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Waltzing with the Wallflower

Waltzing with the Wallflower(15)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

Cordelia’s heart stopped beating for an instant then seemed to drop into the pit of her stomach. Her shock must have registered on her face, because her partner tilted his head in bewilderment. Then muttered on. He spoke of nonsensical things like love and destiny and his chances. Cordelia felt dizzy. A rushing sound filled her head, drowning out what he was saying. She had but one lucid thought: Even Sir Bryan is toying with me.

Then she mourned the loss of her last shred of romantic notion. No knight in shining armor would be coming for her. Not Sir Lancelot, not Sir Bryan and certainly not Ambrose.

Again the tears threatened to expose her vulnerability, and she fought them. Sir Bryan was a kind gentleman, but her tears were not for him. Suppressing the torrent of emotion, she smiled and nodded at all the appropriate places in Sir Bryan’s confession of his intentions towards Lady Cristina.

“It did make things more difficult, however,” he explained, “when you brought her to the attention of the other gentlemen, my lady.” His tone was confusing. Was he irritated with her?

“Pardon, my lord?”

“Surely you knew what you were doing. You have a great pull in this circle, my lady. One nod from you and all the gentlemen surge forward to stake claims on your approval.” He glowered at her as if she had done him some irreparable harm.

“I apologize, Sir Bryan. I had no idea. I sought only to help Lady Cristina. She was crying. They were ripping her to shreds.” How was she to know a small kindness would cause such damage?

He seemed to relax. “No matter now. I shall simply have to work quickly.” His gaze traveled to the outskirts of the room, likely searching for his one true love. The tap on his shoulder startled them both.

“Excuse me, Sir Bryan.” It was Anthony. Indignation rose like bile in Cordelia’s throat. “I believe I had spoken for this dance.”

Cordelia stiffened, hoping Sir Bryan wouldn’t give up without a fight. She could see from his demeanor that he was far more absorbed in thoughts of finding Cristina, for he smiled and excused himself, begging forgiveness for the infringement.

Of all the stupid, despicable, rancid-smelling—

“I need some air.” Anthony grasped her hand in his and pulled her along with him towards the side doors, interrupting her thought.

Once outside, Cordelia tried to wriggle her hand free of his grip to no avail. Since she had no desire to cause a scene, she gave up on the effort and tried another approach.

“My lord,” she whispered through clenched teeth as he dragged her hastily down the path into the garden below the balcony. “Might we slow down? My gown… it makes such swift movement… difficult,” she gasped.

Anthony stopped short, sending Cordelia careening forward, tripping over her skirts. His firm grasp kept her from falling and he jerked her backwards to break the inevitable fall, but it threw her off balance again and she crashed into him, knocking Anthony to the ground. He naturally, pulled her down with him.

That was it. The last straw. Cordelia pushed herself to a sitting position and allowed the pent up tears to fall, hiding her face in her hands. She hated to cry, hated the absolute helplessness of it, but the night had been the most wretched of her life, and that warranted a few sobs.

“Oh, Cordelia.” Anthony pulled up beside her and rested his hand on her shoulder. “I’m so sorry. About everything. I know it has been a miserable night.” He lifted his handkerchief to her. “Are you injured? From the fall?”

She shook her head, unable to speak without crying.

Anthony stood and offered his hand to lift her to her feet, but once she was standing, his grasp tightened.

Cordelia looked at him through blurry eyes and cocked an eyebrow in suspicion. “Anthony, why are we out here?” she asked with a sniffle, dabbing the handkerchief at her eyes.

“I want to—that is, I believe it would be best—” He exhaled in resignation. “Oh, curse it, Cordelia, I would like to offer for your hand.”

She could feel her eyes widen in surprise and her gaze shot abruptly to his face, scrutinizing him for the joke that was certain to accompany the proposal. That was a proposal. Wasn’t it? From Anthony. Arrogant, egotistical and never serious Anthony. That had to be it. It was a joke. At a time like this?

Pulling her hand free from his hold, she swatted at him and laughed through another sob.

“That isn’t funny, Anthony.”

He wasn’t laughing. He wasn’t even smiling. “I’m serious, Cordelia. But thank you, for the boon to my confidence.”

She sucked in her breath and with it all her mirth. “Oh, Anthony, I’m sorry.”

“Cordelia, I don’t want to see you suffer because of my brother’s cowardice. I have always admired you…”

“You certainly know how to take a girl’s breath away.” A pity proposal. Perfect.

An exasperated groan escaped his throat, and he raked his fingers through his hair to emphasize obvious frustration. He began pacing back and forth with long strides. “I know I’m not saying it just right.” Abruptly, he stopped pacing and faced her, putting his hands on her shoulders. “Would it be so bad?”

Well, let’s see. A lifetime spent looking at the mirror image of the man she truly loved. Bad? No. It sounded more like the seventh circle of Hell.

“Anthony,” she peered up at him. “I do adore you. You always make me laugh, and I can be myself around you… but I don’t think I could. I mean, you look… you would—”

“Remind you of him?”

With a sigh, she nodded.

“Hmmm… I’d wager a kiss from me would change your mind.” He winked and a hint of mischief twinkled in his eyes. “You know I am the better of the two of us… at many things.”

Her eyes widened as his words sunk in. She swatted at him again with her reticule. “Anthony! Really.” The heat crawled up her neck and into her face, spreading to her ears.

“Now that was a jest… sort of.” His wide grin remained as he took her hand once more. “My proposal stands, my lady. Please. Consider it.”

She would have to consider it. She had no other choice.

As he bowed over her hand to brush a light kiss on her gloved fingers, he added, “Even as simply an alternative to perpetual virginity.”

An involuntary blast of laughter forced its way through her throat, and when she tried to fight it, the result was a resounding snort. Which in turn, set them both to laughing. Cordelia fell against Anthony’s chest in hysterics. He wrapped his arms around her and shared in her amusement.
