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Wanting More

Wanting More (Mitchell Family #5)(19)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He stayed close to me. “Do you love your husband? Do you want to be married and work things out with the man?”

I shook my head. “Of course not! How could you ask me that. You know more than anyone how afraid I am of him. If I had a place to go, I would have left already.”

He leaned down and kissed me. “And what about me? You sayin’ you want this to happen again?”

I nodded my head and looked him dead in the eye. “You know I do. I can’t even lie about it anymore. I don’t care if it’s wrong. The problem is, I’m not free. He watches my every move. He checks my phone calls and roots through my purse. He probably has people watching me too.”

Rick scared me. I wanted nothing more than to be divorced from that son of a bitch, but the timing had to be right for it to happen, or else I could be putting my life in real danger.

Conner set his chin on my abdomen and looked up at me. He traced the skin around my breast as he spoke. “Darlin’, I will find a way to see you, I promise.”

“Kiss me.”

Conner cocked his eyebrow. “Where?”


He started on my stomach and worked his way down between my legs, placing small soft kisses as he moved around. When he got to my pu**y, he continued placing the tiny kisses over it and all around my inner thighs. I wanted to feel his hot tongue, but he just teased me with his lips some more. “You goin’ to beg me?”

I sat up and looked down at him coming so close to licking my hot sex. He kept teasing it with his tongue, making me want to jerk my hips up just to feel it on me. “Please don’t make me beg you.”

He kissed it again, this time holding his lips there longer. “How long did I have to wait for this night? I want to hear you say it.”

I began to laugh, thinking of all the times he taunted me and all the times I shut him down. Sure his stolen kisses got me all hot and bothered, but at the time I found them inappropriate. Now, I wanted to feel Conner’s hands on me; his mouth on me. While he waited for my reply, he placed more kisses all around my sex. “Conner, please use your tongue, before I go insane. I want you to lick me and never stop!” I let out a whimper, just remembering how he made me feel before.

“I knew you’d beg.”

Before he could dive in, I tossed a pillow at him. “Shut up and get to work, cowboy.”

I felt his tongue sliding between the folds and the room began to spin again. His tongue was a tool, designed for this very task. I screamed his name, I shuddered, I trembled and when it was all over, I was ready to do whatever he asked me.

Chapter 11


We stayed up as long as we could before our tired bodies gave out on us. When I woke up the next morning, with Amy still in my arms, I actually felt happy about it. This little game had taken me by surprise and turned into something I wanted more of. Now, the problem was going to be finding a way to make it happen.

Amy’s overbearing husband already didn’t trust her, and her staying out all night wasn’t going to play to our favor. Sure, she would say she stayed with my sister, or someone else, but he wasn’t going to believe that every single time. Amy opened her eyes and sat up. "Oh my God! Conner what time is it?"

"Just six. The sun is just risin’."

She ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. I put my arms behind my head and waited for her to come back out. "We have to go! You have to take me back to my car."

I tried to grab her, to pull her back in bed, but she thrashed her arm around and forced me to let go. "Please, Conner."

Since she was apparently in some kind of freak out mode, I climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom. When I came out, she was dressed back in her regular clothes and had everything that was mine packed back in my bag. "Guess you’re ready to roll?"

"I just need to get home before he wakes up."

I grabbed the door and held it open for her. I handed her the keys as she passed me and tried to get a smile from her, but her face was cold and determined. I had to admit, it felt like she was blowing me off and I wasn’t used to that. After tossing my key card in the night drop box, I climbed in my truck and found her sitting there waiting for me with her hands folded. The ride back to town was uneventful. She sat there looking out the window, refusing to look my way. I wasn’t really sure what to say to her. I knew she was worried about that deadbeat husband catching her, but she wouldn’t speak to me; the one person that kept her safe. My stomach started to hurt when I pulled up to the parking lot across from her car. I didn’t want to make it obvious and pull up next to it in case someone was watching. She grabbed her keys off my dash and opened the truck door, but I reached over and got ahold of her arm before she could jump out. "Amy, wait."

She still wouldn’t look at me. "Conner, please don’t make this awkward."

Damn, the roles were reversing on me and I suddenly felt like one of the girls I dropped off and never called again. "When can I see you again?"

She looked down and shook her head. "I don’t know right now."

"Do I get a kiss goodbye?"

She finally turned to look at me with tears in her eyes. "I’m sorry, Conner. I can’t. I have to go."

I watched her walk all the way to her car before pulling away and heading back to the farm. I had to admit, I didn’t like the cold side of Amy. After having such an intense night with her, the last thing I wanted to do was say goodbye.

Ty met me outside when I got home. He was in his mechanic uniform and putting Bella’s bag in the Jeep for school. "Late night, dude?"

"Somethin’ like that."

He shook his head. "Steer clear of your sister, bro. She’s been looking for you."

Ty and I had become close again. He’d proven just how much he loved the girls and I knew he’d do just about anything to keep them safe. I had a new appreciation for him.

With my sister being pregnant and them both being consumed with worry over the paternity issues, Miranda used me as her escape. She was forever trying to dictate my life and tell me who I could see and what I should do.

I headed into the barn to wait out my sister leaving for work. Once I saw them drive away, I went into the house and threw my clothes from the bag in the wash. I grabbed something to eat and went about my day working the farm.

By lunch my thoughts were all on Amy. I wondered if she was okay. I wanted to know if Rick was up waiting for her when she got home, but mostly I wanted to know if she was thinking about me. It was crazy. I’d never cared what anyone thought about me, until now.
