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Vampire Crush

Vampire Crush(18)
Author: A.M. Robinson

My spine stiffens. He’s talking about me. He’s talking about tearing into me. As refreshment. I can’t tell if it’s my building sense of unease that’s making it hard to comprehend this, or if he’s really saying what I think he’s saying. But that would mean . . . No. No more Buffy reruns. Ever. I try to force my mind back to the conversation, determined to come up with a non-insane explanation.

"What girl?" Marisabel asks. So far she’s been mostly silent, but now he has her full attention.

"Oh, you know," Vlad says. "The unadorned, forthright one who dresses like she is preparing to slaughter a pig." After Marisabel’s blank look, he adds, "The one James trailed after all day. The one with all the ridiculous questions."

The insult seems to appease her; she settles back on the table like a content tiger. "If the blond one isn’t it, who’s next?"

"I do not know," Vlad says, kicking a stick this time. "Perhaps one of the friends. I will start again tomorrow. But for now – dinner!" he says, his voice suddenly bright. "Try that bush; I thought I saw something earlier."

He claps his hands and fixes his gaze across the clearing. I peer around the lowest branch just in time to spot Devon and Ashley hefting two large branches from the scattered leaves. When they start to thrash the bushes, my stomach lurches; the chance that they’re beating the brush in the hopes that chicken nuggets will emerge, screaming and running for their lives, is slim to none. It makes sense, my brain insists, and starts to fill in the pieces. The weirdness. The strange staring contests. The lack of parents. The wonder that is Violet. James’s warnings. The empty cooler. And the missing blood. Oh God, the missing blood. How could I be so stupid? They’re vampires, or at least under a number of severe delusions.

Jesus, Sophie, the guy’s name is Vlad.

I bite my tongue to stop from giving a hysterical little laugh, and tell myself that when I get home I’ll be able to work out a far more rational explanation. But right now? I need to leave. Fast. Devon and Ashley are only a quarter of the way around the clearing, so there’s time. Boosting myself into a crouch, I glance backward. Twenty more feet and I’ll be out of immediate hearing range, at which point I will sprint back to my car.

Suddenly I hear a rustle, followed by an excited cry. The leaves crunch as a small ball of fur makes a startled beeline for my bush. The rabbit bursts between the leaves and then crouches at its base, terrified and trembling. Before I can react, I hear the sound of two very large men barreling in my direction. If I run now, they will see me. No question. I stare into the rabbit’s glassy eyes, hypnotized by fear. Think, think, think. "Here’s my contact!" I will say. "That will teach me to stop making out so much after school." Insert nervous chuckle; try not to faint dead at their feet.

Devon and Ashley bend down to peer under the hanging leaves of the bush, and the rabbit darts to the side, running for better cover. Their shadows move, and I hear a shrill squeak, followed by a sickening snap and Vlad’s shout that he wasn’t supposed to kill it yet. Even though I want to vomit, the rabbit’s flight has given me my chance to escape. I ready my legs to launch myself forward just as a swish of footsteps sounds to my right.


Lindsay’s voice echoes in the startled silence. Launching myself back at the bush, I frantically shove branches out of the way so I can see clearly. Crap, crap, crap. What is she doing here?

Lindsay stands in the center of the clearing, clutching a blue binder to her chest like it’s the last life vest on the Titanic. Next to Vlad and the two giants, she appears even tinier than usual. Her auburn hair catches the last glimmers of sunlight, throwing her pale face into even sharper contrast. She looks nervous, and very, very vulnerable. All except for the determined jut of her chin.

"I’m looking for James," Lindsay says, hugging the binder tighter and moving back a few steps when Vlad starts to approach. "Well, information about James, really. I heard you mention him earlier in the halls, and I wondered if you could tell me a little bit about him." She takes a deep breath. "Just a few things. It’s important."

Vlad looks almost jovial. "Important?" He moves closer, forcing Lindsay to retreat to the edge of the trees, before he throws a playful look at Marisabel. "I fear I know very little. James is a private soul. How about the rest of you?"

Devon and Ashley shake their heads, their most communicative gesture to date. They’re standing rigidly, hands behind their backs. Marisabel doesn’t answer at first, just looks at him for a few long seconds.

"Vlad, don’t do anything you will regret," she says softly.

"I am only trying to assist a fellow schoolmate," he says with grating innocence and then leans over so he’s more on Lindsay’s level. "So," he purrs. "What is your name?"

"Lindsay Allen," she says weakly, having now completed what appears to be a total body meld with her binder.

"And tell me, Lindsay Allen, do you have any distinguishing marks on your person?"

Disarmed, Lindsay’s wariness evaporates. "What?"

Vlad waves a hand in the air. "Any birthmarks, moles, rashes that spell out your mother’s maiden name . . . you know, marks!" He frowns down at her uncomprehending face. "How do you say it? Ah, yes, ‘work with me here.’ "

Lindsay pushes her shoulders back and pulls herself up to her full height. "This was a bad idea. I’m going now. Sorry to bother you. Please let James know that I am looking for him."

"I will take that as a ‘no,’" Vlad says and then grabs her arm before she can move. "Not so hasty. I have a final question for you."

Lindsay orders him to let her go, her voice high, her cool composure cracking. She tugs against his grip, but Vlad just pulls her closer. Leaning down, he acts like he’s about to whisper in her ear, but his next question rings out clear and strong.

"Do you think that anyone will miss you?"

Chapter Seven

There’s a still moment, and then everyone’s moving at once. Marisabel springs off the picnic table and runs over to Vlad, latching onto his bicep and yelling that it’s time to leave. She might as well be a gnat; Vlad shrugs her off, continuing to smirk as Lindsay struggles against his grip. Devon and Ashley push in closer, putting themselves between her and the beaten-down path. Lindsay’s gaze bangs about wildly, searching for an escape until Vlad jerks her close and grabs her chin, forcing her to look directly into his eyes. Her wrist goes limp.

Through the shock, the panic, and the guilt, the thought that has been running through my mind finally takes shape. This is bad. You have to do something. Snap out of it. I don’t think long about what to do – I can’t think long. After all, stupidity got me into this, maybe stupidity will get me out. I push my way through the bushes. Eyes. Avoid the eyes.
