Read Books Novel

Unfinished Hero series by Kristen Ashley

I kept grinding down into his mouth, moving, shifting rocking and it took no time at all before I came. Not hard. Excruciating. It rocked me so deep, I cried out and couldn’t hold myself up. I went forward, hands in the bed by Knight’s waist.

His hand at my hip kept yanking me down as he kept at me and himself. I panted, still rocking, still coming, my eyes glued to his shadowed fist working his c**k then I came again. He kept at me and I watched the shadow of his hand moving on his c**k and I came again.

Oh God, had anyone died from too many orgasms?

“Honey,” I rasped.

His hand yanked me down hard, he sucked deep, God, so deep. Then he growled and I came again as he did too.

He lapped at me and stroked himself lazily as we both came down then his head turned, he kissed the inside of my thigh and he muttered, “Climb off me, baby. Go get me a wet cloth.”

I did as I was told, reaching for my pajamas when my feet hit the floor at the side of the bed and his voice came back at me.

“No clothes, Anya.”

I looked to his shadowy form lounging on a forearm in the bed, nodded then did as I was told but did it naked.

When I came back, Knight was sitting with shoulders to the headboard, knees up and my sex spasmed at the sight, he was so damned sexy, even in shadow.

“Crawl up from the bottom, baby, want you between my legs as you clean me.”

Again, I moved as instructed and did what I was told.

When I was done, I got, “Take that to the bathroom then come back to me.”

I nodded and carried out my order, coming back to a Knight who hadn’t moved.

“Crawl up from the bottom again, Anya.”

I crawled up the bed and as I did it, the thought came to me. I didn’t know if I should, if I was even allowed. But I did it anyway.

So when I got to him, I moved between his legs but stopped, bent and kissed his flat abs. Then I moved up and stopped to kiss his chest. Then up his body until my face was to his neck and I kissed him there, smelling his cologne.

I knew my decision was right when his arms closed around me and his thighs pressed in, imprisoning me.

“My baby, so f**kin’ sweet,” he muttered.

I rested my head on his shoulder.

One of his arms shifted down and his hand cupped one of the cheeks of my behind gently.

“It hurt?” he whispered.

“Tender,” I whispered back.

“First time, I went gentle.”

Oh God. That was gentle?

“You f**k up that big again, Anya, you’ll be callin’ off work and spendin’ a week in my bed to recover.”

“Knight –”

His arms gave me a squeeze.

“Came hard, feel good, do not piss me off.”

I fell silent.

“You learn your lesson?”

I hoped so.

I nodded against his shoulder.

His arms gave me a squeeze as his fingers at my behind dug in gently.

Then he said quietly, “I believe you but I wanna make it clear. Shit might go down between us that’ll make this go bad. You don’t leave until we both know there’s nothin’ we can do to retrieve what we had. And if you believe that and I disagree, then you talk to me before you leave me. You might hear f**ked up shit about me from a variety of sources. But you talk to me before you react. I will confirm or deny, I will be honest and last, I will explain. If it’s shit I don’t want you to know yet, I’ll explain that too and you’ll wait until I’m ready. You feel you can’t, then, babe, you still f**kin’ talk… to… me before you leave me.”

I nodded against his shoulder again.

Knight kept talking.

“You can believe about ten percent of anything that comes outta Nick’s mouth. This will not be somethin’ you need to concern yourself with because you will never see him again. If the impossible happens and you do, I don’t care if you’re walkin’ down the street, he’s across the street from you and a half block up, you f**kin’ call me. Get me?”

Another nod.

More from Knight.

“I do not give charity f**ks. I don’t know what he said to you but honest to Christ, I don’t even know what that is. Bottom line, no one, Anya and when I say that,” his arms and hand gave me another squeeze, “I mean no one has had my time, my attention and my c**k the way you do. And you don’t have those because you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. You have that because you’re everything that’s you. Somethin’ in you made it easy to believe the bullshit Nick fed you. We gotta work that out, babe, and with that project, I’m all in. But there is no… fuckin’… way a woman like you, not just one who looks like you, but a woman like you should ever think in a million f**kin’ years she’s a charity case. You need to understand, baby, that in this scenario right here in this bed no matter whose ass is tender, I’m the lucky one. You with me?”

At the word “lucky” my head jerked up and I stared at his shadowed face.

“What?” I breathed.

“You aren’t with me,” he muttered.

“Are you serious?”

“Are you comfortable with the fact that my boys roughed up your landlord?”

My body stilled and I whispered, “Honey –”

“Answer me, babe, are you comfortable with that?”

“Can we –?”

His hand came to my jaw and his arm around me got tight, pulling me closer and he whispered, “Anya, babe, answer me.”

“No,” I blurted.

“But you’re settin’ it aside because you’re drawn to me and I’m makin’ you happy,” he surmised.


“Then babe, I’m the lucky one because with you, I’m not settin’ shit aside. And with me, I think you already get without really knowin’ that you always will.”

My hand slid up his chest and I whispered, “Honey, let’s not talk about this.”

“Bury your head, baby, please, God, do it. But straight up, you give me good, normal and clean and you do it knowin’ you’ll never get that back. I’ll take that. Fuck, yeah, I’ll take that. But I’ll only take it knowin’ somewhere inside you, you get what you’re givin’ to me and you understand it’ll never be returned.”

“You’re scaring me again, Knight.”

“Enough to ask me to leave?”

“No,” I whispered and his hand clenched my jaw.

“Christ, my baby,” he whispered.
