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Wanting More

Wanting More (Mitchell Family #5)(11)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Are you ready to beg me to help you forget that you’re married, cause I’m pretty damn sure that ring on your finger is a good reminder? You’re obviously really bad at making decisions.”

“Screw you! You have no idea what my life is like right now. How dare you be so mean to me. I never should have thought you wanted to be my friend. You’re too in love with your own dick to care about anyone but yourself.”

I grabbed my bag and headed in her direction. “I guess we’re done here.”

“You’re damn right we are!”

Amy said nothing to me as I checked out of the room and started on our way back to town. When we hit the outskirts, she mumbled something, but the music was too loud on the radio for me to hear her. I turned it down. “What did you say?”

She looked over at me and I could tell she didn’t seem very happy. “I said thank you. I don’t want to be your friend, but you did help me and when I really needed it, you kept my mind off of things.”

I pulled up on the next street over from where she parked and turned off the truck. “You can think what you want about me, but I’ve never lied to you. What he did to you was beyond wrong. I wish you’d report it, but it’s your call. I won’t tell my sister if that’s what you’re worried about.”

She kept her head down. “I believe you.”

I grabbed a receipt off the dash and wrote down my number. “Take this. I know you hate me right now, but I’m not the bad guy here.”

She put the receipt back in my hand. “I don’t think I will ever need to call you.”

“Suit yourself.” She climbed out of the truck and looked up at me one last time. “See you around, Blaze.”

I watched her walk away shaking her head. So maybe I was a total douche, but as bad as I wanted the girl, I was able to stop myself. I knew right then and there that she was different, but I didn’t even realize just what that meant. I’d dated a lot of girls, but at the end of the day they would go home and I wouldn’t think about them until they called. Maybe I was self-centered and possibly everything Amy thought I was. It didn’t matter. She was married and I just wasn’t about to deal with that kind of bullshit.

That didn’t stop me from wanting her though.

For the next couple of weeks, she was all I could think about. I found myself going into town, just to stop by the salon to get my sister to cut my hair, or just to give her a friendly hello. Finally, one day, I stopped by when her and Ty were at lunch together. The salon was pretty empty with the exception of one old lady. Amy saw me walk in and rolled her eyes. “She’s at lunch.”

I took my hat and turned it to the back, before walking closer to her. I licked my lips while looking down at hers. “I dreamed of you last night.”

She looked over at the lady, who had her head under one of those drying machines. “You can’t be in here like this. People talk, you know.”

I let out a laugh but stayed close to her. “I’m just bein’ a nice person and askin’ a lady how she is today.”

“There’s nothing nice about you, Conner.” She turned and started sweeping around her station. I grabbed the handle of the broom, forcing her to look at me. She put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Please just go. I’m already being accused of having an affair. I can’t give him any more reason.

I grabbed her wrist and wasn’t even worried about that old lady. “Did he hit you again? If he hit you I’ll….”

“Stop it! Please just leave. I’m fine!”

I pulled her closer to me, causing her hands to hit my chest. She looked up into my eyes. “If I find out he hit you again, I’m goin’ to take matters into my own hands. What he’s doin’ is wrong. Why can’t you see that? Do you really love this guy that much, because I didn’t take you for being an idiot.”

She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the back room. I was so shocked she’d brought us there that I didn’t know what was coming next. “I can’t talk about this here. Everyone in this town talks and you’ve already got me into a bunch of shit by just being here. There is nothing happening between you and me, Conner. Get it through your head and stop doing this to me.”

She started to walk away, but I pulled her back into my arms and pushed her against the wall. I brought my lips close enough to hers that I could feel her breathing on me. “Fighting me only makes me want you more.”

She tried to push me away, but I kept a good hold on her. “Please, just go.”

I pressed my lips against hers and held them there for a few seconds, before pulling away and walking out the door. I never even turned back to see if she’d followed me out of that storage room.

Unfortunately, a few weeks later, while visiting our Kentucky family, my sister got some real bad news. Ty had raised my sister’s daughter Bella as his own, but her biological grandmother was fighting for visitation. Since they couldn’t have the birth certificate changed unless he was the real father, he concocted a ridiculous plan to get a paternity test altered in his favor. As much as I wanted there to be another way, I knew we had to do what was best for Bella.

I may have been shitty when it came to girls, but my family was a different story. They were always my first priority, even my brother in law, Tyler. After having the test done, we all stopped by the salon for something Miranda needed. I was happy to see Amy and teased her about giving me a haircut. I kept my jokes to a minimum while my sister was in the room, but once she walked away, I pounced right on that shit.

“Hey, Beautiful, you think I could get my hair trimmed?” She was bending over picking up some hair to throw away.

I watched her look over at Ty and then back to me. “Your sister is fully capable of cutting that head.”

I sat down in her seat anyway. “I reckon I’d rather have you do it.” I removed my hat and smiled, showing off my dimples like it was going to win me the prize.

Amy was getting irritated with me. “I don’t have time to cut it.”

After looking around the salon and noticing they were closed for lunch, I saw my opportunity to push her some more. “It won’t take long.” I looked over to Ty, not really caring what he thought.

“Come on, Beautiful, just a quick trim. I don’t bite, well at least not unless you ask me to.” She looked mortified as I blew her a quick kiss through the mirror.
