Read Books Novel

Wanting More

Wanting More (Mitchell Family #5)(12)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“You’re a pig, Conner Healy. Stop calling me beautiful.”

“Why? It’s the truth. I think you’re sexy as hell.” She already should have known that. If I had a real type, like to describe the perfect woman, she would fit the bill.

“Well, let me remind you that I’m married.” She held her ring up in my face.

“You’re so pretty when you get all roused up. It’s just a haircut, sweetness. Surely you’ve cut other sexy men’s hair before.”

I wasn’t giving up. She smelled of pomegranate and I wanted to taste her sweet lips again.

“Fine one haircut, but you’re paying double for getting on my nerves,” she teased.

The first time she ran her hands through my hair, I closed my eyes. I imagined her grabbing it while riding on top of me, with her tits swinging all around. When I opened my eyes, they were the first thing I looked for. “I bet you imagined runnin’ your hands through it, haven’t you?”

She took a huge chunk in her hand and jerked my head back. I think I liked it more than it hurt. She gritted her teeth. “If you don’t cut it out, I’m going to shave it all off.”

It made my dick start to get hard, so I reached my arms around her and pulled her up against my body. She stood there, not letting go of me. “When are you goin’ to stop fightin’ this?”

“There is no this!” She took her hands and moved them from her body to mine.

I had enough of the games and needed to either f**k her or walk away. I leaned in toward her ear. “Maybe next time then.” Then I walked out of the salon.

Chapter 6


Avoiding Conner Healy at all cost was normally easy, unless he was walking in my shop, throwing his sexy mouth against mine. Then it was a bit more difficult. I had too many of my own problems to add him to the mix.

After spending the night in the motel room with him, I made it a point to steer clear of Miranda and Ty’s, even when Rick and I were fighting. Things seemed to calm down after the night I never came home. He thought I stayed at Miranda’s and never asked any questions. Although, he still needed to know my every move.

Keeping someone like Conner off of my mind was harder than I thought. Even when I was hating him, I was still thinking about him. In fact, I couldn’t stop. During the day I found myself listening to Miranda complaining about him and when I went home at night, I daydreamed about his hot body and the way it felt when he kissed me.

I don’t know how apparent I was, but Rick started accusing me of having an affair. Of course, I hadn’t seen or talked to Conner, or anyone else for that matter. It was a pure coincidence, but it didn’t seem to change his accusations. Rick had it in his head that I was having some heated affair and it was enough to send him over the edge at any moment.

Thankfully, I was able to avoid him until he went out on the road again. When he wasn’t home, I laid in bed and tried to think of an easy way out of my marriage. Not because I wanted to be with Conner. He was a total ass**le and nothing was going to change my mind about that. Sure, his body was unbelievable, but everything out of his mouth was bullshit. Still, there was something about that man that made me so hot with desire. Seeing him naked made it even harder and I hated that he knew that. It was like he was intentionally torturing me with his shallowness and my stupid self was taking the bait.

As the weeks passed, Conner’s unexpected visits became less frequent. It was almost like he knew that I had him out of my system and then could come walking back into my mind, just because he knew he could. I wanted to scream, but the other part of me wanting to touch him and do a lot more. He was my poison and even though I knew it was dangerous, I wanted to drink him down and let him fill every inch of my body with ecstasy. Still, I knew that I only thought I wanted him so much, because I wasn’t supposed to. It was something that had always been a problem for me. I never did like the word ‘no’.

I don’t know whether it made things harder or easier, but Rick had been making an effort at being a better person and he’d laid off of the alcohol and stopped accusing me of having some hot affair, for the most part. I was still trying to save up money to leave, but his work was slow and I couldn’t afford to stash much away without him noticing. I’d devised a nine month plan, but the longer time went by, the more I struggled to save.

There was a time where I was head over heels in love with Rick. That time was gone and for the most part the man repulsed me. Even on his good days, the man I used to admire was gone. He was bitter and verbally abusive, so much so that even his own child couldn’t stand him. She was still rebelling, like always. In fact, I was surprised that she hadn’t just moved in with one of her friends to get away from it all.

My life was a repetitive prison and as much as I ran toward the end of the dark tunnel, I couldn’t seem to break free. Time was against me and without friends I felt completely alone. As much as I wanted to believe that Rick would never lay a hand on me, like he kept promising, I knew it was only a matter of time before I was forced into a corner of the house by the back of his hand, or whatever else he felt like using at the time.

It wasn’t like I never thought about fighting back. I had so many times. I’d played out how I could use objects around the house to stop him from getting to me. I’d even considered hurting him while he was passed out. Sometimes I wondered if living in a jail cell for murdering my husband was a far better future than suffering from his abuse.

On one of Rick’s bad days, I went home to him throwing things at my head as I walked in the door. I managed to duck out of the way for the first thing, but got hit by the remote control as it slammed me in the back of my head. “Where you been at, you whore?”

I held my hands over my head and tried so hard not to cry. “I just got off work, I swear. I had a late perm appointment and it wasn’t setting like I thought it would.”

He came over and grabbed me by my hair, shoving me into a chair. “Look at you, all dolled up. You think I don’t know what you’re doing? You let me catch you with that son of a bitch and you will both be sorry. You hear me, bitch?”

“Rick, please,” I cried. “There isn’t anyone else. Please stop hurting me and calling me names. I can’t take it anymore. I don’t deserve it.” I was pleading with him.

He started laughing all up in my face. I could smell the wretched odor of stale liquor and cigarette breath. “You deserve nothing! Get yourself cleaned up and go fetch me more beer. Do something useful for a damn change.”
