Read Books Novel

Wanting More

Wanting More (Mitchell Family #5)(42)
Author: Jennifer Foor

When can I see you again? -R

"Holy f**k!"

Talk about a full f**king circle. I knew he cheated on Amy, even she knew it, but to hook up with someone his wife was hooking someone else up with, that was f**ked up.

I don’t even remember putting my clothes on, but I was dressed and on my way out of the house. I thought I’d have to spend the night to find what I was looking for.

I heard the water turning off when I reached the front door. I don’t know what got into me, but I went into her room and sat down on her bed.

She walked in with a big smile on her face, but when she saw me sitting with the camera in my hands, she froze. "What are you doing?" She tried to grab it, but I pulled it away from her.

"How long ago was this taken? I mean, you said you haven’t seen anyone in over a year, but these were just months ago and clearly there is more going on than hanging out with friends."

She shook her head. "No, it isn’t what you think. I swear, it was just a joke we played on our drunk friend. We never even had sex. He was passed out the whole time, you have to believe me. Conner, I really like you. I want this to work between us. Just tell me what I have to do to prove it."

I started to chuckle. "Who’s the guy?"

"Just a friend from school."

"So you never slept with him before?"

She shook her head and put her hands in her face. "He’s the one I was in love with. He’s married now with kids."

"So you played this kind of joke on a married man? Did he think it was funny?"

She shrugged her shoulders and started to cry. "I don’t know. I never told him I took the pictures."

"Heather, I’m all about havin’ a good time, but this seems like some kind of blackmail scheme. Were you planning on keeping these and showing them to people."

"Conner, just forget about them." She was freaking out and it made me want to laugh in her pathetic face. "It’s ancient history."

"You did show them didn’t you?"

She continued to cry. "Yeah, I did okay. He hurt me and I just wanted to hurt him, so I showed the pictures to his little bitch wife. Are you happy now?"

I got up in her face. "Let me tell you what I am, Heather. I have this sister that I would lay down and die for and because some stupid whore had a vendetta with her husband, she took pictures of the guy and made it look like he’d cheated on her. She went out with her young daughter and hit a deer on her way to leave her husband. My sister went into premature labor and started to bleed to death. She delivered twin boys, that had to be out on respirators, while she fought to stay alive. All because of your f**king pictures. You want to know how I feel about stupid little bitches that think they can ruin people’s lives for fun? You should be charged with attempted manslaughter. I almost lost my only sister."

She backed away from me and balled up like I was going to hurt her. "Please, I didn’t know she was your sister. You have to believe me. You never told me you were related to her. You said you were here on business."

"I am."

"I didn’t know about the accident Conner, I swear I wouldn’t have done it. I’m so sorry. Oh my god I’m so sorry."

I stood up and tossed her cell phone at her. "Call someone who cares." When I reached the doorway, I stopped and turned around. "You come near my family again, for any f**king reason, and I swear to god I will kill you myself. You understand?"

She shook her head as I walked out.

Chapter 26


I was sitting at home, trying to find something to watch or do to keep my mind off of what I knew was happening. Knowing that Conner was with Heather made me feel sick to my stomach. I didn’t get why he felt like he had to sleep with her. I guess it was all part of his ultimate revenge plan, but the fact that he was willing to go that route, even when I begged him not to, hurt me so much.

I kept checking my phone, looking for messages from him, but the screen was still empty.

I had no appetite, nor did I want to soak in a tub and try to relax. There was no way for me to relax.

After two glasses of cheap wine, I was feeling more calm. When the bottle was finished off I knew I would be able to fall asleep.

I don’t know what time it was, but a vibrating phone woke me up. I was on the couch and the television was still on. I knew who the caller was since he was the only person to have the number.


Blaze, I need you.

It didn’t matter how groggy I was or that I’d had too many glasses of wine to drink. I wasn’t worried about being caught. All I cared about was getting to Conner.

Where are you?

I’m sitting on the side of the road.

Have you been drinking? His words were slurred and he didn’t sound normal.


Tell me where you are and I’ll come get you. I knew what I was saying, but I’d been drinking too. Shit!

He told me where he was and I didn’t hesitate when I left my house and headed in his direction. His truck was pulled over in an old parking lot. I pulled up beside him and rushed to his passenger side door. He leaned over and opened it for me to be able to climb inside.

Conner looked terrible.

Aside from him looking like he’d been crying again, his eyes were barely open. "I f**ked up, Amy."

"I don’t want to know the details. It hasn’t exactly been an easy night for me."

He grabbed my hand and sat it in his lap. "I ain’t even talkin’ about that part. I had to do something’ else tonight."

I don’t know why, but the first thing that came to my mind was that he killed Heather. Not that I would ever think Conner was that violent of a man, but after everything she had done, maybe he just lost it and accidentally killed her. My eyes got wide and I looked right at him. "What did you do? Please tell me it wasn’t anything illegal."

He scrunched up his face like it pained him to talk about it. "It depends. If nobody reports me, then I think I’m in the clear."

My heart was beating like a freight train was coming straight at me. "Oh my God, Conner, what did you do? Do we need to leave town? Do you think they found the body yet? Oh God this is so bad, just tell me how to help you. I know it was an accident…"

He put his hand over my mouth and started laughing at me. "Would you shut up. Damn, you really think I killed a person? Are you for real right now?" He kept laughing at me as I shrugged and felt both bad for assuming and relieved that he hadn’t. "I popped two Percs at Heather’s. I tried to drink down some whiskey before I went in, but I still couldn’t focus. I’ve never had a damn problem until you came along and f**ked up everything about the way I lived my life."
