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Wanting More

Wanting More (Mitchell Family #5)(32)
Author: Jennifer Foor

She was opening up and telling me everything I wanted to know. I knew I only needed one more date to seal the deal. The problem was, she was getting tired of giving me head with nothing but finger action and a little making out from me.

I knew I was going to have to sleep with her.

Amy and I were on the same page as far as Heather went, but I wasn’t sure if I was willing to blow my chances with her, to seal the deal with Heather. Losing her wasn’t an option for me. It was obvious that I’d never had feelings for anyone in my life like I did for Amy. Since I’d already waited this long to be with her, it just didn’t makes sense to let it all go.

Ty approached me about not being able to live the lie. He was unhappy at work and seemed to be on edge all of the time. I could see that it was tearing my sister apart. I think she believed it was just her pregnancy and that everything was going to go back to normal.

I will not forget the day she told me she was going out to run errands. She seemed weird, but I believed that she had things to do. She was so big and pregnant and just wanted everything in order.

Hours later Ty came home freaking out. “Where are they? Is something wrong?”

I stopped what I was doing. “Miranda said she ran out to run an errand. What’s wrong with you?”

Ty started frantically looking around. I had no idea what had gotten into him and my first thought was that he had told her the truth.

I followed him into the house and watched him walking in and out of every room. While he was freaking out, I saw something on the coffee table and walked closer for a better look. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “What the f**k! Ty, you need to get in here.”

His eyes were wet with tears as he came into the room. When he looked down and saw those photos of him and Heather, I was pretty sure it was the lowest point of his life.

I sat down and said nothing at first. I was just as shocked as Ty. I mean, to see those pictures certainly made him look guilty.

“She’s gone. She’s f**king gone.” He crushed one of the pictures up and threw it before turning to look at me.

I had a note in my hand and leaned over to hand it to him. “This was sitting on top of the pictures.”

This was so bad. My sister was out there somewhere freaking out. She was too pregnant to be traveling alone with Bella.

I already had an idea of what the letter said. If I knew my sister the way I thought I did, she freaked out and wrote the first thing that came to her mind, which to Ty’s dismay, was about them being over.

Sure enough, as his sniffles increased, he leaned over and handed me the paper. I had been right about her feelings and what the letter contained. I felt bad for both of them, because as much as I wanted to beat the shit out of Ty for being with my sister behind my back, I knew he loved her more than anything in the world now.

Ty got down on the floor and took another look at the incriminating pictures. I leaned down and put my hand on his shoulder. “It’s goin’ to be alright. I’m goin’ to help you get her back Ty.”

“What the f**k are you talking about? Have you seen these pictures? She’s gone, man. She’s never going to forgive me. I don’t even forgive myself.”

I flipped through them and just shook my head. They were pretty damn incriminating to look at.

Ty covered his face up to conceal some of his anguish. “Look at these, Ty. There isn’t one picture where you’re touching her with your own hands. She is doing everything, in fact look at this one.” I held one up. “I bet you a million dollars you never even had sex with this bitch.”

He just shook his head and started trying my sister again on the phone. I knew she wasn’t going to pick up. “Even if we could prove that, Miranda will never believe me. I lied to her. I kept it from her. How the hell did she even get these things?”

Ty needed to breathe. “You need to calm down. I know my sister. She may be mad, hell, she may even hate you right now, but she also loves you more than life itself. What you two have is somethin’ special. She can’t really think you’re this guy.” I pointed to the pictures again. “You don’t even have time to be this guy.”

“I f**ked it all up, all over papers to be Izzy’s real father. God, Conner, what am I going to do without them? What am I going to do?”

Like a freaking maniac, Ty went running out the front door. “Ty wait! Where are you goin’?”

“Drive me to the airport, Conner. If I leave in the next hour, I can beat her there.”

“She’s not goin’ to want to talk to you.”

“I don’t care. She needs to know the truth, even if she doesn’t want me anymore, she needs to know that I never wanted it to happen. I would never have done that to her or to our family. She’s all I want, she’s all I’ll ever want.”

“I get it Ty, but right now, she’s a mess. Hell, she couldn’t even tell me what she was plannin’. Just give her a few days. She’ll miss you and want to talk. Come on Ty, she was willing to trust Tucker again, she’ll forgive you. I will help you.”

He continued shaking his head and pacing around. “I can’t just stand here waiting. I have to see her. I have to be close to her. I need to see my wife.”

“Fine, I’ll take you. When things get worse, don’t say I didn’t tell you so. I know my sister and she needs time.”

“She needs to know that those pictures were not my doing. I threw up when that bitch tried to kiss me. Do you really think I’d let her put her f**king pu**y in my face? You’re a f**king guy, and I know that you wouldn’t do that shit to someone you hated. I’ve done that to two people in my life and you know both of them. That is the picture that broke your sister’s heart. She needs to know it ain’t real.”

I threw my hands in the air. Arguing with him was a lost cause. He was completely irrational.

“I need to call Van.”

I turned around wondering if I’d heard him right. “You really think you want to talk to her about this? Isn’t Heather the one who Van caught you with? You really think she’ll believe you?”

Ty’s hands came down on my dashboard. “God Damnit! I don’t know what to f**king do. I messed up so bad. This isn’t just about losing my wife, I’m losing my whole family. Heather knew this would happen. She did this shit on purpose to ruin my life.”

I pulled over and put the car in park. “Just hear me out. I know the shit is crazy right now, but neither one of you are goin’ to do any good to each other by hashing this out tonight. Let her get to Kentucky and calm down. Call Colt and Van if you need to, but just wait this out, Ty. I got a plan that might just save your marriage. I need you to calm down and trust me. Can you do that?”
