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Upon A Midnight Dream

Upon A Midnight Dream (London Fairy Tales #1)(47)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

For the past hour he hadn’t been able to bring himself to read the correspondence that had arrived in the post. The letters written in black sealed his fate as well as Rosalind’s. He wondered, truly wondered, how it had come to this. The truth of Rosalind’s birth was still pounding in his head. His conversation with the next in line to be married did nothing but make his mood plummet. After all this time, he had to believe there was some sort of hex on their family and if he didn’t marry the rightful bloodline of the deceased earl, then everything would be for naught.


He turned to see James standing in the doorway, looking very much the dandy known to the ton.

"What is it?" He snapped.

"Mother says that the duchess has awoken. She asks for you." The butler handed James his hat and gloves.

Stefan’s brow furrowed. "Where are you off to?"

James laughed. "Truly? You ask after all this madness has taken place? I have every intention of getting foxed and staying out all night in celebration. The curse is broken and I’m feeling better than I’ve felt in years. Perhaps I’ll visit my mistresses, eh?"

Not the luckiest ladies in London, Stefan thought eyeing his dandified sod of a brother. "Yes, perhaps that would be best, after all. We wouldn’t want Elaina getting too attached, hmm?"

"Nothing happened between us."

"So you say," Stefan muttered. "So you say."

James cursed. "What do you expect me to do? She threw herself at me! You wouldn’t happen to be jealous, would you brother? After all, you’ve everything you need. A title, wealth, a wife… oh wait. Apologies, it seems your wife isn’t technically in the best capacity to please you, is she? Well, I’m sure you can convince Elaina to attend to your baser needs."

Stefan pushed away from the desk and then charged his brother, ramming him into the nearest wall. "Speak poorly of my wife again and I’ll put a bullet through you. Do you understand?"

James snorted, pushing Stefan off of him. "Oh I understand brother. Good day."

He sauntered off, leaving Stefan shaking from the whole episode. He needed to see Rosalind, but the last thing he wanted to do was admit that he had failed her. Yes, the curse was broken, but he wasn’t even man enough to protect her sisters, nor would she be happy to find out that her father was not a blood relation but a stranger without a face.

With a sigh, he dragged his feet to the large stairway and slowly ascended. The woman had been put through so much, why was he always the cause of her pain?

Rosalind dreamt of the day she danced with Stefan in the snow. Of the playful way he teased her, and his horrid proposals and finally his kisses.

She awoke to the smell of hot biscuits and tea.

"That’s it." Mary said sitting on the bed. "I knew a good cup of tea would wake you up, after all, it’s said to have healing properties. Mr. Fitzgerald brought it over first thing this morning. Worried sick, he is."

Rosalind smiled, but didn’t reach for the tea. But who could blame her? With nerves as strong as a feather she wanted nothing more than to see her husband and have a good cry. Well that, and perhaps a blood sizzling kiss.

"Ahem." A male voice came from the doorway.

"Stefan!" Rosalind didn’t mean to yell, but she couldn’t help the relief she felt at seeing his face.

"I see your voice hasn’t met any harm, just as loud as ever. Ah Mary good to see you, do you per chance have our cane close by?"

Mary grunted and sauntered out of the room.

"I think she’s beginning to like me," Stefan grinned and closed the door, locking it behind him. "How do you feel, Rose?"

Her breath hitched, which was all it took for Stefan to rush to her side and pull her into his arms. "I’m so sorry, Rose. I swear I’ll make it better. I swear it."

"Just hold me."

"With pleasure." Stefan pushed the hair away from her eyes and kissed her eye lids. "I could not bear to lose you, Rose."

"Did she truly—"

"Your mother was mad, Rose. A sane woman would never cause her children harm."

Rosalind nodded.

"I need to tell you something, and I fear it isn’t going to make you feel any better. Would you rather I waited until you were out of bed and walking?"

How much worse could it get? "Tell me now, please. Just promise not to let go of me."

"I believe I can manage." Stefan pulled her into his lap, cradling her head in the crook of his shoulder. "Your father…" He paused and looked away. "He was a good man."

Rosalind turned her head to look Stefan in the eye. "Yes." Her words were tentative. "Was that what you wanted to say?"

"For now…" Stefan bit his lip. "Well, that and both your sisters seem to be missing now. Gwen has gone after Isabelle. Apparently she understands more of that horrid language than she let on. For she took the betrothal contract with her. A note was left that she would return once she reached the location where Isabelle was taken. Unfortunately, she refused to tell us where that specific location was."

Rosalind shuddered. She should have known Gwen would do something like this. "We have to go after her."

"We… will do nothing. I, however, have plans to do exactly that." Stefan pushed the hair away from her brow and bent near to bestow a kiss upon her face. "There is something else."

Rosalind felt the all too familiar choking fear. "What is it?"

"I’ve failed you."

"How? I don’t understand."

Stefan cursed. "Both your sisters are missing. I’m supposed to take care of you. How am I to do that when I cannot even take care of two young girls? Not to mention be outsmarted by them, but what’s worse, what’s worse…" he repeated and looked down. "Your father is not truly your father."

"I don’t understand your meaning." A cold chill shook her core.

"The earl, who died — he was not your father. Your mother said as much when she tried to poison you."

"But how are you failing me?"

Stefan took a deep breath and released another string of curses. "As of today, your mother has broken her silence. I’ve tried to do my best Rosalind. But gossip is rampant that you and your sisters are bastards."

Rosalind gasped, and began to choke on her sobs. "But, my parents were married, they were…"

"Your parents, your true parents were not married Rosalind. Your father claimed you as his, but the damage my dear, has already been done."
