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Vampire Crush

Vampire Crush(41)
Author: A.M. Robinson

1798: Human child born to the Mervaux and named Mercedes (star mark on right shoulder). Vampire families are split between those who think it is a miracle and those who think that she is an abomination, including the ruling family of the time (Desmarais – now extinct)1799: In fear, Mervaux call for help. Nine families answer – Vandervelde, Doyle, Greco, Rose, Wolf, Magnusson, Kaya, Quinn, Pavlov. Danae treaty signed.1806: Desmarais falls. Nine families take power under new name of Danae.1820 (?): Mercedes gives birth to child (vampire father?), also human, also female. Named Melisande (star mark, lower abdomen).1845: Under pressure, Danae abdicates in favor of elected leaders and is forced to disband as a condition. Do so publicly, but not in private. Tattoo is designed so that members will know one another.1847: Melisande gives birth to daughter (definite vampire father), child still human. Named Michelle (star lines on palm).1869: Michelle disappears. Reason unknown.1902: I am born.1965: Victor Petrov circulates influential work, The Lost Daughter, underground, in which he argues that the human line of Mervaux vampires continues. Later recants and says, "It was just a novel," but then disappears.I turn back to the beginning of the journal – Vlad’s first entry is dated in 1966. Victor’s "novel" obviously converted Vlad enough that he’s spent the last half a century searching for her. I read over the timeline again, doing my best to make sense of the rush of dates and bite-sized history. The Danae isn’t just looking for the girl because of her supposed powers; they’re looking for her because she and her line are their crown jewel. Or at least she was until she vanished.

When I flip to the next page, I find more cramped writing and the header "Collected Myths and Legends." Before I can start to read, however, the door creaks behind me. I whirl around to find Neal standing in the entranceway, staring at me with surprise. Guess what? His neon swim trunks glow in the dark.

"Found you!" he says before his face wrinkles in confusion. "Why are you standing in the middle of the room? You’re worse than Violet." His eyes fall to the book in my hand. "What’s that?"

"Nothing," I say, annoyed at the interruption until I realize that I’m lucky it’s just Neal. Vlad might be hunting for this, which means that I should save a more thorough read for later. I attempt to shove it in my pocket, but girl pants are not as accommodating as boy pants. Left with little other option, I lift my T-shirt and wiggle it into the space between my back and the waistband of my jeans; at least if Vlad tries to take it back it will be covered in girl cooties. Holding up my hands, I say, "You got me!" just as Violet’s blond head appears behind his shoulder. She tickles his sides, and he jumps.

"Too long again," she says, but she is smiling. "Let’s go downstairs. I am tired of the cupboard."

I let them walk in front of me, head still pounding with new information until the way Violet loops her arm through Neal’s and he bends down to whisper something in her ear makes me think this might not be a problem that can be moved to the back burner. This is not good, I think as her giggle bounces up the stairway. This is not good at all.

When we get to the bottom of the stairs I grab Violet’s free arm. "I need to talk to Violet for a second," I tell Neal. "Go have another ranchy cheese puff. I hear they’re magically delicious."

"But – "

"We’ll find you," I say and pull Violet into the next room: the kitchen.

A thick layer of dust coats the new appliances. The sink’s faucet is a dull green, and the only light still working is the one hanging over the oven. Cobwebs cling to every corner, including the slatted pantry door. The most neglected room in the house, it’s been left mostly empty by the other partygoers.

Mostly. A girl I recognize from the soccer team and her friend stumble in, gossiping about how so-and-so just threw herself at Vlad for the third time, energetically enough that her top slipped down and exposed her man entrancers to the world. "And he just studied them for a few seconds," she says, "then pulled up her top and said, ‘Thank you, that was an immense help.’ Sometimes he’s so weird."

Her friend nods enthusiastically and then points to her throat. "I’m thirsty," she mouths and goes to the fridge, which I assume is filled with items that are more frightening than mystery mold.

"There’s punch in the living room," I tell her, blocking the handle. "It’s rude to poke around in people’s refrigerators." As I jerk my head to point out the right direction, I do a quick skin sweep. She has a small birthmark on her hip, although it would be the most circular star ever made. I ask for her name anyway. I’ll admit that it comes out a little boot-camp.

"Uh, Grace," she says, eyeing me like I might order her to drop and give me twenty at any second. "And we’ll leave the fridge alone, okay? You don’t have to freak out," she says and drags her friend toward the living room. "Who’s that?" I hear her ask before they disappear into the hallway. "Oh you know, that girl."


"There’s nothing in there, you know," Violet says from behind me. I twirl around to find that she’s hopped onto the counter, dust be damned. She swings her crossed ankles back and forth, not minding when they bang against the lower cabinet. "You really should give us some credit," she continues. "We may be a little behind the times, but we are not naive enough to leave blood lying around for just anyone to find."

"I don’t know what you’re talking about," I say, trying to look fluffy-bunny innocent despite her doubtful look.

"Marisabel told me about your conversation in the ladies’ room. I never had the courage to tell her myself, but I agree that they should call it off. Seventeen would deem it a verbally abusive relationship."

"Who else knows?"

"Just us!" Violet says, but I still feel a little sick to my stomach. Violet must see my unease, because she adds, "I would not worry about it if I were you. Well, unless you’re in front of Vlad. Then I might worry about it."

That’s quite the disclaimer. "Why?"

"He has been snapping at all of us lately. Neville came home yesterday with the announcement that he won the lead in the school play, and Vlad nearly staked him on the spot. I really wish he would find the girl he wants so we can all forget this nonsense and start to concentrate on what really matters. Like Neal!" She claps excitedly. "Oh, Sophie, he is fantastic! I hardly even think of James anymore."

"You mean you want to stay here?" I ask with obvious disbelief. "Even if Vlad finds the girl?"
