s at stake here?”

“I think we might.” His voice was icy and I would have felt sorry for Amy if I didn’t know she’d betrayed all of us.

“Then stay. Help me figure this out,” she pleaded. Amy moved to touch Asher’s sleeve and he stepped out of her reach.

“We’ll see you later, Amy.” Asher grabbed my hand and led me upstairs.

I panted as we sprinted through the house, and I couldn’t tell if it was because of the kiss or Amy’s outburst. She’d looked crazed, and I almost felt bad for the girl. I still had no idea why she was helping Branston, but it had obviously unhinged her.

We burst out the front door, and I sucked in a deep breath of cool, fresh air, Asher’s hand still gripping mine.

“That was unexpected,” Max said as we walked toward the car. He shook his head, his brows furrowed as he opened the back passenger door.

Zella shook her head and pushed him into the car. “You really are the blindest guy I’ve ever met, Max.”


Friday night at Quantum Technologies. The building was dim and quiet; only the faint whirr of the heater kicking on broke the silence. Shadows lurked in every corner, and it kind of felt like a horror movie as we stood in the creepy lobby. Just the four of us.

I glanced behind me through the door and out into the dark night. We could still turn around, walk away from this. I could tell my mom to run, and we’d be safe from Branston. For a while.

But then Asher smiled at me and squeezed my hand. Max and Zella were whispering about something, heads together. My heart swelled. I cared about these people, about QT, and about this town. I’d built a life here, and I was going to do whatever it took to keep it safe.
