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Wallbanger (Cocktail #1)(58)
Author: Alice Clayton

“I’m gonna go wash my face. Don’t go anywhere,” I instructed.

“Sweet Caroline, I’m not going anywhere,” he said, his sexy smile returning.

I made myself walk away. Every step I took, every thunk of my heels on the hardwood was like a chant in my head: Spain. Spain. Spain. Once in the bathroom, I splashed some water on my face, most of it going into my mouth because I couldn’t stop smiling. New harem head count: two down, one to go? There were times to be cautious, and then there were times when you just needed to go balls-out and take a risk. I needed some backbone. I thought about what Jillian had said earlier today, and I went with my impulse. I steeled myself, took out my figurative balls, and headed back out.

“Okay, it’s late, Simon. Time for you to go.” I took him by the hand, pulled him off the floor, and led him toward the front door.

“Um, really? You want me to go? Don’t you want to, I don’t know…talk a little more?” he asked. “I wanted to tell you how—”

I continued to pull him. “Nope. No more talking tonight. I’m tired.” I opened my door and ushered him out to the landing. He started to say something else, and I held up two fingers. “I need to say two things, okay? Two things.”

He nodded.

“First, you hurt my feelings in Tahoe,” I began, and he tried to interrupt me. “Shut it, Simon. I don’t want a rehash. But just know you hurt me. Don’t do it again,” I finished. I couldn’t stop my smile when I saw his reaction.

His eyes hit the floor, his entire body contrite. “Caroline, I’m really sorry about all that. You have to know that I just wanted to—”

“Apology accepted.” I smiled again and began to close my door.

His head popped up immediately. “Wait, wait. What was the second thing?” he called, leaning into my doorway. I stepped closer to him, bringing my body within inches of his. I could feel the heat of his skin across the tiny space between us, and I closed my eyes against the onslaught of emotions. I breathed deep and opened my eyes to look in to the sexy sapphires gazing down at me.

“I’m coming with you to Spain,” I said. And with a wink, I closed the door in his astonished face.

Chapter Fifteen

“EGGS SUNNY-SIDE UP, bacon, wheat toast with raspberry jelly.”

“Oatmeal with raisins, currants, cinnamon, and brown sugar, side of sausage links.”

“Belgian waffles, fruit cup, bacon and sausage,” Sophia said, completing our order and earning a raised eyebrow from both Mimi and me.

“What? I’m hungry.”

“Nice to see you getting a real breakfast for a change. Must have been working up an appetite with Mr. Mitchell last night, hmmm?” I teased, winking at Mimi over my orange juice.

The three of us were together for breakfast on a Sunday, something we hadn’t done since Tahoe. They’d been busily settling into the life of new coupledom with their recently switched boyfriends, which left me out most of the time. When they were dating the wrong guys they were always more than happy to have me along—the more the merrier they’d say. It helped when there was no real chemistry. But now? Mimi and Sophia were definitely with the right guys and enjoying every second of it.

Initially I’d been a little worried that the Parent Trap shenanigans would make things uncomfortable, but the ladies had made me proud. They took it in stride, and since each wound up with her new better half, all my worries went by the wayside.

We giggled as we got caught up on friendly gossip, waiting until the food arrived for any big news, as was protocol.

“Okay, who’s going first? Who has news?” Mimi began, and we settled into our ritual. Sophia paused from shoveling in the waffles, indicating that she would serve the first volley.

“Neil has to go to LA for a sportswriters in television conference, and he asked me to go with him,” she offered. Mimi and I nodded.

“Ryan is thinking of letting me reorganize his home office. You should see it—his filing system alone made me break out in hives,” Mimi reported, shuddering.

“Natalie Nicholson referred two new clients to me—Nob Hill, very posh, thank you very much,” I added, pouring myself more coffee from the carafe as they congratulated me.

We chewed.

“Neil talks in his sleep. It’s the cutest thing. He calls out football scores.”

“Ryan let me paint his toenails last night.”

“I told Simon I’d go to Spain with him.”

Here’s the thing about a spit take. In the movies, they’re hysterical. In real life, they’re just messy.

“Wait a minute, wait a goddamn minute…what?” Sophia sputtered, juice still dribbling down her chin.

“Caroline, you told him what?” Mimi managed, still choking as she waved the waiter over for more napkins.

“I told him I’d go to Spain with him. No big deal.” I grinned. It was a big deal indeed.

“I can’t believe you had the nerve to sit here and talk about random shit all morning and not tell us this. When did this happen?” Sophia asked, leaning forward on her elbows.

“The night I went on a date with James.” I smiled.

“Okay, that’s it. No more dicking around—spill it.” Mimi rounded on me with a butter knife and a frown.

“What the hell, Caroline? I can’t believe you kept all this from us. When did you go on a date with James? And don’t you dare leave anything out. Tell us everything now, or I’ll let Mimi loose on you!” Sophia warned. Mimi gestured again in a menacing way with her knife—in a very West Side Story menacing way, mind you. I imagined an actual fight with Mimi would involve hitch kicks and barrel turns…

Nevertheless, I took a deep breath and spilled. All of it. Why I went out with James, the feelings that had been percolating with Simon, how James called me a decorator, how I kicked him out. They listened intently, only interjecting occasionally when they needed clarification.

“I’m so proud of you,” Sophia said when I’d finished. Mimi nodded in agreement.

“For what?”

“Caroline, there was a time when if James told you to jump, you’d f**king jump. I guess we worried him showing back up in your life would take you back to being that girl again,” Sophia explained.

“I know you were worried. You’re both sweet, and no one will ever take care of me as well as you, even though you worry like old chickens in a henhouse.” I smiled at my fierce ladies.
