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Wanting More

Wanting More (Mitchell Family #5)(44)
Author: Jennifer Foor

So much for being strong.

He grabbed my hand and tried to pull me back against him. "Are you jealous? You want me to f**k you like that? I’ll give you whatever you want, darlin’."

I kept telling myself it was because he was stoned. He would never hurt me like that.

But he was…

Tears streamed down my eyes. "Shut up! So help me God, I will leave your ass here all alone if you don’t shut up right now."

"Don’t be jealous."

"I’m not!"

He sat up and turned in my direction. He couldn’t even keep his eyes open when he talked. I watched him lift his arms and point to me. "You are so."

I could barely speak I was crying so bad. "Did you wear protection, Conner? Please tell me you did."

He scrunched his face up. "How could you even ask me that, Blaze?"

"I want a straight answer."

"Yes. You’re the only woman I’ve ever been with and not used somethin’. I told you that the first time we were together. After feelin’ how much better it felt, I never wanted to wear one again, but yeah, I wore protection. Not that you have to worry about me givin’ you something from Heather. I’m afraid if she has somethin’ you and I may already have it."

I sat down on the bed and shook my head. "What are you talking about? I’ve never slept with someone that Heather’s been with."

He laughed again and it was really pissing me off. "When is the last time you slept with Rick?"

I wanted to vomit and for the first time since we got to the hotel, Conner’s eyes got real big. "Why are you asking me that?"

"Answer me."

I swallowed the knot in my throat. "I don’t know. Months ago. Maybe it was even longer. It’s been a long time. He and I stay away from each other now."

He grabbed my hands and played with them. "Darlin’, Rick’s f**kin’ Heather."

Chapter 27


I woke up wondering where the hell I was at. To make matters worse, Amy was in the room with me and she wasn’t sharing my bed. I tried to think back on what had happened, but it was all a blank after I left Heather’s place.

I knew the reason why I felt like shit right away. I’d done something stupid, but my main concern wasn’t myself, it was why the woman I loved was sleeping in a separate bed from me.

I got up to go to the bathroom and the room was spinning around. When I got to the mirror I couldn’t believe how bad I looked. After taking care of business, I headed back to the beds and looked out the window to see it was still dark out. I looked at the bed I’d slept in, but chose to climb in beside Amy instead. She let out a little moan when I reached my hands around her waist and pulled her close to me. Something was wrong.

I kissed into her neck and as she stirred she pulled away from me. "Don’t Conner. I don’t want to talk to you right now."

"I wasn’t tryin’ to talk. I just wanted to sleep in the same bed, but now that I know you’re mad, I want to know why."

She backed away and turned to face the opposite direction again. "You don’t get to ask me that right now."

"The hell I don’t. You better tell me. Did I say somethin’ to make you mad? I promise you that I didn’t mean to hurt your feelin’s."

She put her hands in her face. "How long have they been sleeping together?"

Oh hell, I didn’t remember saying all that. I ran my hands through my hair and considered what to say without pissing her off more. “I can’t prove that they are sleepin’ together, but I saw a text message he sent her askin’ when he could see her again. Since I’ve known Heather I would say she can’t just be friends with a guy, especially if that guy is trying to get some from her.”

She laid back down and played with her hair. I saw her looking at little strands of it as if she were trying to avoid making eye contact with me. “That’s just great. That little f**king whore just can’t shut her legs can she?”

I laid down on my stomach, but turned my head to face her. “Amy, are you upset because of what I did with her, or what he did? I can assure you that after she found out who I was even she knew it meant nothin’ to me.”

If she was jealous of Rick and Heather I was going to be pissed because it would mean that after everything he’d done to her, she still had feelings for him. “Maybe a little of both. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I hate Rick. I wish he would drop off the face of the earth, but that is f**ked up in so many ways. We went to that dinner to hook the two of you up and the whole time he was trying to get into her pants too. When did he even manage to get her number?”

“When I had you in the bathroom with me, I reckon’.”

“Oh, yeah. When we came back they were in a serious conversation. I guess I was too involved with other things to notice them.”

“Me too. All I could think about was you leavin’ with him.”

“All I could think about was you leaving with her.”

I knew she was watching me that night, but I was mad. I wanted her to be with me, not riding home with that bastard. Then it turns out he was even more of a douche than I had originally thought. “I told you this that night and I’ll tell you again right now, I never wanted her.”

“Conner, we can use this to our advantage. If I can get pictures of them hooking up, I can blackmail him into letting me leave and keeping my business. He also doesn’t want the town knowing that I cheated on him. He wants everyone to think he’s this great guy.”

“He ain’t a great guy. He’s a f**kin’ drunk.”

“Would you just consider what I am saying to you? It’s going to take time either way. I already downloaded a cloning app on my phone. When he gets home I am going to copy it to his phone and track his phone calls. When I find out when they are meeting we can get the photos.”

She rolled over on her stomach and mimicked my position. I reached over and moved her hair away from her face. “Wouldn’t it just be easier to hire someone to look into his personal shit?”

“I can’t afford it.”

“I’ll give you the money.”

She shook her head. “I can’t let you do that. This is my mess.”

“Darlin’, you’re my girlfriend. If I want to give you money that will help us be together, then let me.”

She started crying again. “I want to be your girlfriend, more than anything Conner, but I have to get out of my marriage first. The only reason I haven’t left yet is because I will lose everything. If I can pull this off, I could possibly keep my salon without having to fight him in court.”
