Read Books Novel

Unfinished Hero series by Kristen Ashley

“If you’re gonna say slow things down, baby, enjoy this because this is as slow as it’s gonna get.”

I felt my eyes get wide.

“Yeah,” he confirmed to my unspoken cry of shock. “If you can take it tonight, I’ll explain that too.”

“Now there’s no way I’m getting a nap,” I mumbled.

“You wake up happy?” Raiden asked and I blinked at him.

Then I whispered, “Yeah.”

“I did too. When was the last time for you?”

“The last time, what?”

“The last time you woke up happy.”

Oh God.

Before him, I wasn’t unhappy. I also wasn’t exactly happy.

What I knew was this: waking up in Raiden’s bed, I definitely was happy.

“I don’t remember,” I admitted.

“Me either,” he replied.

Oh God.

I liked that and hated it. I understood it just as much as I didn’t. I wanted to know why he wasn’t happy just as much as I was scared to find out.


“We’re holding onto that,” he declared, and like it had a mind of its own my hand slid up his chest to curl around the side of his neck like it was answering his statement for me and doing it by agreeing.

He knew it, felt it and understood it.

Therefore, he stated in his rough, commanding voice, “Yeah.”

I dropped my head to his shoulder.

He was right.


I knew what was happening here.

His hand slid out of my hair so he could wrap his arm around me. “What do you like on your pizza?”

“Everything but onions, peppers, sausage, pineapple, ham, anchovies and olives.”

His voice was smiling when he remarked, “So you’re sayin’ you like pepperoni and mushroom only.”

I lifted my head and looked at him. “I like all that stuff, just not on pizza. All that stuff makes it complicated. I’m into simple pleasures.”

His amazing eyes warmed and his amazing lips murmured, “I’ll remember that.”

I could get lost in those eyes. I wanted to get lost in those eyes.

But I needed to stay on target.

“Can you tell me something?” I asked suddenly.

His eyes got warmer and his smile hit his lips when he replied, “I can tell you that you asking me if I can tell me something is the same as you askin’ me if you can ask me somethin’. In other words, you don’t have to ask.”

“Noted,” I muttered.

“So ask, I’ll tell,” he prompted.

“Whatever you’re going off to do, are you safe?”

His smile faded and I stared in horrified fascination as it did.

Holy Moses!

I’d been guessing!

“It isn’t safe?” This came out as a squeak.

“We’ll talk about it later.”

“Holy Moses!” I cried, no longer semi-freaked. I was gone.

“Hanna, we’ll talk about it later.”

“Will you be back later?” I asked, borderline hysterically.

His smile came back. “Yeah.”

“Just pointing out, Raiden, you’re about to drop me off, telling me to take a nap but you’ve got some things to share with me later that you told me straight up I have to deal with. Then you intimate strongly that whatever it is you do is unsafe, and you’re off to do whatever it is you do right now. So I’m not in the mood to smile nor am I in the mood to watch you do it, no matter how hot you are when you do.”

He didn’t quit smiling.

Instead, he asked, “You wanna talk more about us going slower now?”

Was he serious?

I tore out of his arms, twisted to the door and threw it open, announcing, “Time for my nap!”

I found an arm hooked around my waist and was twisted back into the Jeep and Raiden’s arms, this time both of which he locked around me.

Then his eyes locked on mine.

“I’ll be back safe and you’ll be cool with what I do, Hanna,” he declared firmly.

“Right. I believe you. But can I make the request now that I have at least a date number five before you rock my world again?”

Another grin then, “I think I can accomplish that.”

“I’d be obliged.”

“You wanna quit bein’ cute so I can let you go, you can get your nap and I can get this shit done?”

“I’ll remind you not a minute ago I tried to exit this vehicle, but you hauled me back.”

“I’ll take that as a no.”

I glared.

Raiden kept smiling.

Then he muttered strangely, “My reward.”

I lost my glare and asked, “Sorry?”

He lifted up, kissed my forehead and whispered there, “Nothin’, baby.” Then he pulled away, ordering, “Go. Rest.”

I needed to go. I hoped I could rest, but I studied him a moment before I leaned in to touch my mouth to his.

His arms came around me, his mouth opened over mine and my touch became a hot, heavy kiss.

Raiden broke it and ordered again, “Go.”

“Okay,” I mumbled. He let me go and I went.

I stood at the door in numero uno of my Sunday’s finest dresses (I did go to church with Raiden Ulysses Miller) and waved.

He didn’t wave back, but I did see him smile.

I closed the door and wandered up the stairs, listening to his Jeep drive away.

I took off my heels by the side of the bed. I climbed in, pulled an afghan over me (mine, not cashmere but still lush) and stared at my pillow, thinking this was how it felt.

This was how it felt when something huge was happening.

It felt fantastic.

And I was scared out of my wits.

Chapter Eleven


That evening…

I sat tucked into the corner of my frou-frou, fluffy, girlie, cutesie couch in my countrified, quirky living room and watched Raiden, who’d just gone to the kitchen to get his second beer, fold his long body at the other end.

The pizza was annihilated, that always awkward sliver of a slice the only piece left. Raiden had got it from the place in town so it was the best and I was hungry so I tucked in, forgetting (momentarily, like always) about the little stomach pouch I needed to get gone.

It was a minor miracle, considering all that was on my mind, but I’d managed a two hour nap.

Then the phone started ringing.

Apparently, the town of Willow had decided they’d given me enough time to cope, that time was up, so all and sundry called to check if I was okay after the Bodhi and Heather debacle. This invariably segued into digging for gold, thus most of them asked if it was true, since I was seen at Chilton’s, Rachelle’s, the Deluxe and at church with him; if I was seeing Raiden Ulysses Miller
