Read Books Novel


Wanted (Most Wanted #1)(77)
Author: J. Kenner

Tyler shot a glance toward Evan. “You sure you want her? She’s a downright pain in the ass.”

I bit back a grin. Tyler, at least, had come over to my way of thinking.

“I want her,” Evan said. “On this job, and after.”

“Big one-eighty for you, my man,” Cole said. “Weren’t you the one trying to stay the hell away so you wouldn’t sully her with your tainted soul?”

Evan shot him the finger.

“Maybe he likes me sullied,” I said, and they all three burst out laughing. “Look,” I added, before Tyler and Cole could add anything to the mix, “I know you’re just looking out for me, but nothing is going to go wrong. I’m going to do whatever it takes to pull this off. So don’t look at me like I’m a liability. I’m not. I’m your best goddamn asset, because I can get around your biggest problem. I can get you access to the forgery.”

I glanced over at Evan who was looking at me with pride, then back to Cole and Tyler. After a second, Tyler folded his arms across his chest and leaned back in his chair with his legs out in front of him. “I’m not saying yes, but I’ll listen to what you have to say.”

As far as I was concerned, that really was a yes. I had no intention of giving them the notebook if I wasn’t in on the job. But I wanted them on board with having me on the team. If they were afraid I’d screw it up, then they’d be sloppy. We all would. And then it wouldn’t be a rush I’d be feeling, but full-fledged fear.

“Okay,” I said, standing up and feeling as nervous as if I was auditioning for the lead in the school play. “Evan ran me through what you guys already talked about this morning. I know that Neely keeps the manuscript in a case in the private gallery on the top floor of his Winnetka house. I know that the case is locked with a regular, old-fashioned key so that we can’t rely on hacking an electronic lock. And I know that other than the lock, the case doesn’t have any additional security. So if we can get it open and switch the manuscripts, we’re golden.”

I looked at them all to see if I’d forgotten anything. Cole nodded at me to continue.

“It’s the gallery itself that’s the problem. The Creature Notebook is only one of dozens of valuable artifacts that Neely owns, and he keeps them all locked up tight in a nearly impenetrable gallery.”

“It wouldn’t be impenetrable if we had more time,” Tyler said. “I’ve got the blueprints and technical specs. I know I could figure a way past his security system.”

“But we don’t have time,” Evan said. “The transfer is scheduled for two weeks from now. A job of that magnitude would need at least three months of planning.”

“So what we need is a way to get Neely to turn off security for us,” I said. “And I have it.”

“I’m listening,” Cole said.

“Tomorrow morning, Neely is going to get a call from Esther Martin at the Jahn Foundation, telling him that we have a new and exciting plan for the gala. Because we’ve had so much interest from so many of Jahn’s friends, we’ve decided to make it a traveling event. We’ll have six locations with six specialty foods. The foundation will provide luxury coaches to move the guests from stop to stop. We want him to be first on the list with cocktails and artisan cheeses.”

“I’m impressed,” Tyler said. “Keep going.”

I relished the little flutter of pride, along with the way Evan squeezed my hand reassuringly. “We can’t wait to do the switch at the actual event, since that’s after the donations are shipped off to Belgium. So we’re going to arrange a walk-through. Esther is going to tell him that her assistant, me, will be contacting him to arrange a time to come view the space to make sure it’s big enough for the expected crowds, to take photos for insurance purposes, and all the rest of it. All of that’s true. What Esther and Neely won’t know is that we’ll use that walk-through to do the switch. We get the facsimile notebook back, the foundation gets an awesome event, and everyone is happy.”

“And this was your idea?” Tyler asked, looking at me, his expression unreadable.

“Um, yeah.”

Tyler looked to Cole, who nodded. Then he looked back at me. “Damn good work, kid. Seriously, that’s damn good work.”

I felt the smile bloom on my face.

“I told you,” Evan said. “She’s an asset. Now let’s focus on some of the details.”

“The lock, for one,” Cole said. “We’re not going to have much time. Picking it isn’t going to work.”

“No,” Evan agreed. He looked at Tyler. “We need the key.”

Tyler smiled, wide and devilish. “I’m guessing there’s a woman involved?”

“You’re guessing right. Neely keeps the key in his bedside table. Renee is the maid who works that room. I’ve got details for you,” he added, pulling an envelope from his briefcase and passing it to Tyler. “Sweep her off her feet and do it fast. Get imprints and we’ll get a copy made.”

“I love my job,” Tyler said with such a wicked grin I had to laugh.

“And how are we doing the switch?” Cole asked. “Angie’s been brilliant so far, but that’s a little too much to ask of her.”

“Which is why you’ll be doing it,” Evan said. “And we’re all going in.”

“Not buying it,” Tyler said. “Why the hell would we all be there?”

“Because BAS Security is going to donate its services to the foundation for the gala,” I said, referring to the company that Evan had told me about. The three of them owned it—Black, August, Sharp—and for the most part, its operation was legitimate. But when the guys needed any sort of surveillance or hacking into an electronic system, they used the BAS resources. “It makes sense,” I continued. “Everyone knows how close you all were to Jahn. It’s the perfect cover. And it gets you into Neely’s security room.”

“We’ll set it up so that for the duration of the event their security cams are feeding to our handhelds. And when we upload the software to accomplish that, we’ll loop the security feed for thirty seconds. We can only manage thirty, though,” Evan said, looking at Cole. “Enough time?”

“If I’m all clear for those thirty,” he said.

“You will be. Angie will be on Neely, keeping him occupied talking cocktails. Tyler will be between Neely and Cole, adding additional cover as needed. Cole, you just have to make the switch. Get the notebook in and on the right page. Get the facsimile back out and stowed in your bag. And that’s it. We’re done. We’re safe. And so is Jahn’s reputation.” He looked at all three of us in turn. “Any questions?”
