Read Books Novel

Wanting More

Wanting More (Mitchell Family #5)(2)
Author: Jennifer Foor

She teased me with her tongue. “You never complain.”

From the moment I swallowed that pill, I knew it was a mistake. Brina was the last thing I needed, and I knew exactly what would happen if I came out to see her. We always met at this barn outside of town. We’d f**k for a while and then go our separate ways. Unfortunately, that one pill had me all sorts of messed up and even after a few hours, I was in no shape to drive myself home. I honestly don’t even remember f**king the little ginger, but I’m sure it happened. It wasn’t like she was an unforgettable lay. She was alright, but nothing to write home to Momma about. The more I was with her, the more she became clingy. I was starting to wonder if women who just wanted a good time didn’t really exist. At first they were cool, but every damn one ended wanting something more.

By the time we got home everyone was asleep. I snuck Brina back into my bedroom and gave her some clothes to change into. Of course, for the rest of the night as I lay there high as a kite, she kept trying to cuddle with me.

I didn’t cuddle.


I had planned on waking up early the next morning and getting Brina out of the house, before anyone knew she was there, but I knew that plan went to shit when Ty came barging in my bedroom and Brina wasn’t in the bed beside me.

He spoke in a whisper. “Get that bitch out of my f**king house.”

“Calm down! She ain’t stayin’. I needed her to ride me home last night, that’s all.”

I went to get up to take a piss, but Ty blocked the door. “Why would you need a ride home?”

“None of your damn business, Ty, now get the f**k out of my way.”

He pushed me back into my room and on my bed. I started to get up to go after him, but my sister jumped in between us. “If you don’t get that slut out of my house right now, I swear to God that I am calling Mom and telling her everything. Then I’ll be shipping your ass back home to deal with her.”

I held up my hands. “Fine!”

That was the last thing that I wanted, so I pulled on some jeans and took Brina home. I know my sister or Ty must have said something to her, because she never spoke to me the whole way, even when she jumped out to leave.

I waited for her to pull out of the lot before I headed home. Brina was bad news and if I wanted to stay, I need to get my shit straight. When I got back to the farm, I’d already decided I wasn’t going to see her anymore. She only cared about herself and as much as I hated not having any real friends, I didn’t need one like her.

I avoided my sister and Ty for the rest of the day, but as the sun started to set, I was feening for another pill. I don’t know how many times I pulled out my phone and started to dial her number, or even considered sneaking in the medicine cabinets in the main farm house to see if there was any pain medication left over. I know, I was really desperate, but I needed it.

Thankfully, Harvey found me in the barn and hung out with me for the rest of the day. My sister waited for me to come in to go to bed and after another one of her lectures, where she cried and I listened, I promised that I would stop for good.

I did good for the next week and found if I kept myself busy, I didn’t think about it as much. I busted my ass every day, so that when it was time to quit, I would pass out from exhaustion.

They say that addicts can mentally create ailments giving them an excuse to start using again. I don’t know whether it was all in my head or not, but my back was killing me and I knew a Tylenol wasn’t going to cut it.

Unfortunately, that little redhead was sitting in the living room when I came out from my shower and my sister was hugging her as she cried. “Just stay here tonight. He won’t come looking for you and if he does, Ty will hide your car in the barn and he won’t even know you’re here.”

I grabbed an apple and leaned against the counter. Miranda’s friend, Amy, was a hottie. Her hair was dyed red and even though it was up in some kind of messy bun, it looked sexy. She had a face full of tears, but I couldn’t stop staring at her.

Ty walked into the kitchen and saw what I was looking at. “Dude, don’t even think about it. Not only is she married, but the guy is a complete drunk. Just stay away from that shit, man.”

“Why doesn’t she just leave? Obviously, she ain’t happy.”

“Look, she is your sister’s best friend here. Please just stay away from Amy. I see you looking. You need to stop focusing on pu**y and concentrate on getting yourself straight. I had to fight your sister to get you to stay here. Please, Conner, just kick the habit. She loves you so much.”

I kept looking over at Amy. From the angle that she sat, she couldn’t see me watching her. Ty kicked me in the back of the leg. “Dude, she’s like thirty and not your type. She doesn’t want anything to do with guys like you. Don’t bother.”

“Guys like me?”

“I guess you’re forgetting the day you met her? She thinks you are a cocky son of a bitch with a hair up his ass. You don’t have a damn chance in hell, so just give up!”

I gave him a dirty look and walked away. I didn’t care how old the chick was, she was hot and the fact that she was off limits made it even better. I loved a challenge and I already knew how I was going to get a little closer to a piece of that pie.

Chapter 2


It had become apparent that all men were total douche bags. I’d spent the past seven years with a man who had gone from perfect to The-Incredible-Scum-of-the-World-Hulk. My husband, Rick, drove a truck for a living and was only home three to four days a week. When he wasn’t home, I had to take care of his seventeen year old daughter, who wasn’t exactly a peach to be around. Aside from running my own beauty salon, taking care of a house and a moody teenager, I didn’t really have much time for anything else.

Miranda was pretty much my only friend, with the exception of a few close clients, and even she didn’t know the whole truth about my marriage. The first year was great. Rick and I did a lot together. He helped me start up the salon and even fronted me all the money for it. At the time, he worked for a big mill right outside of town, but layoffs started happening and the next thing we knew, he was out of work. To bide his time, he turned to alcohol. It would have been nice for him to pick up the house or make a few meals, but instead he laid around on the couch until I would get home and bitch that dinner wasn’t ready at five.

I felt bad for his daughter. She was innocent in the beginning, and at first, I really tried to keep the problems away from her, but as time passed, he became more addicted to the binge drinking and there was no way to shield anyone from his wrath.
